Maintenance and Diablo III is Already Running - Forums - Diablo III
---------- Post added 29-05-2012 at 11:33 PM ----------
care aveti client de us dezinstalati si trageti client pt english/eu altfel da eroarea aia stupida
Maintenance and Diablo III is Already Running - Forums - Diablo III
---------- Post added 29-05-2012 at 11:33 PM ----------
care aveti client de us dezinstalati si trageti client pt english/eu altfel da eroarea aia stupida
Patch Notes - 5/29/2012
- Diablo III Patch 1.0.2 - v.
- Classes
Monk -> Active Skills -> Serenity -> Skill Rune -> Tranquility
Duration of immunity granted to nearby allies from crowd control effects reduced from 2 seconds to 1 second- Bug Fixes
For a full list of documented game and service bugs, please review the Known Issues sticky located in the Bug Report forum.- General
Players should no longer receive an "Error 14009" when logging in
The "Select a Hero" menu will now also display the difficulty level for each character
Several speed improvements have been made to the streaming downloader- Achievements
All players in a party should now receive "Till Death Do Us Part" even if they don�t have Haedrig Eamon as their active follower- Acts
Act IV
Witch Doctors should no longer receive an error if they kill a Shadow Clone with a Damage-Over-Time (DoT) skill after it's launched a Firebomb but before it's reached its target- Auction House
The auction log in the Completed tab will now display a player's activity (bids, buyouts, sales, etc) in the proper order
When placing a new bid over a previous bid on the same auction, players will now be provided with the correct warning message: "Raising your maximum bid on an Auction you are already winning raises your current bid to just above your previous maximum bid. Are you sure you want to continue?"
Players will now receive an error message if they attempt to purchase an item after the 50 item limit has been reached in the Completed tab
The "Physical Damage" Preferred Stats option for rings has been renamed to "Bonus Minimum Physical Damage"
The "All Damage" Preferred Stats option for weapons and armor has been removed and replaced with bonuses of specific damage types
Items which have been purchased from a vendor and equipped by the player can now be sold on the Auction House
Listing items on the Auction House from a different character than the one currently selected should no longer cause item display issues-
The public chat list will now sort alphabetically- Classes
Witch Doctor
Spirit Vessel (Passive) no longer clears debuffs when using waypoints or changing equipment
Are cineva idee de ce am sunetul decalat fata de imagine in cinematicuri? Imi strica tot farmecul...
este cineva cu un baba/monk pe inferno act2? pt ca deja in actul 2 este alt film. 1shot de la orice mizerie de mob. 55k dmg
pe bune actul 1 il farmez. in actul 2 e alt film. si daca intri in ah degeaba man. mobii normali zici ca sunt champs/rare. fast/poison/bomber/etc
orice hit e 1shot. sunt curios un baba/monk ce poate face acolo. eu sunt dh cu 40k life si 45k dps
Inaite sa ajung pe Inferno trebuie intai sa mai joc, logic. Here I am: am ajuns acasa dupa munca, abia asteptam sa mai joc cu WD, (am un monk lvl 33 care o asteapta pe Wiz girlfiend pe NM) dar surpriza !
Nu se conecteaza.. servers are full. Voi va puteti conecta ?
WTF man...
Nope....probleme cu serverele . Imi mai trebuie diablo sa trec pe Inferno.
@Bodo: DH care a terminat Inferno. Build- Demon Hunter - Game Guide - Diablo III
Nu imi place deloc directia in care o ia gaming-ul (mainstream). Dar deloc.
Daca Diablo 3 ar fi fost facut de altcineva si nu Blizz.. scuzati-ma Activision Blizzard ar fi fost mult mai bun decat e. L-am fi putut juca cand avem chef sper exemplu !
Nu sunteti de acord ? Come on guys ce se intampla nu e deloc ok.
best comment: meanwhile at blizzard
pff 3 piese de e problema de lucrat la gear dar sa ne lase sa intram intai. apoi sa faca draq ceva sa si si pice iteme. ca unde mergi numa petarde iti pica...
---------- Post added 30-05-2012 at 08:19 PM ----------
LE: am bagat la misto la parola si acelasi mesaj da nici macar ca e parola gresita
De unde sti cat dmg primesti? Ai 55k life? Stie careva cum aflu lvl la mobi?
Am un prieten cu DH pe inferno si zicea la fel ca orice palma ia ramane cu 100 life
Mai am putin si ajung si eu la inferno cu monk dar dabia le fac fata prin hell.
Am fost in secret lvl hell eu cu monk55 si prietenu meucu dh 60, si nu ne atingeam deloc de champions.
Sent from my Nokia1100 using Tapatalk
S a anuntat de ieri ca serverele vor fi inchise azi Am mai vazut si pe alte forum-uri discutandu se de " Servers off (1)" si " Always Connected to Internet(2)" ca si " probleme ". Eu nu le vad deloc asa. Datorita (2) ei pot vedea foarte multe chestii ( exploit-uri, bug-uri etc.) si nu cred ca pot lucra la ele daca serverele sunt on La fel si cu drop-urile. E mult mai palpitant asa ( in acelasi timp frustrant). Daca nu ar fi fost acest sistem de " Random Items " + lipsa unui talent tree ar fi fost urat deorece toti ar tinti spre acelasi gear.
ai in optiuni la gameplay pt orice bifa: dmg/mob life/etc. lvlul nu il arata
---------- Post added 30-05-2012 at 09:41 PM ----------
serverele nu sunt off: KungenTV si mai am amici care sunt logati. e prima data cand am inchis jocul in timpul zilei. de obicei il las logat chiar daca nu joc.
Genial, da-i si bate bossul din actul II pe nightmare, hai ca mai are 10% din bara de viata... pac! serverul ma da afara . not cool man, not cool!