Godfall | PlayStation 5 & Epic Games Store - Holiday 2020 | GodfallOriginally Posted by Gearbox Software
Godfall | PlayStation 5 & Epic Games Store - Holiday 2020 | GodfallOriginally Posted by Gearbox Software
The May 2020 issue of Official PlayStation Magazine has unleashed new information about Counterplay Games’ and Gearbox’s looter-slasher, Godfall. Official PlayStation Magazine’s latest issue provides a rundown on the PS5 title’s setting–which includes five realms–its Dark Souls influence, and what players can expect in terms of progression.
Respawn First relays that Official PlayStation Magazine teases Godfall’s division into five elemental realms: Earth, Air, Water, Spirit, and Fire. The preview also addresses influences beyond Monster Hunter, which Creative Director Keith Lee spoke of in a recent interview. For example, developers drew inspiration from Dark Souls. This should prove evident in duels, as well as Godfall’s use of countering and heavy strike attacks. Furthermore, the team borrowed visual style cues from fantasy novel series The Stormlight Archive and First Law, in addition to Asimov’s The Foundation.
Other gameplay details concern confirmation of rewards for aggressive play. To deal maximum damage, for instance, each attack will have to rely upon perfect timing. In terms of the loot part of this looter-slasher, Destiny fans may find it intriguing that some former Destiny 2 team members are involved with Godfall, suggesting that a rich co-op experience is in the works.
Class will depend on Valorplates, the name for armor in Godfall. Players are sure to find new armor as they progress. It won’t all bear similarities to the bulky armor seen in the teaser trailer, either. That armor specifically comes from “one of the last remaining Knight’s Order.”
Finally, the preview reaffirmed a focus on the PlayStation 5. For now, there are no plans for a PS4 version. Rather, Godfall has been “genuinely tailored to run only on Sony’s new console.” The development team is taking advantage of next-gen features such as ray-tracing as a result. At launch, the title will also be available on PC via the Epic Games Store. Timed-exclusivity means it could eventually roll out across other platforms, too.
Godfall launches later this year.
Pai zice acolo clar, ca va iesi pe PS5 si PC prin Epic Games Store si ca e posibil sa iasa si pe alte platforme.
Scuze, my bad.
Bun atunci, inseamna ca il vom vedea si pe XSX, candva. Bine ca stiu sa nu ma reped la el day one, ca patesc cum am patit cu Hellblade
Chiar asteptam sa vad ceva nou despre joc, dar nu m-a dat pe spate acest trailer, in afara de niste efecte de grafica.
Pastrand proportiile, jocul asta imi pare a fi un joc de mobil care a primit buget mai mare si acum se vrea a fi un joc de consola. Nu stiu de ce am senzatia asta, dar ma lasa total rece, desi la inceput chiar imi starnise un pic interesul. Lumea pare ca are design dragut, dar character models...nici personajul principal nu cred ca pot sa il disting dintre altii daca ma pui sa il identific exact, sa nu mai zic de inamici (nu ma refer la boss fights). Alterneaza momentele cand arata ok (cu ceva RTX pe acolo), cu momentele in care arata fad, generic.
Mie mi se pare frumusel, directia artistica interesanta, lumea pare detaliata si frumoasa. Doar ca nu inteleg de ce l-as juca.
Pe mine ma deranjeaza ca suntem in anul 2020 si armele tot lipite de spate stau... Nu tu o teaca sau ceva, ci pur si simplu leviteaza pe spatele personajului.
Si asta e valabil la majoritatea jocurilor nu numai la asta.
Nope. Pentru KoA, uite aici: http://www.consolegames.ro/forum/f60...ng/index5.html