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Forum: Software

Aplicatii si jocuri PC & Mac

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  1. Normal Threads

  2. Schimb joc STEAM cu Diablo IV BattleNet

    Schimb orice joc de pe steam in valoare de pana la 70 Euro cu Diablo IV pe platforma BattleNet PC.

    Started by xLx‎, 06-06-2023 13:34
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    • Views: 3,208
    06-06-2023, 13:34 Go to last post
  3. Thumbs up Schimb Last Epoch Steam Key

    Salutare, Vreau sa incerc Last Epoch pe Steam si daca sunteti interesati, pot sa ofer la schimb orice joc lansat de EA (orice platforma, digital key only). Cum functioneaza treaba? Scrieti aici/imi dati DM, imi spuneti ce joc vreti si facem schimb de KEYs, eu va dau jocul...

    Started by Rasher‎, 10-04-2023 21:41
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    • Views: 1,100
    10-04-2023, 21:41 Go to last post
  4. Cumpar World Of Warcraft Shadowlands Collector's Edition

    Buna ziua, Ma intereseaza atat sigilat cat si fara codurile de activare dar cutie completa. Preferabil in Bucuresti.

    Started by Baracuda‎, 14-03-2022 14:16
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 4,520
    01-06-2022, 13:24 Go to last post
  5. Vand joc sigilat Elden Ring pentru PC

    Vand joc sigilat Elden Ring pentru PC la pretul de 220 lei, doar cu predare personala in Bucuresti sector 3 / metrou 1 Decembrie. Pentru detalii ma puteti contacta prin PM.

    Started by mirceattl‎, 06-03-2022 17:45
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 662
    10-03-2022, 00:02 Go to last post
  6. Cumpăr World of Warcraft Shadowlands Collector's Edition

    Cumpăr World of Warcraft Shadowlands Collector's Edition, pot să preiau personal din Cluj-Napoca sau accept să fie trimis din altă localitate. Pot trimite un avans, dar prefer ca restul plății să fie făcută prin Ramburs. Accept pachetul și cu codurile folosite/cutie...

    Started by ExocrathX5‎, 04-02-2022 17:14
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 957
    15-02-2022, 10:40 Go to last post
  7. Vand jocuri PC

    Toate jocurile sunt complete, cu manual, in stare buna. Pretul e 100 de lei pentru toate din poza. Trimit gratuit prin curier cu optiunea de verificare colet sau predare in zona Mariott - Rahova - Bragadiru.

    Started by Espiritus‎, 02-04-2021 19:05
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,181
    01-06-2021, 11:53 Go to last post
  8. Vand Cont World of Tanks cu 12 zecari si 11 optari premium

    Object 260 Maus Super Conqueror T57 Heavy Tank Object 430U Object 140 TVP T 50/51 Progetto M40 mod.65 FV 4005 Object 268 ver.4

    Started by Eastlander‎, 24-11-2020 10:07
    • Replies: 9
    • Views: 1,823
    22-12-2020, 23:50 Go to last post
  9. Vând Diablo 3 Collector’s Edition PC / Mac

    Diablo 3 Collector’s Edition PC / Mac Preț - 300 lei Stare produs - Folosit - Conținut Collector’s Edition:

    Started by Graft‎, 31-08-2020 19:07
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,157
    08-09-2020, 16:43 Go to last post
  10. Vand Steam Wallet 20 Euro

    Pret 85 de lei pentru 20 euro sau 160 lei pentru 2×20 euro

    Started by Dant3‎, 11-08-2020 14:14
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    • Views: 690
    11-08-2020, 14:14 Go to last post
  11. Vand Call of Duty WWII + 2 DLC (Steam)

    Call of Duty WWII + 2 DLC-uri (3 coduri in total) - 100 lei

    Started by AccenT‎, 28-06-2020 10:50
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 794
    19-07-2020, 01:02 Go to last post
  12. Exclamation Vand cont STEAM

    Personal, email personal, achizitii cu cardul personal. pe langa mai sunt zeci si sute de dlc-uri achizitionate, care nu cred ca apar la calcul. Predarea/schimbul de email, se face la mine acasa. Ofer copie buletin etc. PRET: 350...

    Started by gopo2004‎, 16-05-2020 12:40
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 1,129
    18-06-2020, 10:48 Go to last post
  13. Vand Dark Souls III Prestige Edition pentru PC

    Precum scrie în titlu, se vinde un exemplar de Dark Souls III Prestige Edition pentru PC. Aceasta este o vânzare care se adresează în primul rând colecționarilor. Toate componentele listate pe cutie sunt prezente. Jocul nu a fost desigilat. Cutia mare a fost deschisă la...

    Started by Tiby4u‎, 04-06-2020 20:38
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    04-06-2020, 20:38 Go to last post
  14. Vand cont steam peste 200 jocuri Valoarea de azi a contului este intre 620€ — 2492€ Sunt multe (peste 200) jocuri, majoritatea serii FPS: COD, GTA V, Assasins Creed, Half Life, Hitman... Cont curat, fara ban VAC sau altceva, vechime peste 12 ani....

    Started by cartus‎, 16-04-2020 14:33
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    • Views: 1,207
    16-04-2020, 14:33 Go to last post
  15. Vand Call of Duty: Black Ops 4

    Buna ziua, Am la vanzare un key de pentru Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 + extra content = 120 RON Daca este cineva interesat, astept PM.

    Started by MaddMan‎, 18-06-2019 10:32
    • Replies: 11
    • Views: 1,422
    16-03-2020, 11:57 Go to last post
  16. Vand €50 Kinguin Gift Card sau cd-key pentru joc !

    Am un cod de 50 de euro pentru kinguin ! Mesaj pentru detalii ! Pret negociabil !

    Started by mosorwvlad‎, 04-03-2020 20:36
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    • Views: 779
    04-03-2020, 20:36 Go to last post
  17. Vand sau schimb jocuri PC in Bucuresti

    Vand sau schimb urmatoarele jocuri de calculator: - Area 51,10 lei. - Call of Juarez,complet,15 lei - E racer,fara manual, 7 lei. - Escape from paradise city,complet,15 lei - Halo Combat Evolved,fara manual,10 lei. - Halo Combat Evolved,complet,15 lei. - Harry...

    Started by stormmaker‎, 30-11-2012 16:34
    2 Pages
    1 ... 2
    • Replies: 21
    • Views: 4,129
    18-12-2019, 11:05 Go to last post
  18. [Vand] cod FIFA 20 Champions Edition PC

    Vand un cod de FIFA 20 Champions Edition PC - Se activeaza pe Origin Pret - 200lei

    Started by exodoom‎, 18-10-2019 12:35
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    • Views: 990
    19-10-2019, 19:35 Go to last post
  19. Vand Wolfenstein – Young Blood cod promotional PC

    Pret:150 ron Oraș : Bucuresti. Contact : Pm Va rog citiți detaliile. Vand Wolfenstein – Young Blood cod promotional pentru pc. Codul se oferă după transferul sau înmânarea personala a banilor. Pentru înmânarea personala, se poate face în București sector 2 in fata...

    Started by Adisas‎, 12-07-2019 11:25
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    • Views: 703
    12-07-2019, 11:25 Go to last post
  20. Vand cont origin cu FIFA 19 si FIFA 18

    Vand cont origin din 2017 cu FIFA 19 si FIFA 18 , pret 110 lei , IASI

    Started by RobertM95‎, 05-07-2019 22:30
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    • Views: 893
    05-07-2019, 22:30 Go to last post
  21. Vand cont (Call of Duty Black ops 4 si Destiny 2)

    Vand cont, ce contine 2 jocuri: -Destiny 2 -Call of duty Black os 4 Pret - 100 ron, plata in cont.

    Started by yarbaverde‎, 27-01-2019 21:01
    • Replies: 8
    • Views: 1,459
    08-03-2019, 21:45 Go to last post
  22. Vand jocuri PC plus steelbook bonus

    Se vinde lotul din poza, sunt 6 jocuri plus un steelbook bonus. NFS Pro Street - utilizat, stare buna Thief II - ca si nou, a fost desigilat de mine, dar neinstalat vreodata Doom3 - utilizat, stare buna Tomb Raider - sigilat (celofanul este un pic rupt jos) Dead Space -...

    Started by RaverX‎, 21-01-2019 01:16
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    21-01-2019, 01:16 Go to last post
  23. Vand cont Origin (Fifa17,Fifa18, NFS Payback and more) ieftin

    Vand un cont Origin cu FIFA17, FIFA18, NFS Payback, NFS Most Wanted 2012, Command & Conquer Red Alert 2, Dungeon Keeper, Mass Effect 2, Medal Of Honor - Pacific Assault, NOX, Peggle, Plants vs Zombies si Syberia II. Pentru acest cont pretul este de 99 RON. - Schimb adresa de...

    Started by johnalex‎, 04-11-2018 11:04
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,036
    07-11-2018, 17:35 Go to last post
  24. Vand jocuri PC

    Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition PC + DLC-uri 149 ron Warhammer: Vermintide II 75 ron Star Wars™ Pinball 30 ron Grid autosport - 20 ron Sid Meier's Civilization V - 25 ron Dungeons 2 - 25 ron

    Started by roccatsense‎, 16-08-2018 10:40
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,137
    21-08-2018, 18:00 Go to last post
  25. Vand Witcher 3 (pc) + ghid

    Vand jocul si ghidul Witcher 3 - 170 lei In alta localitate trimit cu transportul achitat in avans.

    Started by White117‎, 11-04-2017 17:40
    • Replies: 12
    • Views: 2,578
    03-02-2018, 21:24 Go to last post
  26. Vand cont Overwatch

    Vand cont Overwatch, level 19 Pret: 20 euro via Paypal Ofer primul datele contului face to face.

    Started by IonutM‎, 03-02-2018 11:57
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    • Views: 999
    03-02-2018, 11:57 Go to last post
  27. Vand 2 conturi jocuri PC (Origin si Steam)

    Salutare, vand 2 conturi cu jocuri pt PC (Origin si Steam). Contul Origin are urmatoarele jocuri: -Battlefield 1 -Battlefield 4 -Star Wars Battlefront: Ultimate Edition -Titanfall 2

    Started by IonutM‎, 26-01-2018 18:46
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,433
    31-01-2018, 18:08 Go to last post
  28. Exclamation Vand cont Black desert,costume,pets,iteme in val de 3.5miliarde silver

    vand cont black desert caractere musa lvl 59 cu iteme in val de 3.5b in silver,maeha lvl 58 si tamer 53,iteme kzarka tri blade,liverto showrtsword tri,nouver trinket duo,armor tree bheg gloves muskan bots tri,6 pets costume,iteme silver in bank si multe altele,workeri...

    Started by yukiuno‎, 14-01-2018 18:17
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,168
    17-01-2018, 22:13 Go to last post
  29. Vand cont Ubisoft si Origin

    Pret : 2 euro. Contul Origin are Crysis3 si altele iar cel Ubisoft are Ac Black Flag si watch dogs

    Started by Sebastian_nds‎, 13-01-2018 18:00
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    • Views: 995
    13-01-2018, 18:00 Go to last post
  30. Vând P.U.B.G. Xbox one

    Vând P.U.B.G. Xbox one (S/X) versiune digitala (cod). Jocul l-am primit cadou cand am cuparat X1X dar cum eu il aveam deja nu are rost sa-l pastrez. Pret: 20 € Contact: [email protected] sau WhatsApp: +33666046473

    Started by EMP83‎, 09-01-2018 14:13
    • Replies: 1
    • Views: 947
    09-01-2018, 17:46 Go to last post
  31. Vand cod Destiny 2 PC

    Destiny 2 PC geforce experience redeem code Necesita gtx 1080 sau gtx 1080 Ti. Nu ofer activare. Pret: 100 RON Contact : PM

    Started by Johnny‎, 07-12-2017 11:06
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    • Views: 1,077
    07-12-2017, 11:06 Go to last post
  32. Vand Need For Speed Payback pentru PC - COD pentru Origin

    Buna ziua Am de vanzare NEED FOR SPEED Payback pentru PC - este COD pentru Origin - pret 150 ron

    Started by WiseCT‎, 21-11-2017 10:32
    • Replies: 2
    • Views: 1,286
    21-11-2017, 18:00 Go to last post
  33. Vand The Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind Collector's Edition

    Editia include: - jocul cu carcasa de metal, sigilat - statueta - harta - discovery pack dlc - continut digital Pret: 300 lei

    Started by White117‎, 03-07-2017 16:52
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 2,015
    30-10-2017, 14:06 Go to last post
  34. Vand Star Wars The Old Republic Collector's Edition Steelbook

    Steelbook-ul prezinta mici semne de uzura. Pret - 80 ROn Contact - PM

    Started by iPaul‎, 05-09-2017 21:30
    • Replies: 10
    • Views: 1,848
    28-09-2017, 12:08 Go to last post
  35. Vand Elder Scrolls Anthology(sigilat)

    Elder Scrolls Anthology(sigilat) Pret - 220 RON Contact - PM

    Started by iPaul‎, 12-08-2017 20:15
    • Replies: 3
    • Views: 1,484
    21-08-2017, 16:24 Go to last post
  36. Vand WatchDogs Collector's Edition

    Vand editia de colectie, fara joc, doar accesoriile. Produsul este prezent in poze. Pret: 250 lei Transportul nu este inclus.

    Started by White117‎, 16-12-2015 00:17
    • Replies: 6
    • Views: 2,334
    31-07-2017, 19:02 Go to last post
  37. Vand cont Black desert Maehwa lvl 61 musa 60 dk 60

    Class:Maehwa lvl 61 AP and Accuracy gear Full boss gear si accesory Full Weight si cateva inventory slots Musa lvl 60 cateva iteme decent pe el si wieght dar nu full Dark Knight lvl 60 full weight limit Warrior lvl 56 cateva iteme decente...

    Started by kinglau‎, 23-07-2017 14:24
    black desert, vand cont
    • Replies: 0
    • Views: 1,869
    23-07-2017, 14:24 Go to last post

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