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Thread: Doom (2016)

  1. #1 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

    Doom (2016)

    Near the end of E3 2011 John Carmack was interviewed with Gamespot and mentioned that "as soon as Rage ships, the core tech team moves over to start making things happen on the Doom 4 project." In addition, Carmack said that Doom 4, with regards to consoles, will run at 30 frame/s for single player and 60 frame/s in multiplayer, stating that "you can't have 30 guys crawling all over you at 60 frames per second at this graphics technology level because it's painful. -- So [in single player] we can have 30 demons crawling all over you on there."[15]
    Attached Images Attached Images doom_concept.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    ...ăla zici că-i un Licker uriaș din seria Resident Evil
    Attached Images Attached Images evolved_licker.jpg

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member HoTSaucE's Avatar
    Pai daca a aparut Duke Nukem Forever trebuie si Doom 4, nu?

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    pai au spus si cei de la id Software ca dupa ce termina cu Rage o sa se concentreze la un nou Doom. Sa speram totusi ca o sa fie mai reusit decat Doom 3.

  5. #5 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Doom 3 mi s-a parut destul de bun

  6. #6 SP
    Member sam's Avatar
    Doom 3 unul dintre cel mai bun joc care l-am jucat si i asteapta un viitor bun pentru

    ---------- Post added 20-07-2011 at 12:01 AM ----------

    Doom 4 va face la lista QuakeCon de demo-uri şi discuţii, sper izvoare veşnică. Mulţi sunt �n speranţa că, �n �ntre participanţii oficial ca The Elder Scrolls - Skyrim, Prey 2, şi Rage, vor fi unele de ştiri sau anuntul sau chiar pe scena menţionează de Doom 4. Suntem �n speranţa că orice menţionare de Doom 4 ar putea fi de-a lungul liniilor de mesaje anterioare tweeted de Carmack cu privire la demo-ul lui Rage 60fps pe iPhone 4. Potrivit lui Todd Hollenshead, şeful id Software honcho, "baietii sunt lucrează din greu la [Doom 4], dar nu suntem destul de la punctul �n care suntem gata de a oferi o demonstraţie pe el la acest punct." Hollenshead a continuat să spun că Doom 4 echipe nu vor fi pregătite să demo nimic p�nă la demo-ul QuakeCon 2011 este programată să aibă loc de la 4-06 august, la Dallas, Texas Hotelului Anatole "va sufla tine departe absolut.".

  7. #7 SP
    Member SwingShot's Avatar
    Mai e mult de asteptat .
    Oricum, macar daca apare in 2012 poate scapa de trendul modern retard warfare si iese un doom ca la carte.

  8. #8 SP
    Senior Member iPaul's Avatar
    Abia astept,dar probabil cel mai devreme o sa apara in vara lui 2012 ..deci mai avem ceva de asteptat :-)

  9. #9 SP
    Member Merdiso's Avatar
    Nu conteaza daca nu apare nici macar la anul, RAGE e pe vine.

  10. #10 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Looking forward to a new Quake as well

  11. #11 SP
    UberDude Honord's Avatar
    Doom 3 a fost un joc foarte bun. Sper insa ca acest nou Doom sa nu mai aibe acele momente cheap in care jocul spawneaza pe cineva in spatele tau de dragul lelii, pe mine unul m-a lasat rece fiindca odata ce mi s-a intamplat, jocul a tot continuat sa faca asta si mereu mi-am dat seama cand o sa o faca.

  12. #12 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Pe mine m-a ingrozit la Doom 3 chestia cu lanterna... n-o aveai atasata la arma si trebuia s-o pui separat. Ori vedeai monstrii cum vin ori trageai ca orbu' ... absolut ingrozitor! La asta sper sa o lipeasca de arma.

  13. #13 SP
    Member sam's Avatar
    Quakecon 2011 is in full swing, and while the annual Keynote address was chock full of RAGE-related news, Doom 4 was nowhere to be seen.

    There is no plan or team in place for a future Quake title.
    The id Tech 4 engine (Doom 3, Quake 4, Brink) will be come open source "later this year."
    Quake Live is a "business failure" - it loses money for id Software - but they don't plan on shutting it down anytime soon.
    Doom 4: Will probably run at 30 Hz for single player, and 60 Hz for MP. Most of the Rage dev team will migrate to Doom 4 once the game ships later this year.
    Rage 2 is going to happen expected, assuming Rage 1 is a success.
    Rage will not have dedicated servers, and there will be no Eyefinity support at launch.
    id Software currently has no Mac or Linux strategy.
    We'll be posting more news as the weekend progresses, and we should have some id Software interviews to post as well in the coming days. Stay tuned!

  14. #14 SP
    Senior Member RaverX's Avatar
    Pacat, mie mi-ar fi placut mult un Quake 5 care sa se intoarca la radacini : castele parasite, catacombe, etc. Primul Quake a fost genial, a avut o atmosfera unica. Al doilea a fost al naibii de banal si sec. De Q3 n-am ce sa comentez, a fost doar MP. Q4 a fost continuarea Q2 cu un engine mai nou

    Un Quake 5 medieval ar fi superb, dar ceva-mi spune ca daca iese Q5 va fi tot in viitor, e mult mai simplu sa desenezi roboti si harti cu metale lucioase si sticla (bagi bump mapping si shadere la greu) decat sa faci o atmosfera medievala.

    Doom4 ? Nu stiu ce sa zic, Doom-urile originale au fost excelente, dar Doom 3 a fost doar o etalare de engine. Nu a fost neaparat "naspa", a fost chiar ok ca si joc, dar nu m-a "excitat" deloc.

  15. #15 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by RaverX View Post
    Doom4 ? Nu stiu ce sa zic, Doom-urile originale au fost excelente, dar Doom 3 a fost doar o etalare de engine. Nu a fost neaparat "naspa", a fost chiar ok ca si joc, dar nu m-a "excitat" deloc.
    Asa mi s-a parut si mie. Doom 3 a fost un joc bun da sincer ma asteptam la unul excelent. Sa fie un horror game la care mi frica sa ma joc singur in camera noaptea (cum a fost cu Fatal Frame). In schimb elementele horror nu au prea fost, AI-ul inamicilor era destul de slab (si ca sa se fereasca de un atac de-al tau foloseau acelasi pattern care dupa un tip era foarte evident), atmosfera nu a fost asa de puternica cum as fi vrut sa fie. Dar din punct de vedere grafic jocul arata foarte bine la vremea lui. Da sincer ma asteptam la mult mai mult de la id Software. Sa speram ca Doom 4 o sa fie superior din toate punctele de vedere fata de Doom 3 (macar grafica e asigurata mai au doar alte 5-6 elemente si jocul o sa fie perfect )

  16. #16 SP
    Vires Intus eagle-eye's Avatar
    Nu stiu ce sa spun, poate sunt eu mai soft, dar la Doom 3 ma ***** pe mine de frica. )

  17. #17 SP
    Banned cryyo's Avatar

  18. #18 SP
    Senior Member iPaul's Avatar
    Sper sa apara cel tarziu anul viitor ,daca nu,pe viitoarea generatie de console .

  19. #19 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar
    The pile of supposed Doom 4 artwork posted earlier this week is not representative of the developer's new shooter, id Software has confirmed.

    Today, id Software design director Matthew Hooper took to Twitter to respond to the artwork. He did not directly refute the authenticity of the images, but noted they don't represent what gamers will find in Doom 4.

    "Those images have nothing to do with what you're gonna see in Doom 4," he said.

    Accompanying the images was a rumor that Doom 4 had been cancelled. Parent publisher Bethesda debunked this speculation, saying, "Doom 4 is not cancelled. When we are ready to talk about it, we'll let folks know."

    That wasn't the first time Doom 4 was rumored to be shut down. Last October, word spread that Doom 4 was "indefinitely postponed," but Bethesda was quick to quiet that talk, saying, "Games are done when they are done and no title under development at id has been postponed--indefinitely or otherwise."

    As for Doom 4, the game's existence was first acknowledged in May 2008, when the developer sent out a press release stating that production had begun on the game. At E3 2011, id Software head of technology John Carmack said the core team on Rage would move to Doom 4 development following the release of its latest shooter. He also said a sequel to Rage was planned to launch after Doom 4.

  20. #20 SP
    Member sam's Avatar
    Doom 3 BFG Edition

    Doom 4 is, presumably, a real game. id Software announced way back in ye olde May 2008 that the game was in production. The sequel would use id Tech 5, the same engine used in 2011’s Rage. In February, the All Games Beta posted screenshots—one of which is right there at the top of this post—of what it alleged was a cancelled version of Doom 4. is turned around and said, “Nope! Not Doom 4, but when we show you that game, it will be pretty neat!”
    Is id announcing Doom 4 at E3 this year? Nope! Just a new version of the nearly decade old Doom 3.
    Bethesda and is announced the Doom 3: BFG edition via the company’s Facebook page on Wednesday. The package for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC will be out this fall and include a remastered version of the game, the expansion Resurrection of Evil, as well as the original Doom and Doom 2. For anyone who played the original that was also mystified by the space marine’s inability to both shoot and hold a flashlight, the new version has a flashlight that handily hangs from your chest. Take that, floating upside down skull.
    On the grand scale of quality HD remasters, you could do a lot worse than id’s series. Doom 3 got a bad rap, but it was actually a solid shooter, and surprisingly tense thanks to its flashlight shenanigans.

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