8 din cele mai bune jocuri făcute vreodată. Pentru 50$. Exclusiv pe PS3. Cât de ****ing awesome.Exclusive to the PS3, Konami and Kojima Studios partnered with Sony to reveal an exclusive for the PS3 titled Metal Gear Solid: Legacy. It contains eight full games- Metal Gear, Metal Gear 2, Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid 2: HD Edition, Metal Gear Solid 3: HD Edition, Metal Gear Solid 4, Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker HD Edition, and Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions. Not only that, but it will include two Ashley Wood Bande Desinee graphic novels that have never been released in North America or Latin America before. Still not convinced? How about the inclusion of a 100 page artbook?
All of this for $49.99. You can pre-order it on Amazon and other retailers.
Un link pentru preorder: Amazon.com: Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection: Video Games