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Thread: Articole interesante legate de gaming

  1. #341 SP
    Member IsNotMe's Avatar
    Evolutia lui Atreus in viziunea artistului André SiK ! + Like din partea lui Cory Balrog !
    Attached Images Attached Images andre-sik-43-render-1536x1106.jpg andre-sik-38-render-2048x1248.jpg

  2. #342 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  3. #343 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Mai lipsea Tencent:
    Quote Originally Posted by Bloomberg
    Tencent Holdings Ltd. is rolling out a live-streaming service similar to Inc.’s Twitch in the U.S., making a rare foray into American social media.

    China’s largest company has been quietly testing a mobile-focused streaming network via an affiliate in the U.S. since at least March. Initially called Madcat and now branded Trovo Live, the new service closely resembles Twitch in its appearance and functionality. Beyond Tencent’s own portfolio of popular games like Fortnite and PUBG Mobile, Trovo also spotlights marquee titles like Grand Theft Auto and Destiny 2. This week, it detailed plans on its website to entice and reward creators with a $30 million partnership program starting in July.

    Tencent dominates gaming and social media in its domestic market and may be one of the few companies with the resources to challenge Twitch. But the WeChat operator has met with mixed results in its efforts to build online users abroad and Trovo for now is only an embryonic service.

    Still in beta testing, Trovo has gone largely unnoticed outside the gaming community. Its best-attended live streams have only a few dozen viewers at a time, though its Discord chat channel numbers more than 5,000 members. It has attracted some experienced creators from Twitch, YouTube and Microsoft Corp.’s soon-to-be-defunct Mixer platform.

    “Tencent being a backer for Mobile creators is definitely a big upside as they run most of the biggest competitive mobile games in the world,” said Bobby Plays, a gaming content creator with close to 450,000 subscribers on YouTube who recently joined the nascent service. He’s “had nothing but good experiences so far” with Trovo, though the platform operators haven’t directly communicated their Tencent affiliation to him, he added.

    Trovo says in the terms of service on its website that it’s an affiliate of Tencent’s, without elaborating. The document lists a contact address that matches that of the Chinese giant’s American headquarters in Palo Alto, California. Tencent declined to comment.

    Tencent has been actively expanding its online streaming assets in recent months, having spent $263 million in April to buy control of China’s Twitch equivalent Huya Inc. and this week acquiring content and technology from struggling Southeast Asian outfit iFlix Ltd.

    Development and testing of Trovo has proceeded under the radar at a time of increased scrutiny over Chinese ownership of social media in the U.S. Rival ByteDance Ltd. has been the subject of concerns raised by U.S. Senator Marco Rubio about platforms such as its TikTok video-sharing service being “used as a tool by the Chinese Communist Party to extend its authoritarian censorship.” Zynn -- a video-sharing app from Tencent-backed Kuaishou that recently spiked in U.S. downloads -- has also been vague about its Chinese connection.

    Trovo’s privacy policy notes that its servers are based in Hong Kong, Singapore and the U.S., however its support and engineering teams, which will have access to user information, are located in “offices around the world” that include mainland China.

    Like Twitch, Trovo sports a carousel showcase of live channels, sidebars for chat with other viewers and channel recommendations highlighting the most popular active creators. It also has paid subscriptions and rewards that let viewers support their favored streamers. Another Twitch similarity is the tiered partnership program designed to encourage gamers to join and evangelize the service.

    The imminent arrival of Trovo comes at a moment of upheaval on the U.S. game-streaming scene. Microsoft this week announced it’s closing down its Mixer platform, which had poached high-profile streamer Ninja away from Twitch last summer in an expensive but ultimately unfruitful move. Twitch itself has been rocked by a series of allegations about turning a blind eye to sexual harassment and abuse by some of its popular users. The Amazon-owned service has said it will investigate and suspend offending accounts.
    Tencent Rivals Amazon Twitch With New Livestreaming in U.S. - Bloomberg

  4. #344 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by USgamer
    When I ask the developers at Sega if they're interested in exploring Jet Set Radio again in the present day, they remain expectedly down, but discuss one big caveat.

    "This was more than 10 years ago, but producer Kawagoe once told us, 'You guys are too old and experienced to make a new 'Jet.' If someone were to create a new 'Jet,' it's going to have to be young daredevils like you guys were back then.' And I completely agree," says Hosokawa. "I've gained enough experience that I can identify what works and how to present things... I can see the path to the end goal, whether I like it or not. If I put it negatively, because of my experience, I can only create games in 'the smart way.' This means that I wouldn't be able to convey that passion in this title that could have only been born through all the struggles I faced. That's why I'm looking forward to a new generation of creators."
    20 Years Later, The Rowdy Creators of Tokyo-to Reflect on Making Jet Set Radio | USgamer

  5. #345 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Ceva interesant: Deci nu au murit forumurile? Mvai...
    Attached Images Attached Images 200630-ro-iqads-console-04-full.jpg

  6. #346 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Contam si noi la ceva

  7. #347 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

  8. #348 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by
    NBA 2K21 will have a recommended price of $69.99/£64.99 when it launches on PS5 and Xbox Series X this year.

    That's $10 more than the PS4 and Xbox One version, which has a recommended price of $59.99/£59.99.
    NBA 2K21 price is $10 more expensive on Xbox Series X and PS5 |

  9. #349 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    LOL! Inseamna ca lumea a dat si inca da bani pe acelasi joc reciclat incepand cu 2K14 pana in prezent. Ce e si mai funny este ca acum o sa coste si mai mult acelasi joc reciclat. Shame.

  10. #350 SP
    Member JohnConstantine's Avatar
    Faza nu e ca 2k21 e cu 10 dolari m. scump. Ci ca probabil toate jocurile pe noile console vor fi m. scumpe cu 10 dolari. Asta e ideea. Daca va fi asa probabil vor duce in sus si preturile de pe PC, speculez eu.

    The issue around game pricing was discussed by former PlayStation exec Shawn Layden during the Gamelab conference last month. He told attendees at the event: "It's been $59.99 since I started in this business, but the cost of games have gone up ten times. If you don't have elasticity on the price-point, but you have huge volatility on the cost line, the model becomes more difficult. I think this generation is going to see those two imperatives collide."

    Layden said that one solution to the rising costs of development was to create shorter games.

  11. #351 SP
    Senior Member Teo's Avatar
    We asked a NBA 2K spokesperson about Xbox Smart Delivery, and they said "It's something we're interested in, but NBA 2K21 will not support Xbox Smart Delivery."

    Se pare ca toate deciziile in legatura cu Xbox Smart Delivery se iau strict de catre creatorii jocurilor, nu este o chestiune automata sau un ''bonus'' oferit de MS pentru cei care achizioneaza versiunea de ONE si ulterior vor avea upgrade gratuit la versiunea de SERIES. In orice caz, aceasta chestiune va tine aproximativ un an pana nu vor mai aparea jocuri pe ONE insa este bine ca exista la multe dintre jocurile care vor aparea.

  12. #352 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Asta se stia. Microsoft ofera Smart Delivery pentru toate jocurile lor, iar pentru restul, e la decizia developerilor/publisherilor.
    Quote Originally Posted by Xbox Wire
    [...] This technology is available for all developers, and all Xbox Game Studios titles that are Optimized for Xbox Series X, including Halo Infinite, will support Smart Delivery. [...] And it’s not just limited to games that you purchase digitally; physical discs of Xbox games can also support Smart Delivery if the developer or publisher decides to implement it. [...]
    Xbox Series X: Buy A Game Once and Play the Best Version Across Generations with Smart Delivery - Xbox Wire

  13. #353 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    Mda, la NBA2K21 specific vor avea Smart Delivery gratis doar pt Legend Edition care e 100$

  14. #354 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by
    IDG: Other publishers are considering raising game prices for PS5 and Xbox Series X
    Cost of development has increased between 200% and 300% while game prices have remained flat

    Other game publishers are considering raising the price of games for PS5 and Xbox Series X, says games research firm IDG Consulting.

    It follows the news that NBA 2K21 will be priced at $69.99 on the next consoles, $10 more expensive than it is on the current devices.

    Speaking with, IDG President and CEO Yoshio Osaki says that game pricing has remained flat since 2005, whereas TV and movie pricing has increased significantly.

    "The last time that next-gen launch software pricing went up was in 2005 and 2006, when it went from $49.99 to $59.99 at the start of the Xbox 360 and PS3 generation," he says.

    "During that time, the costs and prices in other affiliated verticals have gone up."

    Osaki says that next-gen console game production costs have increased by 200% to 300%, depending on the IP, studio and genre, but the prices have remained at $59.99. Meanwhile, cinema ticket prices have risen 39%, Netflix subscription costs have gone up 100%, and Cable TV packages have risen by 105%.

    "Even with the increase to $69.99 for next-gen, that price increase from 2005 to 2020 next-gen is only up 17%, far lower than the other comparisons. While the cost of development and publishing have gone up, and pricing in other entertainment verticals has also gone up substantially, next-gen software pricing has not reflected these increases. $59.99 to $69.99 does not even cover these other cost increases completely, but does move it more in the proper direction."

    He continues: "IDG works with all major game publishers, and our channel checks indicate that other publishers are also exploring moving their next-gen pricing up on certain franchises, for the same reasons outlined above.

    "Not every game should garner the $69.99 price point on next-gen, but flagship AAAs such as NBA 2K merit this pricing more than others."
    IDG: Other publishers are considering raising game prices for PS5 and Xbox Series X |

  15. #355 SP
    Senior Member calin_kalf's Avatar
    but flagship AAAs such as NBA 2K merit this pricing more than others
    bucatica asta e delicioasa

  16. #356 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Nu se refera la calitatea jocului. E strict business talk. Acesta e motivul:
    Quote Originally Posted by TweakTown
    [...] "Nearly all of our titles outperformed in the fourth quarter including NBA 2K20, GTA V and GTA Online, Red Dead Redemption 2, Borderlands 3, and Social Point's mobile games."

    NBA 2K20 in particular was the main driver for digital mTX growth, and saw huge engagement spikes in the year with DAUs up 15%. MyTeam users--the monetized mode--were also up nearly 50% YoY.

    Microtransactions made up 45% of net revenues, or $1.39 billion. [...]
    Take-Two breaks $3 billion in revenue, sets new all-time high | TweakTown
    Quote Originally Posted by Wikipedia
    As of December 2018, the series has sold over 90 million units worldwide, making it the best-selling NBA video game series.
    NBA 2K - Wikipedia

  17. #357 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Fix asta e problema cea mai mare...

    Eu nu am o problema cu majorarea pretului cu 10$, cat timp a super crescut inflatia, iar preturile au ramas mostly neschimbate de mai bine de 10 ani, dar creste-l doar la jocurile care NU au microtranzactii. Altfel este doar o bataie de joc.

  18. #358 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    NBA nu doar ca are microtranzactii, are un full blown cazinou cu ruleta & sh1t in Park.

  19. #359 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    Cat timp oamenii platesc si ei fac profit, nu vad niciun motiv sa nu creasca pretul SI sa adauge microtranzactii. Nu e asta decizia fireasca din punct de vedere al afacerii?

  20. #360 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar

    ---------- Post added 04-07-2020 at 23:10 ----------

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