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Thread: FIFA 21

  1. #121 SP
    Senior Member Se7en Fury's Avatar
    @razvanrazy de aia bagă pro playeri mii de dolari că nu știu să joace și nu pot bate pe toată lumea. Bine nu bagă ei personal, sunt bani veniți din sponsorizari și donați.

    Chestia este că din premii ca să îți scoți bani înapoi trebuie să te clasezi între primii 4 altfel nu scoți nici bani de mâncare.

    Îți garantez eu că indiferent cât de bun ai fi când mergi la un turneu pro și vi cu o echipă făcută numai din rewards te bat aia de te căci pe tine.

    Este cel mai de *** game pentru e sports in comparație cu altele, aici bagi bani in game doar pentru niște carduri la altele îți cumperi accesorii, controller custom, fighting stick, headset însă știi ca sunt ale tale și nici nu te costă mii de dolari.

  2. #122 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Stiu, ideea e ca se poate si fara. Iar el sigur nu a bagat niciun ban in joc acum (in 21) si nah, nu participa la turnee.

    Iar eu stiu ce inseamna UT. Am avut si eu ca adictie cativa ani, dar am renuntat si de atunci mai joc doar amical cu el, sau co-op seasons

  3. #123 SP
    Senior Member 077danyel's Avatar
    Eu unul nu am băgat nici un ban și nici nu am stat de trading și am vreo 2M de coins pana acum doar din premii și sbc ( gold1 la wk,rank 1 in div 2 și elite 1 la squad battle )
    Treaba proasta ca au stricat iar astia ultimate team ,toate șuturile sunt blocate automat de ai nu contează dacă faci fente ceva tot te blochează deja e super enervant
    Majoritatea oponenților stau cu fundul în poarta și te prinde pe contraatac ,iar e super enervant

  4. #124 SP
    Member vladthegamer's Avatar
    Cum este jocul dupa noul update? Eu iau 2-3 zile de pauza dupa Weekend League.

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  5. #125 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Tipu care l-a prins pe Ronaldo dupa un sbc, aseara l-a prins pe Gullit (a facut un sbc pe fuga, tarziu noaptea) care valoreaza 6 mil, deci isi ia vreo 5 pe el lejer

    So, daca jucati UT, bagati sbc-uri la greu.

  6. #126 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    EA a incalcat legea cu loot boxes, se incadreaza la gambling in Olanda:
    Imposition of an order subject to a penalty on Electronic Arts for FIFA video game
    29 October 2020

    In 2019, the Netherlands Gambling Authority (Kansspelautoriteit, Ksa) imposed an administrative order subject to a penalty of up to 5 million euros on Electronic Arts Inc. and Electronic Arts Swiss Sàrl each for violating the Gambling Act through its ‘Packs’ in the FIFA video game. The District Court of The Hague recently ruled in favour of the Ksa in this matter. The judgment was published today.

    The Ksa imposed the orders subject to a penalty because the popular FIFA football game contained illegal loot boxes. These loot boxes are like treasure chests. The FIFA loot boxes, for example, would contain football players that could improve the performance of the team that the player was using to play the game. The players contained by the loot box are determined by chance, and the contents cannot be influenced. The fact that football players sometimes have a high value and that they can occasionally be traded constitutes a violation of the Gambling Act. Under Dutch law, a game of chance that allows a prize or premium to be won can only be provided if a relevant licence has been granted.

    A study carried out by the Ksa in 2018 found that there may be a correlation between playing games that incorporate loot boxes and development of an addiction to gambling. Chairmen René Jansen: ‘The Ksa believes it is crucial to shield vulnerable groups, such as minors, from exposure to gambling. For that reason, the Ksa supports a strict separation between gaming and gambling. Gamers are often young and therefore particularly susceptible to developing an addiction. As such, gambling elements have no place in games.’

    Following the publication of the study, the Ksa called on companies in the gaming industry to adapt their games so they were no longer infringing the Gambling Act. A number of companies heeded the Ksa’s call. However, Electronic Arts Inc. and Electronic Arts Swiss Sàrl did not.

    Further information is provided in the five questions and answers below.
    Why did the Ksa impose an order subject to a penalty?
    Electronic Arts Inc. and Electronic Arts Swiss Sàrl are violating the Gambling Act through its Packs in the FIFA video game. The law stipulates that games of chance may not be offered without a licence. This is not without cause; games of chance are high-risk products that can only be offered under strict conditions. Electronic Arts Inc. and Electronic Arts Swiss Sàrl are not licensed to offer games of chance. The orders subject to a penalty were imposed in order to compel the companies to put an end to the violation. The Ksa considers the violation of the law to be particularly serious given that a large number of children and young adults have access to Packs in the FIFA game and are particularly vulnerable to developing gambling addictions.

    What is the background to this case?
    In 2018, the Ksa conducted an investigation into loot boxes, after concerns were raised by gamers, parents and care institutions, among others. This issue is by no means unique to the Netherlands; regulatory bodies around the world are addressing the blurring boundaries between gambling and gaming. The fact that each country has its own gambling laws, all of which are structured slightly differently, complicates the matter. The Ksa’s investigation revealed that several loot boxes were not in compliance with Dutch law. Non-compliance was found in cases where the content of the loot boxes could not be influenced, the content had a high value and the content could be traded. The investigation also found a potential correlation between loot boxes and the likelihood of players developing a gambling addiction. As a result of the investigation, the Ksa called on game developers and game companies to comply with the standard set by the law, which is that games of chance offered without a licence are prohibited. A number of providers subsequently adapted their games accordingly. Electronic Arts Inc. and Electronic Arts Swiss Sàrl did not, despite having already been notified by the Ksa in April 2018 that its Packs in FIFA 2018 were in violation of the Gambling Act. In early 2019, the Ksa informed Electronic Arts Inc. that the same violation occurs in the FIFA 2019 game. According to the law, the Packs constitute a game of chance.

    Why did it take so long?
    Legal proceedings entail a very lengthy process and must be conducted with a lot of care and diligence. The same applies to any investigations that may be required. The stakes are high. Since the investigation in 2018, the Ksa and Electronic Arts Inc. have communicated on this matter on several occasions and various procedures have been followed. In some cases, the Ksa is prohibited either by the court or by law to publicise a measure during legal proceedings. This was the case in this matter as well.

    What is the Ksa’s overall impression of loot boxes?
    The Ksa’s study into loot boxes in 2018 showed that a number of loot boxes were not in compliance with Dutch law. In addition, the Ksa concluded that there was evidence to suggest a possible association between loot boxes and the development of addiction in players. This was not only the case for illegal loot boxes. The Ksa is alarmed that more and more games are appearing with elements of gambling, not least because gamers tend to be young and particularly susceptible to developing a gambling addiction. Loot boxes (called ‘packs’ in FIFA) are the exponent of this trend. The Ksa believes it is crucial to shield vulnerable groups, such as minors, from exposure to gambling. Adults likewise stand to benefit in this regard, as they should be aware of what kind of game they are playing. This is, in part, why the Ksa feels that a strict distinction must be made between games and games of chance. Games of chance are high-risk products, and offering them without a licence is prohibited.

    If a FIFA player feels they have been wronged, where can they report it?
    Players who wish to file a complaint about the operation or modification of the game can contact the game's providers. The game's providers are the parties that decided to include a gambling game within the game, thereby breaking the law. The Ksa has pointed this out to Electronic Arts Inc. and Electronic Arts Swiss Sàrl repeatedly. Electronic Arts Inc. and Electronic Arts Swiss Sàrl are therefore itself responsible for changing the game such that it is no longer in contravention of the law. How exactly it accomplishes this is at their discretion.
    Imposition of an order subject to a penalty on Electronic Arts for FIFA video game - Kansspelautoriteit

  7. #127 SP
    Senior Member Se7en Fury's Avatar
    Foarte bine, sper să le interzică.

  8. #128 SP
    Member ymess's Avatar
    Am intrat si eu in randul lumii, am trecut la 21.
    M-am reapucat de Fifa UT. Am reusit un placement in div 4 dand quick sell la starter si am facut un squad cheap de Seria A, cu Ibrahimovic in atac. Din rewardul de placement am facut un squad destul de bun zic eu:

    Intrebarea e, ce ligi / squaduri recomandati mai departe? Urmatorul reward e maine si mai intra inca 60K. Deci buget de 150K pentru squad saptamana asta. Vad ca in Premier League jucatorii high rated sunt ingrozitor de scumpi, la liga pare ceva mai accesibila. In Bundesliga sincer nu vad cum pot sa imbunatatesc echipa, poate doar cu Neuer in poarta. Vazand la adversari nu mi se pare sincer o aditie super notabila.
    Sau poate daca recomandati anumiti must-have players, si sa pot face un squad in jurul lor?

  9. #129 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Am o rugaminte pentru colegii care il vor juca pe Series X/S si PS5 dupa data de 4 decembrie cand apar versiunile enhanced pentru 'next gen'.
    Puteti posta va rog aici daca se continua progresul la achievements/trofee pe jocul normal pornit pe Xbox One/PS4 sau apare alta versiune de joc in lista/progress?

    Eu l-am inceput pe Xbox One la lansare si momentan imi apare in lista 'Fifa 21 Xbox One'.
    Cand am bagat discul in Series X insa, s-a apucat ca un tolomac sa instaleze 2 versiuni simultan si acum in My games&apps am 2 jocuri Fifa, o versiune de Xbox One si inca una de Series X care asteapta a fi pornita pe 4 Decembrie. Momentan cand o selectez ma duce in MS Store.

    Tare n-as vrea daca pornesc pe 4 decembrie versiunea enhanced sa imi apara 2 jocuri Fifa in lista...

  10. #130 SP
    Senior Member keanustar's Avatar
    Din motivul asta eu l-am luat, m-am jucat cateva amicale si l-am lasat pt PS5. Intentia mea e sa ma joc Career mode si ala nu se salveaza pt next gen.
    Daca stiam la lansare ca n-o sa aiba patch-ul de next gen pana pe 19 nov, il luam mai tarziu, dar acum faptul e consumat.

  11. #131 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Play next level:
    Attached Images Attached Images fifa_21_next_gen_ss_1.jpg fifa_21_next_gen_ss_2.jpg fifa_21_next_gen_ss_3.jpg fifa_21_next_gen_ss_4.jpg fifa_21_next_gen_ss_5.jpg fifa_21_next_gen_ss_6.jpg fifa_21_next_gen_ss_7.jpg

  12. #132 SP
    Senior Member 077danyel's Avatar
    Deci se poate

  13. #133 SP
    Member fdkenzo's Avatar
    Chiar sunt curios cat de mult va evolua upgrade-ul pentru NextGen. Vom vedea pe 4 Decembrie, nu am mai cumparat fifa de vreo 2 ani, poate se schimba acum situatia.

  14. #134 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by PlayStation.Blog
    FIFA 21 on PS5: First gameplay details
    Haptic feedback and adaptive triggers on the DualSense wireless controller make every match feel even more real. Out December 4 on PS5.

    Hi everyone! With under two weeks to go until the launch of FIFA 21 on PS5 on December 4, we wanted to take some time to give you a special in-depth look at next level EA Sports FIFA, as well as an exclusive early look at how we’re using the incredible new DualSense wireless controller.

    Welcome to FIFA 21 on PS5.

    Next Level Gameplay
    One of the things we’re most excited for you to experience is the new PlayStation 5 DualSense wireless controller.

    Whether you’re making a last-ditch block to save a certain goal, or smashing one in off the bar from outside the box, the DualSense controller’s haptic feedback responds to what happens on the pitch. With more control over both the intensity and the location of the haptic feedback, you’ll now feel things like powerful left-footed shots with vibrations on the left side of the controller, and more intense feedback from crunching head-on tackles than when players jostle for position at corners or free-kicks.

    The adaptive triggers on the DualSense controller also allow us to increase trigger resistance as stamina drains, meaning you’ll feel the effects of players’ tiredness as their fitness decreases throughout the game. This is only available on PS5, and we’re excited for you to feel the difference the DualSense makes to FIFA 21, immersing you into the intensity of a match in ways that weren’t possible before.

    Also exclusive to PS5 players is Activity Cards which let you jump to your favourite mode directly from the PlayStation home screen. Combined with the lightning fast load times provided by the power of PS5 you’ll be able to get into matches quicker than ever before. We’re clocking in at under two seconds from the pre-game menu to a Kick-Off match. Sorry, pre-game practice arena fans!

    Next Level Visuals
    More power also means we can take a huge leap forward in visual quality to make players and stadiums look even better.

    A new deferred lighting system called LiveLight Rendering creates ultra-realistic football environments. You’ll see visually stunning recreations of the world’s biggest stadiums like Anfield and the Parc des Princes that make them feel more alive than ever before.

    LiveLight Rendering also combines with muscle flex and strand-based hair technology to take players to an incredible new level of detail and unlock our most detailed recreations of the world’s biggest stars like Kylian Mbappé and Trent Alexander-Arnold to date!

    A new gameplay camera gives you a fresh perspective on it too. The EA Sports GameCam is inspired by the look and feel of top-level football broadcasts, and makes a big difference to the game. We’re excited for you to try it.

    Next Level Atmosphere
    While we’re all missing being inside the stadium watching our favourite teams and players, we know the incredible scenes and sounds that home and away fans create that make football what it is.

    In FIFA 21 we’re dialing up the spectacle of football on the biggest stage to reflect the incredible atmospheres that crowds provide.

    Firstly, PreMatch Live adds a series of new cinematics to increase your matchday immersion. You’ll see fans streaming through the turnstiles and more as it sets the stage for the most authentic matchday experience we’ve ever been able to deliver.

    Secondly, we’re now able to better reflect the incredible scenes that go alongside a UEFA Champions League-winning goal, or relegation-saving equalizer. New Big Goal Moments mean you’ll now see the absolute scenes in the stands and on the pitch after crucial goals.

    Next Level Simulation
    FIFA 21 on PS5 also allows us to create the most natural movement and behaviour to date.

    Responsive Multi-Touch Animations take player movement to the next level of realism, enhancing the visual quality and responsiveness of linked animations on the ball, giving you more agility and control over the ball than ever before with over 700 new animation combinations.

    We’re even able to make players act even more realistically than in any previous EA Sports FIFA title thanks to Off-Ball Humanization, with players displaying more human behaviour like cleaning sweat from their face after a run, shouting for a pass, and regaining their breath after sprinting to make them feel truly alive in FIFA 21 on PS5.

    Dual Entitlement
    Finally, we’re excited to be offering Dual Entitlement with FIFA 21 on PlayStation, meaning you can upgrade your copy of FIFA 21 from PlayStation 4 to PlayStation 5 at no additional cost* at any time from December 4 until the launch of FIFA 22! You’ll also carry over all of the progress you’ve made and content you’ve acquired so far in FIFA Ultimate Team and Volta Football so you can keep building that dream squad and bossing it on the streets when you move to PS5.

    From that jump in visual quality to getting you to matches faster and more besides, we’re so excited about FIFA 21 on PS5 and hope you’ve enjoyed a look at just some of the features that make every matchday feel even more real.

    We can’t wait for you to Feel Next Level when FIFA 21 launches December 4 on PS5!

    *Conditions apply:
    FIFA 21 on PS5: First gameplay details – PlayStation.Blog

  15. #135 SP
    Senior Member 077danyel's Avatar
    Dacă și după up se mai misca jucătorii ca leșinații chiar ca e ultimul fifa

  16. #136 SP
    Senior Member Se7en Fury's Avatar
    Păi sunt făcuți să se miște așa, au sistemul ala de *** în care balansează gameplay ul de ai impresia ca aleargă în nămol.

  17. #137 SP
    Member ConuGeo's Avatar
    Next Gen Opening Cinematic [4K]

    ora 20:00

  18. #138 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    [...] The pair assert that the Criminal Code of Canada prohibits unlawful gaming, betting, lotteries and games of chance.

    Since EA does not hold a gambling license in the region, it is accused of operating "an unlicensed, illegal gaming system through their loot boxes." [...]
    EA facing class action lawsuit over Ultimate Team loot boxes |
    [...] He is calling for a jury trial and damages of $5 million.

    The case claims EA "relies on creating addictive behaviours in consumers to generate huge revenues."

    Ramirez himself assets Ultimate Team compelled him to spend money, having spent more than $600 in both FIFA and Madden since 2011.

    "EA's Ultimate Team packs are loot boxes," the case reads. "Buying the packs are nothing more than a gambling bet.

    "Purchased using real money, the Ultimate Team packs are simply wagers on completely randomised chances within the game to win valuable professional players and other items for the EA gamer's virtual sports team." [...]
    EA facing Canadian class action lawsuit over loot boxes |
    The plaintiffs say that EA uses this technology -- whose stated intention is to allow AI to adjust difficulty on the fly to keep players from becoming either too bored or frustrated with the challenge level of a game, keeping them playing longer -- to push players into purchasing more loot boxes in the form of Player Packs, saying that it effectively makes even high stat players not play as well as they should.

    Additionally, the suit notes that EA uses this technology without disclosing it to players, noting that EA has denied its use in the past in multiple games mentioned in the suit.

    "EA's undisclosed use of Difficulty Adjusting Mechanisms deprives gamers who purchase Player Packs of the benefit of their bargains because EA's Difficulty Adjusting Mechanisms, rather than only the stated ranking of the gamers' Ultimate Team players and the gamers' relative skill, dictates, or at least highly influences the outcome of the match," the lawsuit reads.

    "This is a self-perpetuating cycle that benefits EA to the detriment of EA Sports gamers, since Difficulty Adjusting Mechanisms make gamers believe their teams are less skilled than they actually are, leading them to purchase additional Player Packs in hopes of receiving better players and being more competitive."

    The plaintiffs say that EA's actions violate the California Consumers Legal Remedies Act, False Advertising Law, Unfair Competition Law, and qualify as unjust enrichment.
    EA faces yet another class-action lawsuit connected to loot boxes |

  19. #139 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    A apărut update-ul de next-gen mai repede chiar o sa încerc astăzi sa vad diferența.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    ---------- Post added 03-12-2020 at 09:44 ----------

    Sunt plăcut impresionat ca în ciudata faptului ca este un joc multiplatform și cross platform EA a decis sa ofere un suport pentru toate funcțiile exclusive ps5 și chiat detaliază pe larg acest lucru (card activities, haptics feedback și adaptive triggers) intrați pe articol pentru mai multe informații

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  20. #140 SP
    Member fdkenzo's Avatar
    Nu a aparut inca update-ul pentru NexT gen, update-ul de ieri doar corectează anumite probleme din joc. Din cate stiu abia pe data de 4 (maine) apare acel update.
    Eu am intrat acum in Fifa si nu are nici un update nou, iar jocul e acelasi.

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