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Thread: Call of Duty: Warzone

  1. #1 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Call of Duty: Warzone

    Quote Originally Posted by Activision Blizzard
    Warzone will be live tomorrow, March 10 at 8AM PDT as a one-time early access for Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® owners, and launch a few hours later around 12PM PDT, free for everyone!

    You do not need to own the full version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare to download, play and enjoy Warzone. Call of Duty: Warzone is free for everyone.

    Want to be ready to hit the ground running on this massive Call of Duty® experience? Read on to get the details on Warzone.

    The World of Warzone: Battle Royale and Plunder

    At launch, players can squad up in trios with their friends on Playstation® 4, for PC, or Xbox One across two game modes: Battle Royale and Plunder.

    In Battle Royale, fight to be the last squad standing while escaping the deadly gas in the swiftly closing circle with up to 150 players.

    In Plunder, the race is on to collect the most in-match Cash by looting across the map, taking down enemies to steal their Cash, and completing in-match Contracts.

    Warzone takes place in Verdansk, an expansive city with multiple named zones and well over 300 points of interest. Each zone features distinct landmarks like the Gorengard Lumber Yard or the Gora Dam; the zones take place across different environment types like cities and rural areas for unique engagements. Change up your drop location in each match to get a better lay of the land and take advantage of what Verdansk has to offer.

    Need to escape the gas in the closing circle or get to another zone? Take a vehicle.

    The Vehicles of Warzone

    If you need to get somewhere fast in Warzone, the best method is a vehicle. There are five vehicles all with varying levels of protection, speed, seating, and off-roading capability. Each vehicle has a health meter and when it reaches zero, the vehicle explodes and flames out. Needlessly to say, if the health of your vehicle is depleting, bail out before the impending explosion.

    Here’s an overview of the five vehicle types that are populated throughout the world in Warzone:

    · ATV – two seater, provides minimal protection, good at offroading, fast.

    · Tactical Rover – four seater, provides minimal protection, solidly fast, solid at off-roading.

    · SUV – four seater, provides good protection, medium speed, not ideal for off-roading.

    · Cargo Truck – holds the squad plus equipment, excellent protection, not for off-roading, slowest.

    · Helicopter – four seater, decent coverage, flies.

    The Mechanics of the Warzone

    Warzone features some unique mechanics that keep each match interesting and give you plenty of strategies to try for a new experience every time you drop in.

    Here’s a list of some of the new and game-changing mechanics players will find in a Warzone match:

    The Gulag (only in Battle Royale)

    Upon your first elimination, you will be taken as a “Prisoner of Warzone” and thrown into the Gulag. There you will await your fate and watch other prisoners fight to the death. When your turn is up, you’ll enter the Gulag and face-off against a single opponent in a 1v1 to earn the ultimate reward - redeployment. Win in the Gulag and earn redeployment back into Verdansk. Lose and hope that your squad completes Contracts and earns enough in-match Cash to redploy you.


    Contracts are objective oriented tasks players can find and activate across Verdansk. A squad can activate one Contract at a time and completing it rewards you in-match Cash and other loot items. Multiple types of Contracts exist including Scavenger Contracts where you have to find and open a series of Supply Boxes and Recon Contacts where you must secure one location, similar to Call of Duty’s Domination mode. In addition to in-match Cash, Contracts can give you special rewards like the ability to see the next circle collapse location before it starts to close.

    Buy Stations

    In Battle Royale where collecting in-match Cash isn’t the objective, Cash can be used to procur beneficial items at Buy Stations. Denoted on the Tac-Map with a shopping cart icon, head to a Buy Station to spend your in-match Cash. For varying prices, you can purchase Killstreaks, Redeploy Tokens to bring back fallen teammates, Self-Revive Kits, and more.

    In Plunder, Buy Stations hold all of these items to help you gain an advantage over other teams, plus a unique game mode item – the Cash Deposit Balloon. Want to securely deposit your in-match Cash, away from the threat of enemy teams trying to kill and steal? Get a Cash Deposit Ballon, a portable Field Upgrade, that allows you to deposit Cash, from anywhere.

    Seamless Play

    Call of Duty: Warzone shares Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s crossplay and unified progression. For players that already own the full version of Modern Warfare, all content already earned including Battle Pass items, Operators, weapons and customization items will carry over to Warzone, and all progression earned in Warzone will counts toward overall Modern Warfare progression. For players who do not own the full version of Modern Warfare, all progress and items they’ve earned in Warzone will be rewarded across Multiplayer and Special Ops in Modern Warfare, should they ever choose to purchase it.

    There are no level caps in Warzone. Jump in.

    In-Depth Information On Downloading

    For owners of the full version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Warzone will replace the previously named ‘Classified’ panel in the Main Menu. A one-time early access will give Modern Warfare owners the ability to download Warzone at 8AM PDT. For Modern Warfare owners who are current and have the most recent title updates, the download will be a 18-22GB. Once download is complete, Modern Warfare owners will “unlock” the Warzone panel, which was previously classified, and can enter the lobby and play.

    For non-owners of the full version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, Warzone will be available to download free in respective first-party stores starting as early as 12 PM PDT. Head to the store and search for ‘Warzone.’ Choose Call of Duty: Warzone to download. Warzone is a 83-101GB download for new, free-to-play users. Download could take up to several hours depending on bandwidth, service provider, additional regional factors and will vary by platform.

    You do not need to own the full version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare to download, play and enjoy Warzone. Call of Duty: Warzone is free for everyone.

    Look for specific information and more download details later today on the Games Blog.

    Experience Warzone - cross-platform, free-to-play, and free-for-everyone on March 10!
    Introducing a game-changing FREE-TO-PLAY experience - Call of Duty®: Warzone
    Attached Images Attached Images call_of_duty_modern_warfare_season_2_shot_11.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Intrebare pentru cine l-a jucat. Jocul este FPS only? Sau are si vreun mod 3rd person?

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    Nu are 3rd person. Ultimul CoD care a avut a fost MW2.

  4. #4 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Mda. Pacat. Deci n-o sa-l joc...

    Oricum nu-l vad inca disponibil in store.

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member PoisonRemedy's Avatar
    E foarte bine ca are numai first person. 3'rd person in battle royals e stupid, nu are niciun sens. Mi se pare o prostie intr-un mod in care trebuie sa supravietuiesti cat mai mult, sa stai de exemplu dupa un zid, si din 3'rd person sa vezi din orice unghi cine ar putea veni, si asta iti ofera un avantaj incredibil fata de celalalt jucator. First person e mult mai realist, tensiunea e mult mai mare in fiecare meci cand stii ca nu poti sa vezi din orice unghi inamicul. Just my two cents.

  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    De acord, ma enervează maxim ca in PUBG pe consolă nu joaca nimeni FP. Toată lumea e pe TP ca asa pot sta pe burta după orice bolovan si au vedere 360grade fara nici un risc. Nu poti sa faci push dupa ce ai dat putin damage ca el stie exact cand sa-si dea heal pt ca te poate vedea dacă ataci sau nu. In FP e mult mai mare tensiunea.

  8. #8 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    si asta iti ofera un avantaj incredibil fata de celalalt jucator.
    Acelasi avantaj il are si celalalt jucator, ca sunt playlist-uri separate, nu joaca unul 3rd person cu altii care joaca 1st person.

    Cred ca este o chestie de preferinta, dar sunt de acord, first person cere ceva mai multa atentie si coordonare.

  9. #9 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Realist nu e niciunu, cat timp nu mori in viata reala cand mori in joc, sau cat timp gasesti gloante pe jos si-ti vindeci o rana de glont cu un bandaj.

    E o chestie de preferinte, optiunea trebuie sa exista in orice joc. D-aia e joc.

    Personal efectiv nu pot juca FPS-uri pentru ca mi se face rau/greata si ma ia durerea de cap. Sunt foarte putine FPS-uri pe care le pot juca, dar astea super fast paced nu fac parte din ele, desi as vrea sa mai joc si ceva de genu din cand in cand.
    Si sunt jocuri mai slow paced pe care le-am cumparat si nu le-am putut juca mai mult de cateva ore, in reprize fff scurte (gen Resident Evil 7).
    Asa ca un mod 3rd person mi-ar permite sa le joc.

    Dar da, aceleasi avantaje/dezavantaje sunt pentru toata lumea. Nu poti juca FPS only pe server de 3rd person in PUBG, sau 3rd person pe server FPS only, dar poti opta sa joci FPS daca asta vrei, pe server de 3rd person. Este decizia ta daca vrei sa-ti limitezi campul vizual si sa ai un dezavantaj. Am un prieten care asa joaca in echipa, pe server de 3rd person. Si face treaba chiar buna uneori.

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member PoisonRemedy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Khufu View Post
    Acelasi avantaj il are si celalalt jucator, ca sunt playlist-uri separate, nu joaca unul 3rd person cu altii care joaca 1st person.

    Cred ca este o chestie de preferinta, dar sunt de acord, first person cere ceva mai multa atentie si coordonare.
    Acuma nu am vrut sa stau sa explic unde si cand are cineva avantaje, dar avantajul acela poate sa ti se intample si tie, de exemplu tu daca stai intr-o casa in 3'rd, sau dupa un perete, avantajul e la tine, ca tipul care vine habar nu are ca tu ai putea fi acolo, dar tu deja il vezi din orice unghi si stii cum sa abordezi situatia. In first person te bazezi pe ce vezi si pe sunet, si totul e mai tactic.

    @razvan, nu trebuie sa iei totul literalmente, cand am spus realist nu m-am referit la ce ai spus tu ci mai degreaba la tensiune si ce simti ca jucatori cand esti presat in 1'st person fata de 3'rd cand poti fi mai relaxat, ca asa nici-un joc nu e realist.

  11. #11 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Stiu si ai dreptate. Ideea era ca daca oricum niciun joc nu e realist, macar sa ne ofere posibilitatea sa-l jucam cum vrem noi. Ei oricum realizeaza caracterele alea si le randeaza pentru ceilalti jucatori. Sa ma lase sa-l randez si eu si sa ma bucur de joc
    (sincer asta este o frica pe care o am referitor la Cyberpunk 2077 si motivul pentru care voiam un mod 3rd person ca sa-l pot savura dupa bunul plac)

    Mie-mi pare rau. Asta pare foarte interesant si fiind free to play era un must play pentru mine.

    O sa-l incerc oricum, poate nu mi se face rau de la el

  12. #12 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    Ai încercat Call of Duty? Jocul rulează foarte fluid, 60fps pe console, nu sacadează, nu cred ca ti-ar provoca dureri de cap. Zic pt ca si eu am aceeași problema dar doar in jocurile cu framerate fluctuant sau scăzut si in cele care simulează exagerat mișcarea capului (head bob sau cum ii zice)

  13. #13 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Nu am investit in niciun CoD de pe vremea X360, dar FPS in 60fps = foarte rapid si tind sa cred ca si asta este un factor care influenteaza. Am jucat putin Battlefield 1 dar nu am rezistat prea mult.

    Am incercat Apex Legend si nu am rezistat nici macar 1 meci.

    Cu siguranta o sa-l incerc pe asta. Sper doar sa nu am probleme

  14. #14 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by PoisonRemedy View Post
    Acuma nu am vrut sa stau sa explic unde si cand are cineva avantaje, dar avantajul acela poate sa ti se intample si tie, de exemplu tu daca stai intr-o casa in 3'rd, sau dupa un perete, avantajul e la tine, ca tipul care vine habar nu are ca tu ai putea fi acolo, dar tu deja il vezi din orice unghi si stii cum sa abordezi situatia. In first person te bazezi pe ce vezi si pe sunet, si totul e mai tactic.
    Pai na, cand afirmi ceva, trebuie sa mentionezi si cazurile particulare, ca alea cam schimba subiectul. Stiu ce zici, sunt cazuri cand avantajul nu e la fel, chiar daca ar fi amandoi in 3rd person: exemplu, unul sta in spatele unei case, dupa zid, si se uita in fata, cu camera panned de sus, si vede cum cineva vine alt jucator de acolo unde e camp liber. Cel care vine spre casa nu are cum sa il vad pe cel de dupa perete/casa. Dar, in general, mai ales la BR, lumea care joaca constant, stie unde sa se expuna si unde nu, ca sa fie avantajele la fel across the board.

  15. #15 SP
    Banned Crbl2001's Avatar
    Prefer sa joc in 1st person, n-am dureri de cap.Acum toti casualii prefera sa joace in 3rd person pt ca e mult mai simplu dar se duce naibii toata actiunea.Nu sunt jocuri cu story, in care trebuie sa vezi caracterul, esti pur si simplu tu si trebuie sa-i macelaresti pe toti

  16. #16 SP
    Member IsNotMe's Avatar
    Cum fac sa trec de Hold UNBOUND to view your inventory !! Unde gasesc cum sa “drop some ammo for you teamate ? Am inebunit cautand ! OMG !desi nu cred ca mai am rabdarea necesara si mai sunt si plictisit ! Am iesit din el ! Poate data viitoare ma lasa sa intru in joc fara sa citesc manualul si fara sa fac cursuri intensive de COD UI !

  17. #17 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    Pai nu ai avut tutorial cand ai intrat in joc? E un mic tutorial de cateva minute in care te trece prin toate chestiile din BR, inclusiv cum sa dai drop

  18. #18 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Jocul are cumva doar servere comune cu cei de pe PC? sau poti si dezactiva?
    Am inteles ca sunt probleme serioase cu serverele si ca pica intr-o veselie.

    Inca nu am apucat sa-l incerc, sunt doar curios.

  19. #19 SP
    Member TravisPastrana's Avatar
    Eu ieri, dupa ce si-a facut update-ul de 15GB nu am reusit sa mai deschid jocul(mai departe de title screen) in niciun fel pe PS4, imi dadea Connection Error/Can't connect to server etc, in schimb orice alt joc incercat functiona online.
    Voiam doar sa joc Modern Warfare normal. Astept sa ajung acasa sa vad daca a fost remediata problema.

  20. #20 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by razvanrazy View Post
    Jocul are cumva doar servere comune cu cei de pe PC? sau poti si dezactiva?
    Am inteles ca sunt probleme serioase cu serverele si ca pica intr-o veselie.

    Inca nu am apucat sa-l incerc, sunt doar curios.
    Poti dezactiva, dar îți recomanda sa nu o faci pt un matchmaking cat mai rapid. Eu am lasat on crossplay pt ca am încercat fără si mi se parea ca durează mai mult pana găsește meci(poate si din cauză ca am Nat Type Moderate in joc).

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