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Thread: Grand Theft Auto V - GTA 5 - GTA Online

  1. #5521 SP
    Member JohnConstantine's Avatar
    Indiferent de context, nu putea sa stea omul forever la carma jocurilor. Nimic nu tine pentru totdeauna.

  2. #5522 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    Rumour: GTA 5 will be free to download and keep on the Epic Games Store tomorrow

    Vom vedea maine daca e asa sau nu.

  3. #5523 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    Ar fi frumos sa fie adevarat

  4. #5524 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Khufu View Post
    Rumour: GTA 5 will be free to download and keep on the Epic Games Store tomorrow

    Vom vedea maine daca e asa sau nu.
    A picat Epic

  5. #5525 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar
    130 de milioane de bucati vandute. Oare cat mai poate vinde jocul asta? Ca game-appeal vad ca are din belsug.

  6. #5526 SP
    Banned Cggamer's Avatar
    Cred ca o sa se vanda ca painea calda si la multi ani dupa ce se vor lansa GTA VI si GTA VII. Cum de altfel se vinde si GTA San Andreas si azi.

    Stiu din surse (din presa publica) ca GTA VI nu va fi la fel de bun si complex ca GTA V.
    Rockstar cica vor sa preia modelul celor de la IO Interactive ca in cazul jocului Hitman 2016 : sa livreze jocul pe bucati, sectiuni non-open world si DLC-uri contra-cost.

  7. #5527 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Tu de fapt nu stii din nicio sursa oficiala, ca si pana acum. Totul este doar speculatie, asa cum se specula pe baza unor zvonuri, ca jocul s-ar afla foarte devreme in procesul de productie, ca dupa aia sa se zvoneasca opusul. La fel cum se zvonea ca jocul va fi mic, apoi ca jocul va fi mare.

    Cat timp GTA VI va veni cu un online cel putin la fel de bun ca V, atunci nu va avea nicio problema sa vanda cel putin la fel de multe unitati ca si GTA V.

  8. #5528 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Rockstar Games
    As recently revealed at Sony’s PlayStation 5 digital event, the adventures of Michael, Franklin and Trevor are coming to a new generation of consoles, including PlayStation 5, in the second half of 2021.

    The new generation versions of GTAV will feature a range of technical improvements, visual upgrades and performance enhancements to take full advantage of the latest hardware, making the game more beautiful and more responsive than ever.

    And for the massive and vibrant community of Grand Theft Auto Online players worldwide, the journey through the ever-evolving, shared world of GTA Online will continue on to the new generation with more new updates including additional GTA Online content exclusive to the new consoles and PC. There will also be a new standalone version of GTA Online coming in the second half of 2021, which will be available for free exclusively for PlayStation 5 players during the first three months.

    Additionally, all PlayStation Plus members on PlayStation 4 will get GTA$1,000,000 (deposited into their in-game Maze Bank account within 72 hours of log-in) each month they play GTA Online until the launch of GTA Online on PlayStation 5.

    Stay tuned to the Rockstar Newswire for many more details on the new versions of GTAV and much more to come in the months ahead.

  9. #5529 SP
    Member JohnConstantine's Avatar
    R* mulge jocul asta la greu. Damn. Pe 3 generatii.

    Interesant e asta. Separa SP de Online.

    There will also be a new standalone version of GTA Online coming in the second half of 2021, which will be available for free exclusively for PlayStation 5 players during the first three months.

  10. #5530 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Multi probabil ca nu ar mai cumpara single-player. Banii se fac din Online, asa ca l-au pus separat, cu primele 3 luni gratis, ca sa fie cat mai multa lume. Miscare foarte buna.
    Se pare ca mai avem ceva de asteptat pana la noul GTA.

  11. #5531 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    GTA V e noul Skyrim. Il vor scoate si pe urmatoarea serie de frigidere smart

  12. #5532 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    GTA Online sincer nu recomand, poate doar daca reusiti sa faceti bani in mod "ilegal". Altfel e prea mare grind-ul

  13. #5533 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Foarte ciudata alegerea, desi e oarecum fireasca. Dar e clar, cat timp exista asta si vinde, ei nu au un motiv real sa lanseze GTA VI, iar trecerea asta pe next gen inseamna (parerea mea) minim inca 1 an fara new game de la ei

  14. #5534 SP
    Member eNHajeL's Avatar
    Wow, imi voi cumpara PS5 doar pentru jocul asta... mersi Rockstar!

  15. #5535 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Octombrie 1997 - Octombrie 2009 - in 12 ani am avut 6 principale, 4 DLC, 4 portabile.

    De atunci pana in Q3/Q4 2021, un singur joc.

    Daca anunta GTA 6 in 2022 cu lansare in toamna 2023, o sa avem un deceniu (septembrie 2013) de GTA 5.

  16. #5536 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    Nu stiu ce asteptari aveati voi, dar chiar ati crezut ca vor face prezentare cu GTA VI la acest event? Mai avem de rumegat pana la ala, realist vorbind. Si cum s-a spus, inca vand bine din Online si jocul in sine, deci nu e graba. Pe mine GTA V Online m-a lasat si ma va lasa rece oricum, la fel cum si povestea nu a fost ceva demn de premii. A fost ok si atat, pentru mine.

    Cred ca cei care il asteptau, o faceau de fapt pentru a justifica achizitia noii console, dar mi se pare o premisa gresita de la care se porneste. Eu sunt multumit sa astept cativa ani, sunt convins ca asteptarea va merita.

  17. #5537 SP
    Member darkr3surrecter's Avatar
    Cum a zis cineva in comentarii acolo, Playstation 2 a avut 3 gta-uri, iar gta 5 a avut 3 generatii de console.

    Este noua regula acum. Remake la remaster si remaster la remake-ul remasterului.
    Eu sunt curios de ce ai cumpara varianta de PS5/Xseries, daca varianta last gen merge deja prin backwards compability. Mari imbunatatiri grafice n-au cum sa-i faca, este un joc care a fost gandit pt PS3/Xbox360. Nici macar un story dlc nu adauga si ei. Jalnic....

  18. #5538 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    Mai clar de atat nu se poate. De ce oare au decis sa lanseze GTA 5 a patra oara pe next-gen si nu RDR2?

  19. #5539 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by IGN
    Rockstar’s parent company, Take Two, has stated that new content will be coming to GTA Online that is exclusive to next-generation consoles and PC.

    During the latest financial earnings call, Take Two said that “additional content exclusive to the new consoles and PC” is planned for Grand Theft Auto Online. This new content will arrive in 2021, but Take Two offered no more details on what form the content will take.

    Take Two’s president, Karl Slatoff, also promised that the next-generation versions of Grand Theft Auto 5 - which also includes a standalone version of GTA Online, as revealed as part of Sony’s PS5 reveal stream - will have a variety of technical improvements that will make it “more responsive”.

    A press release from Rockstar in June explained that the next-generation versions of GTA 5 will be released in the second half of 2021, so it will be at least next July before we see it. As for that new content, it’s unrevealed as to if it will be available simultaneously with the next-gen version’s launch, or deployed in a staggered release schedule. [...]
    GTA Online's Next-Gen Version Will Have Exclusive Content - IGN

  20. #5540 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Sunt curios ce scuza baga acum cu asta.

    Am inteles cand s-a eliminat generatia veche, pentru ca nu ducea hardware-ul, dar acum?

    Also, sunt curios daca vom fi nevoiti sa cumparam din nou jocul sau putem juca "free enchanted" version cu ce avem deja.

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