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Thread: Diablo 3

  1. #861 SP
    Senior Member GeOKeR's Avatar
    @graft - scuze de insistenta...

  2. #862 SP
    Senior Member Mask's Avatar


  3. #863 SP
    Member Bogdan's Avatar
    Repercursiuni: Uninstall game!

  4. #864 SP
    Senior Member Mask's Avatar
    Barbarian God-Like Exploit Discovered in Diablo III

    Că tot e la modă GOD MODE-ul.

    Hai cu Torchlight 2.

  5. #865 SP
    Member Devergo's Avatar
    Se baga cineva la 4-pack de Torchlight 2?

  6. #866 SP
    Member sensamur's Avatar
    Salutare! Vreau sa-mi achizitionez urmatorul laptop Laptop Dell Inspiron N5110 cu procesor Intel� CoreTM i5-2430M 2.40GHz, 4GB, 320GB, nVidia GeForce GT 525M 1GB, Free DOS, Diamond Black DL-271962348 - si as fi tare curios daca merge binisor Diablo 3 pe el ( adica totul la high mai putin shadows ). In principal laptopul m-i se pare bunicel la banii astia dar sunt mare fan Blizzard si as fi tare dezamagit sa intampin probleme la jocurile lor. Imi poate da cineva cateva indicatii daca ar fi o alegere buna acest laptop sau ce alte dotari sa caut la un laptop ca sa mearga cat mai bn(mentionez ca sunt cam limitat la un buget de 25 de milioane, lei vechi).Multumesc mult!

  7. #867 SP
    Senior Member pooaul's Avatar
    Eu zic sa bagi banii de diablo 3 tot in laptop si sa lasi jocul, ca e o porcarie.

  8. #868 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by sensamur View Post
    Salutare! Vreau sa-mi achizitionez urmatorul laptop Laptop Dell Inspiron N5110 cu procesor Intel� CoreTM i5-2430M 2.40GHz, 4GB, 320GB, nVidia GeForce GT 525M 1GB, Free DOS, Diamond Black DL-271962348 - si as fi tare curios daca merge binisor Diablo 3 pe el ( adica totul la high mai putin shadows ). In principal laptopul m-i se pare bunicel la banii astia dar sunt mare fan Blizzard si as fi tare dezamagit sa intampin probleme la jocurile lor. Imi poate da cineva cateva indicatii daca ar fi o alegere buna acest laptop sau ce alte dotari sa caut la un laptop ca sa mearga cat mai bn(mentionez ca sunt cam limitat la un buget de 25 de milioane, lei vechi).Multumesc mult!
    Daca ţi-a placut diablo 2 nu cumpăra diablo 3, eu am fost dezamagit, as vrea sa dezvolt dar devin poate prea plictisitor, era un user, nu i-am retinut numele, care a avut o părere ft buna si pertinentă, in cazul un care vede postul il las pe el sa iti faca un rezumat

    Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk 2

  9. #869 SP
    Member sensamur's Avatar
    Ms mult de pareri dar totusi nu prea as depasii 30 mil pt laptop si cum am mai mentionat, vreau sa stiu ce ar trbui sa caut la un laptop ca sa mearga bine nu neaparat diablo 3 dar sc2 sau wow la detalii mari, sau nus dota 2 ,lol, hon.Momentan ma intereseaza un laptop bun nu jocu in sine ,si am ramas in urma mult cun info privint placile video si procesoarele cu care sa mearga in perfecta armonie.Deci daca are cnv o sugestie de laptop sunt dispus sa o iau in considerare.Ms mult inca o data!

  10. #870 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by sensamur View Post
    Ms mult de pareri dar totusi nu prea as depasii 30 mil pt laptop si cum am mai mentionat, vreau sa stiu ce ar trbui sa caut la un laptop ca sa mearga bine nu neaparat diablo 3 dar sc2 sau wow la detalii mari, sau nus dota 2 ,lol, hon.Momentan ma intereseaza un laptop bun nu jocu in sine ,si am ramas in urma mult cun info privint placile video si procesoarele cu care sa mearga in perfecta armonie.Deci daca are cnv o sugestie de laptop sunt dispus sa o iau in considerare.Ms mult inca o data!
    Eu ti-as sugera o placa video mai buna. Sa nu te uiti la laptopuri HP sau TOSHIBA. Am avut doua si s-au stricat imediat dupa iesirea din garantie. Ia Asus sau Dell. Acum le am pe cele doua si merg considerabil mai bine decat cele precedente.

  11. #871 SP
    Member sensamur's Avatar
    Pot intreba ce Dell si ASUS ai si mai exact ce intelegi printr-o placa video mai buna majoritatea au acelasi tip de placa video de 1gb ,2gb si rar am vazut 1,5gb dar evident trec de 30 mil.Si de unde ai cumparat laptopurile inafara de emag si pcmadd eu nu stiu mai stiu nici un sait bun si la mn in oras sunt numai laptoprui scumpe si prost dotate.

    ---------- Post added 31-07-2012 at 06:13 PM ----------

    Mi-a mai sarit in ochi si acest doua laptopuri Laptop Dell Inspiron N5110 cu procesor Intel� CoreTM i7-2670QM 2.20GHz, 4GB, 500GB, nVidia GeForce GT 525M 1GB, Free DOS, Fire Red DL-272001670 - si Laptop Asus K55VD-SX129D cu procesor Intel� CoreTM i5 3210M 2.50GHz, Ivy Bridge, 4GB, 500GB, nVidia GeForce GT 610M 2GB, FreeDOS K55VD-SX129D - Nu stiu pe care sa il aleg Dell cu i7 sau Asus cu 2gb placa video(nu sunt sigur daca face procesorul fata la placa video deoarece e i5)?

  12. #872 SP
    Senior Member pooaul's Avatar
    Poti incerca si Au preturi bune si eu am fost multumit de laptopul luat de la ei. Dar deja deviem de la ideea threadului.
    On topic: Diablo 3 sucks.

  13. #873 SP
    Member Mythul's Avatar
    Eu m-am lasat deja de vreo 3 sapt. Noroc ca am vandut contul cand inca mai valora ceva.
    Dezamagire majora.

  14. #874 SP
    Member muski's Avatar
    De cand mi-am scos noul card si am facut paypal (aprox 2 saptamani), 210 euro pana acum din iteme si creste Din 2 in 2 zile cam 10 euro cel putin... , Am vandut un inel cu 130 euro si azi o sabie cu 48 euro + nimicuri de 5 10 euro... .

    Eu il mai joc cat mai merge sa scot bani , oricum sunt cam plictisit de el. Acum doar farmez iteme pe orice nivel pe inferno... itemele caracterului meu (ma refer la iteme bune) avand in total peste 180 Magic Find (daca fac swap de iteme cu Magic Find la ultimul elite low hp ajung la 340 magic find). Spor la joc.

  15. #875 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Faptul ca poti face bani reali mi se pare cel mai frumos lucru in tot jocul.

  16. #876 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  17. #877 SP
    Member LeicaBogdan's Avatar

  18. #878 SP
    Member kaoru's Avatar
    Deci am iteme decente numa la 2, 3 euro si nu vand nimic -_- Eu nu mai inteleg.


    si al meu... >> Kaoru#2527 - Community - Diablo III

    PS: GZ eq-ul should show off sa vaza si oamenii cum tre sa arate un DH

  19. #879 SP
    Member bartonn's Avatar
    Blizzard Hacked - Evil Avatar

    Players and Friends,

    Even when you are in the business of fun, not every week ends up being fun. This week, our security team found an unauthorized and illegal access into our internal network here at Blizzard. We quickly took steps to close off this access and began working with law enforcement and security experts to investigate what happened.

    At this time, we’ve found no evidence that financial information such as credit cards, billing addresses, or real names were compromised. Our investigation is ongoing, but so far nothing suggests that these pieces of information have been accessed.

    Some data was illegally accessed, including a list of email addresses for global users, outside of China. For players on North American servers (which generally includes players from North America, Latin America, Australia, New Zealand, and Southeast Asia) the answer to the personal security question, and information relating to Mobile and Dial-In Authenticators were also accessed. Based on what we currently know, this information alone is NOT enough for anyone to gain access to accounts.

    We also know that cryptographically scrambled versions of passwords (not actual passwords) for players on North American servers were taken. We use Secure Remote Password protocol (SRP) to protect these passwords, which is designed to make it extremely difficult to extract the actual password, and also means that each password would have to be deciphered individually. As a precaution, however, we recommend that players on North American servers change their password. Please click this link to change your password. Moreover, if you have used the same or similar passwords for other purposes, you may want to consider changing those passwords as well.

    In the coming days, we'll be prompting players on North American servers to change their secret questions and answers through an automated process. Additionally, we'll prompt mobile authenticator users to update their authenticator software. As a reminder, phishing emails will ask you for password or login information. Blizzard Entertainment emails will never ask for your password. We deeply regret the inconvenience to all of you and understand you may have questions. Please find additional information here.

    We take the security of your personal information very seriously, and we are truly sorry that this has happened.

    Mike Morhaime

  20. #880 SP
    Member bartonn's Avatar
    Introducing the Paragon System - Diablo III

    Here’s how it works:

    After you hit level 60, any further experience you earn from killing monsters will begin to count toward Paragon levels
    There are 100 Paragon levels
    Every Paragon level will reward you with:

    Core stats such as Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence, and Vitality in amounts similar to what you’d gain from a normal level
    3% Magic Find and 3% Gold Find

    In addition, a distinctive increasingly-impressive border will surround your character portrait in the in-game party frame to denote your Paragon progression, with a new frame earned after every ten levels. Your Paragon level will also be visible to other players wherever your normal level is shown

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