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Thread: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim / Anniversary Edition

  1. #941 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar
    Skyrim 1.9 Update on Consoles

    Beginning today Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 players will have access to Skyrim’s 1.9 title updates by way of an automatic title update. Just be sure to have your console connected online to receive the title update.

    In addition to adding Legendary Skills and the new Legendary difficult setting, the update adds a number of bug fixes. Full details below…
    • Legendary difficulty setting
    • Legendary Skills – Skills of 100 can be made Legendary. This will reset the skill to 15, return its Perks and allow the skill to affect leveling again. This effectively removes the overall level cap.
    • General memory and stability improvements
    • Fixed issue with quest scripts that were not shutting down properly
    • Companions will equip better weapons and armor if given to them
    • Fixed rare issue where player is unable to learn the Clear Skies shout during “The Throat of the World”
    • Fixed rare instance where Alduin would become invincible during “Alduin’s Bane”
    • Fixed a rare issue where player could become stuck in Night Mother’s coffin during “Death Incarnate”
    • Fixed rare issue where protected companions could be killed from poison damage
    • Fixed rare issue with certain ash piles left from resurrected NPCs not clearing properly
    • Fixed rare issue with NPCs and creatures respawning improperly after player fast travels
    • Fixed rare crash when entering Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary
    • Fixed rare crash when entering a player owned home
    • Random dragon attacks will no longer occur during “Battle for Whiterun”
    • Fixed a rare crash when attempting to save your game during “Waking Nightmare”
    • Fixed issue where “Glory of the Undead” would not start properly if player is in combat with Eorlund Gray-Mane
    • The white phial is no longer consumed if given to a follower
    • If player marries Aela, the “Totem of Hircine” quest will be available
    • Unused briar hearts can be dropped after finishing “The White Phial”
    • Fixed issue with paying off a crime against the Companions that prevented player from getting Companions quests properly
    • Thieves Guild caches are now properly enabled in the appropriate cities
    • The Dragon Infusion perk now works properly when taking Esbern’s Potion
    • Cragslane Cave properly resets if player receives a radiant quest to clear it out
    • Fixed rare issue with bounty quest objectives not properly clearing after completion
    • Gallus’ Encoded Journal is no longer a quest item after completing the Thieves Guild
    • In “No Stone Unturned” Vex will now accept Unusual Gems if you’ve collected them all before starting the quest
    • Vekel the Man now gives rewards for completing “Toying with The Dead”
    • Fixed rare issue with being unable to turn in stolen items in “The Litany of Larceny”
    • Fixed issue with followers becoming over-encumbered after being repeatedly rehired
    • Fixed rare issue with visiting Kynesgrove on horseback not progressing “A Blade in the Dark” properly
    • Fixed issue with receiving a duplicate radiant quest from a Jarl
    • Fixed conflict with clearing Driftshade Sanctuary before starting “Trouble in Skyrim”
    • Fixed issue with using shouts while in jail and having guards unlock the jail cell
    • Fixed rare issue with quest NPCs not properly moving to quest locations
    • Fixed issue with NPCs not selling master level spells
    • Fixed rare issue where player gets control locked outside the Thalmor Embassy at the start of “Diplomatic Immunity”
    • Fixed rare issue with disappearing containers after upgrades in player owned house
    • Fixed issue with being erroneously attacked while as a werewolf during “Ill Met By Moonlight”
    • The Ebony Blade is now only improved by two handed perks
    • Locked door to Proudspire Manor can now be unlocked by proper key
    • Fixed issue with merchants not receiving the proper additional gold with the Investor perk
    • Fixed a rare issue where the player would be unable to learn a word after leaving for several days during “The Way of The Voice”
    • The Nord Hero Bow can now be improved
    • The Purity perk no longer requires the Experimenter perk
    • Fixed rare instance where Lovers Comfort would not be applied properly
    • If you approach Frostmere Crypt from the north, “The Pale Lady” will start properly
    • Fixed rare issue where player could be prevented from speaking with Atub to start “The Cursed Tribe”
    • Fixed rare issue where a dragon could appear in the Mind of a Madman realm and kill the player
    • Fixed instance where player could get stuck in Japhet’s Folly
    • Fixed rare instances where Arngeir would not teach Whirlwind Sprint
    • Fixed issue with “Ill Met By Moonlight” if Sinding dies before the quest starts
    • Gharol can now properly train up to level 75
    • Fixed conflict with visiting The Karthspire before starting “Alduin’s Wall”
    • Reduced the instance of random dragon attacks after fast traveling post main quest
    • Recruited Blades now have appropriate dialogue while at Sky Haven Temple
    • Fixed rare issue where an incorrect dungeon could appear as a location during “Totems of Hircine”
    • Fixed rare instance in “Fetch me that Book” where books found before getting the quest would not be properly recognized
    • Fixed rare issue with traveling to Thalmor Embassy with companions during “Diplomatic Immunity”
    • Fixed issues with Matching Set perk not working properly with certain pieces of armor
    • Fixed issues with Custom Fit perk not working properly with certain pieces of armor
    • Fixed issue with NPC dying in a bear trap blocking progress in “Time of My Need”
    • Fixed rare issue with swinging door becoming stuck and blocking an entrance in Volunruud
    • Imperial Light Armor can now be crafted
    • Fixed issue with “Vald’s Debt” where Vald was not leveled properly
    • Fixed issue with Vilkas not giving proper greeting after completing “Battle for Whiterun”
    • Fixed issue with respawning actors that were raised by using the Ritual Stone power
    • Fixed issue with the Ancient Knowledge perk not calculating properly
    • The Palace of Kings now has patrolling guards on upper floors
    • Reduce percentage chance of getting a werewolf loading screen while player is a werewolf
    • Pantea’s flute is no longer a quest item after completing “Pantea’s Flute”
    • Placing an unread Oghma Infinium on a bookshelf in the player’s house no longer allows the book to be reused again
    • Adjusted dialogue priority to improve chances of hearing more combat dialogue from certain NPC enemies
    • Fixed issue with falling damage on high difficulty levels
    • Fixed bad collision on certain clutter objects
    • Fixed rare instance of couriers who would appear only dressed in a hat
    Attached Images Attached Images legendary.jpg

  2. #942 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar
    Dovahbear 3: Mountain of Pain - Skyrim

  3. #943 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar
    Moving to our next adventure

    Skyrim has been a labor of love for us since we started designing it in 2006. We never imagined it would become the phenomenon it has. And that is because of you, the fans. It was all of you who made it a success. We can’t thank you enough for embracing the game, spreading the word, and making it your own.

    For the last year and a half we’ve been working on new content for Skyrim; from the game updates, Creation Kit, Steam Workshop, Kinect support, to DLCs. Parts of our team have also been in pre-production on our next major project, and that game is at the point where it requires the studio’s full attention to make it our biggest and best work yet.

    Even though we’re moving on, we’ll still have minor updates to Skyrim as needed. We’ve invested so much of ourselves into Skyrim and will never truly say goodbye to it.

    We loved hearing your stories, your in-game triumphs, and your suggestions. One thing stuck out to us through those emails, letters, and postings. And that is – video games matter. They’re as important to you as they are to us. It’s not just about entertainment, it’s about your time. And you chose to spend it with our game.

    Thank you again for all your support. We hope you stay engaged in the gaming community here and elsewhere. Keep spreading the word. Games are the world’s best entertainment because they can do what other forms cannot – fill you with the wonder of exploration and the pride of accomplishment. We look forward to sharing our next adventure with you.

    Until next time,

    Bethesda Game Studios

  4. #944 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Skyrim: Legendary Edition spotted through Polish retailer | VG247

    Skyrim: Legendary Edition has been spotted at Ultima, a Polish retailer and is down for a June 7 release, according to a Eurogamer Poland report. According to the retailer, the pack will contain Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn DLC packs for PS3 and Xbox 360 for around £35/$54 with the PC version said to run £29/$44.
    Attached Images Attached Images 013901-02.jpg

  5. #945 SP
    Member anes's Avatar

  6. #946 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar
    whoot, all dragonborn quests complete.

    Foarte mult Lore introdus in expansionul acesta (sidequests), clarifica chiar intamplarile din Morrowind.
    Attached Images Attached Images 2013-04-26-23.31.27.jpg

  7. #947 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar

  8. #948 SP
    Senior Member Strike105X's Avatar
    ^Now that's freaking awesome.

  9. #949 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar
    Top 5 Skyrim Mods of the Week


    The Villager vs. Skyrim

  10. #950 SP
    Member zulander's Avatar
    Sa mai improspatam topicul

  11. #951 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar
    19-year old created 25-hour Skyrim mod to apply for a job at Bethesda

    A 19-year old by the name of Alexander J. Velicky wanted a job at Bethesda so much that he spent 2,000 hours creating an Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim mod called Falskaar as an application.

    According to a PC Gamer interview with the high school graduate, Velicky spent 2,000 hours over a span of the year building the 25-hour long mod as a way of showcasing his skills. It also features a landscape one-third the size of the original game's continent of Skyrim, new characters, new voices, and new quests.

    Velicky added that over 100 people contributed to the voices and ideas of Falskaar, though he stated that "all content was implemented, written, and developed" by him. He also said that Bethesda is aware of the mod, though no further statement was given by the publisher. "The best way to show Bethesda Game Studios that I want a job there and should be hired is to create content that meets the standards of their incredible development team," he said.

  12. #952 SP
    Member Harilip's Avatar
    cu skyrim legendary edition deci cu Dawnguard inclus in joc am observat atacul vampirilor in orase si abia dupa 24 de ore de joc am observat diaparitia unui vanzator in Whiterun din cauza asta. de asemenea intr-o indepartata asezare cand au atacat din nou au omorat un NPC.
    este posibil ca vampirii cat si dragonii sa omoare NPCuri ce au un rol esential intr-un side quest fara ca eu sa nu am habar si sa realizez dupa 1001 ore in joc ca nu ppt termina un quest din cauza asta? ar trebui sa sterg dawnguard? ce sa fac astfel incat sa nu fie afectata exerienta deplina a jocului, avand in vedere ca joc pe Ps3 si nu pe PC unde exista optiunea de a folosi consola pt a introduce coduri?

  13. #953 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar
    Daca nu ai un save de dinainte sa se intample asta degeaba. Sunt morti pentru totdeauna.

  14. #954 SP
    Senior Member sol1d's Avatar
    Stiam ca NPC-urile importante nu pot fi omorate. De exemplu am incercat sa rad de pe fata pamantului Thieves Guild-ul si degeaba, timp de 10 minute tot isi reveneau miraculos la HP.

  15. #955 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Pentru Thieves Guild trebuia sa ii refuzi cand te-au abordat prima data iar apoi puteai sa ii razi pe toti

  16. #956 SP
    Senior Member Strike105X's Avatar
    ^Cred ca ii confuzi cu Dark Brotherhood, membri Thieves Guild sunt multi esential si nu pot fi omorati, probabil datorita unor quest-uri si functii mai importante ce le poseda guild-ul.

    @sol1d: daca il joci pe consola imi pare rau dar va trebui sa uiti de ideie, daca il joci pe PC ai putea lua un mod care sa iti permita sa omori NPC-uri estentiale, dar cu asa un mod ai putea pierde si multe caractere importante, deci cea mai buna metoda ar fi sa folosesti consola, deschizi consola cu "`" click pe cel pe care vrei sa-l casapesti si scrii setessential <Id-ul celui selectat> <valoarea> (0 pentru a putea fi omorat 1 pentru a fi nemuritor).

  17. #957 SP
    Senior Member sol1d's Avatar
    Neeee il joc cum vrea Bathesda sa-l joc, fara mod-uri fara nimic (plus ca nici nu prea as putea acum ca-l am inceput pe PS3)

  18. #958 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Pai Bethesda vrea sa-l joci cu moduri

  19. #959 SP
    Senior Member Strike105X's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by sol1d View Post
    Neeee il joc cum vrea Bathesda sa-l joc, fara mod-uri fara nimic (plus ca nici nu prea as putea acum ca-l am inceput pe PS3)
    Dupa cum am spus mod-uri poti baga doar pe PC consola jocului deasemenea doar pe PC poate fi folosita, pe consola (aici ma refer la PS3/Xbox360) nu ai cum, daca il joci pe PS3 nu ai alternative, cu alte cuvinte va trebui sa coexisti cu Hoti precum Ponta cu Base.

  20. #960 SP
    Senior Member sol1d's Avatar
    Pai de asta am scris ca il joc cum l-au facut ei, fara sa ma complic cu ,,skimpy armor packs" sau stiu eu ce, pentru ca-l joc pe consola (desi ma apuca durerea de cap de nervi cand ma gandesc ca nu pot avea acces la patchul de 4K)
    Il am si pe steam tot varianta Legendary dar am chef de consola in ultimul timp sau de jocuri indie/care sa le termin repede pe PC, nu de genul +100h cat are Skyrim.
    Totusi, pe PC am sa incerc si urmatorul Elder Scrolls, cel Online, ca va aparea mai repede fata de varianta de consola si am un sentiment ciudat ca va iesi pe PS4/X1 o varianta mult inferiora/necujabila.

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