Patch 1.0.2 Now Live - Diablo III
Why ? De fiecare data cand intru ii dau leave channel, ma enerveaza.Players will now automatically join General chat when logging in
Patch 1.0.2 Now Live - Diablo III
Why ? De fiecare data cand intru ii dau leave channel, ma enerveaza.Players will now automatically join General chat when logging in
A sad day for gaming. Sunt cu un wizard in Inferno, act III, inainte de Azmodan. Ce sa zic, ma asteptam la mult mai mult:
loot system sucks
servers suck
bosses suck
story sucks
skills suck - o sa vedeti asta in Inferno dupa act 1. - practic toata lumea sta cu aceleasi bilduri, iar cea mai mare proportie de skilluri este inutila.
Damn you, Blizzard!
Apropos de loot:
Imi place tot postul si imi statea si mie pe creier optiunea asta:
Voi ce credeti de sugestiile tipului ?One Radical idea I would try:
1 ) Create a new "NO AH" softcore mode, and increase drop rates in those games to compensate for that change.
1 - expected change) better for people who want to play Diablo as a single player experience and feel like buying equipment in the AH is "cheating" (regardless of whether or not you feel that way, how a player sees them self in the game and expresses themselves in the game is incredibly important). I creates a valid way to progress through the game for them that will be successful. Because the AH is technically required (as the game has been designed around its use, it is required), a mode to turn it off would help that player base feel more validated by the game.
ps: acum cred si mai tare ca jocul este grabit.
sunt 100% de acord cu angellicus, in ce zice mai sus.
partea cu "no AH" este imposibila intr-un joc online, ori de il faceau gen Linage 2 unde ne strangeam toti intr-o piata (Giran) si vindeam/cumparam ori AH tot aia e. Este un "must have" la un joc online. Poate singura chestie care puteau sa o faca, era ca Personajul din single player sa nu il poti aduce in Multiplayer, automat sa nu poti pune iteme dupa AH pe el.. si toti erau happy, si bineinteles , ca modul SinglePLayer sa se joaca fara BattleNett, si jumatate din cei 6 mil erau si mai fericiti .
Completely useless. Mass spam cu items for sale de la copii care chiulesc prea mult de la scoala
Insa, referitor la AH, mie nu mi se pare deloc o idee rea si o prefer oricand farmingului. In fond, e mult mai pragmatic sa bagi bani /nu reali, aia chiar mi se pare o prostie/ in AH decat in crafting, unde de ficare data dai o mica avere pentru un item hit or miss. My two cents.
Enthroll si prietena.
Eu am luat disconnect c�nd jucam cu muski și nu mai pot intra de atunci.
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