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Thread: Fifa 13

  1. #1 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar

    Fifa 13

    Au trecut doar cateva luni de la lansarea lui Fifa 12 si avem deja informatii despre urmatorul:

    Messi will find himself featuring on the upcoming release of FIFA Street next March and is widely expected to appear on FIFA 13 cover next year.

    Messi, has previously featured on the cover of Fifa's rival, Pro Evolution Soccer for the past three years.

    General manager of football at EA Sports, Matt Bilbey, said: Our FIFA franchise is the number one selling sports video game franchise in the world, and Lionel Messi is the number one player in the world, so this agreement is a true partnership of superstars.

    With Messi on our team we have the world's best and most exciting player to help EA Sports maintain its global leadership in the years ahead.

    Pe langa asta, se pare ca posesorii de Xbox360 vor putea folosi Kinect-ul.

    EA Games has officially confirmed they will be including Kinect support in the next installment of the FIFA series. Kinect, Microsoft�s motion-free gaming console, is able to track the player's hands and feet, so there is no doubt it will add an interesting way of playing FIFA. The handheld console Playstation Move will not be supported because they find it does not really "add value to the experience".

    David Rutter, lead Fifa producer for EA games, also said that the video game FIFA 13 will not be powered by a whole new Player Impact Engine like FIFA 12, simply because it is said to be already "future proof". He added there will be some pretty big gameplay changes but the game will not see revolutionairy changes. Rutter continued saying there is always some tweaking to be done to the general gameplay but no major changes are to be expected.

    Let us know what features YOU want to see in the new FIFA 13 Game and we will keep you informed of the latest FIFA 13 News!
    Attached Images Attached Images fifa_13.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member FPS Marius's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by tudyniuz View Post
    Au trecut doar cateva luni de la lansarea lui Fifa 12 si avem deja informatii despre urmatorul
    FIFA in a nutshell.

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member Florin85's Avatar
    Fifa ....

  4. #4 SP
    Junior Member Cocorul's Avatar
    Intotdeauna m-am gandit ca la fifa se va ajunge sa vedem din perspectiva jucatorului jocul, dar kinect ? ne rupem picioarele incercand sa driblam

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member FishyBon3's Avatar
    Ma intreb oare,cand o sa inceteze EA sa ne bage pe gat acelasi joc an de an??Adica prin 2020 o sa apara FIFA 20??Cat de realist o sa ajunga?Prin FIFA 2050,cand bagi CD-ul sa zica:Step 1:Get your shoes.
    Step 2:Get a ball.
    Step 3:Go outside with some friends.
    Step 4:Enjoy FIFA 50!!

  6. #6 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Se pare ca Fifa 13 va avea elemente comune cu Fifa Street:
    EA is evaluating whether to put some of FIFA Street's stand-out features into FIFA 13.
    While a decision is yet to be made, if FIFA's makers do decide to include some of FIFA Street's mechanics, it could see new dribbling features and some elements of standing ball control added to this year's and future FIFA games.
    FIFA Street, out next month, was built using the FIFA 12 engine at EA Canada - a first for the Street series. It ditches the cartoon visuals of previous entries for a more realistic look, while retaining the same focus on tricks and skills.
    It introduces a number of new mechanics, including a new dribbling system that forces the attacking player to face the opposition's goal, and the ability to root your player to the spot using the left trigger in order to bait your opponent into making a move before you speed off towards goal.
    FIFA Street creative director Gary Paterson, one of the chief architects of FIFA's quality surge in the late 2000s, told Eurogamer both the main FIFA team and the FIFA Street team work closely together, sharing ideas and technology.
    "I worked very closely with Aaron McHardy, the lead gameplay designer on FIFA," he said. "He and I worked together on FIFA 9, 10 and 11, so obviously we've very close. We're in the same building. We're basically in the next room. We took a lot of FIFA 12 functionality. The engineers and designers were in close contact.
    "Now, part of what Aaron and his team are doing now is analysing some of the stuff we've taken. When I was on FIFA we wanted to do something similar to the dribble system we have in Street, the one where you're always facing the goal.
    "But it was always a challenge for us to do it, because there are so many animations involved in that system. Things like that they're evaluating now, whether there are parts of it they can take. Standing ball control, is there something there?
    "It's a very intuitive and elegant mechanic but it's not something you see too often in real football. But maybe there are elements of it that can be shared and taken. It's something they're evaluating right now. I don't think any decisions have been made."
    2012 is set to be a big year for FIFA, with at least three games due out.
    FIFA on PlayStation Vita launches first, on 22nd February. Then it's the turn of FIFA Street on 16th March (or 10th March for EA Sports Season Ticket purchasers). A FIFA Street demo launches on 28th February.
    And then, of course, FIFA 13 later in the year. EA is yet to formally announce FIFA 13, but Paterson said it will coincide with a revamp of EA Sports Football Club, the centralised platform for FIFA players to feed their gameplay across all titles into a persistent profile.
    Paterson said: "When you level up your character (in FIFA Street) this will contribute points to EA Sports Football Club. EA Sports Football Club right now is the foundation, version 1.0 if you like. That's going to be developed further in the future and there will be more news about that in the coming months as FIFA 13 news emerges."
    As for FIFA Street, a game Paterson has worked on for 14 months (two months longer than the creators of the regular FIFA games are afforded for each title), EA will decide whether to turn it into an annual series after the reboot launches.
    "There have been no conversations I'm aware of around that as of yet," Paterson said. "Obviously we're going to have to wait and see how gamers respond to the product we put out. If it's a success it's going to be evaluated. It wouldn't be a decision I make, but if the game's successful I'm sure there will be conversations around how that would work."
    EA evaluating FIFA Street features for FIFA 13 • News •

  7. #7 SP
    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. FallouT's Avatar se mai satura lumea de el?
    Un joc bun de distrat cu prietenii la altceva nu ii vad rostul.

    Thx tudy pt stire

  8. #8 SP
    Member RaduHawk's Avatar
    Nu se mai satura astia de bani dom`le Oare cum pot sa inventeze chestii noi an de an si cum pot "revolutiona" dupa ce abia l-au revolutionat cu an in urma? Sunt fantastici, niste genii cei de la EA. Pacat ca-s genii doar in marketing.

  9. #9 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    mda... am zis ca nu scriu nimic in thread, dar vad ca unii deja nu stiu decat sa arunce cu rosii si sa-i blameze pe cei de la EA. pentru un fan adevarat al fotbalului si al seriei, cum sunt si eu si alti 10-12 milioane de oameni, asteptam cu sufletul la gura orice informatie sau dezvaluire despre urmatorul joc din serie, tocmai pentru ca ne dorim sa vina toamna si sa cumparam jocul. daca fanii isi doresc un joc nou in fiecare an, de ce sa nu le dai? e o situatie win-win. fifa nu este un joc doar de distractie, exista multi jucatori hard-core pe forum si nu numai. imaginati-va ca dupa ce devorezi jocul si ai sute de ore de joaca, dupa o vreme vrei ceva nou, cu un gameplay diferit. si credeti-ma pentru un astfel de jucator si cea mai mica schimbare in gameplay se vede imediat si trebuie sa-ti adaptezi stilul de joc. astea sunt doar cateva din motivele pentru care noi, fanii jocului (si stiu ca mai suntem priviti ca cei brainless care nu gandim, nu suntem gameri adevarati, sunt fanboy si etc) asteptam urmatorul joc cu mult interes . nu va place, nu-l cumaprati. regretati, vindeti-l. si cu asta basta, atata timp cat jocul se vinde in peste 10 milioane de unitati in fiecare an, eu cred ca este o serie de mare succes. acelasi lucru se aplica si la CoD, daca lumea il cumpara si isi doreste un nou joc in fiecare an, de ce sa nu le oferi? pana la urma un joc se vinde bine daca este cu adevarat bun si are un fanbase destul de mare. in fine... poate sunt fanboy, asta e, dar asa vad eu lucrurile. daca piata cere si produsul se cumpara, de ce sa nu-l oferi in continuare?

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member x2z's Avatar
    Fanboy esti doar daca insisti sa joci Fifa cand jocul este de toata jena. Ceea ce din punctul meu de vedere nu prea este cazul de cateva editii incoace. Personal, astept in aceeasi masura informatii despre 13, la fel cum sunt curios sa vad cu ce va iesi si PES.

    Toate cele de mai sus, tin de faptul ca imi face placere sa urmaresc un joc de fotbal si, de ce nu, daca am posibilitatea sa fac si eu pe Leo Messi din fata ecranului.

    De asemenea, sunt ferm convins ca jocul nu va suferi modificari majore macar pentru ca la orizont stau noile console, iar un nou engine, un nou gameplay, vom vedea, probabil, odata cu lansarea acestora.

  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member nina's Avatar
    de toata jena sunt si shooterele,action,rpg si altele care ies 10-20 jocuri pe fiecare gen in 12 aduc practic mai nimic,diferentele sunt aproape insesizabile,dar unii din voi tot le cumparati.
    cine e fan al unui tip de joc sau unei serii,il va cumpara indiferent ca jocul e bun sau nu.asta nu se numeste fanboy,ci doar fan.
    daca sunt fan juventus si joaca slab,acum trebuie sa aleg alta echipa?
    apoi daca este serie,asta spune doar un lucru: se cumpara jocul si aduce profit si ii face continuare
    voi cumpara fifa 13 doar daca vine cu niste schimbari importante,daca nu,atunci fifa 14 pe noul xbox

  12. #12 SP
    Senior Member FishyBon3's Avatar
    A aparut DEMO-ul pentru Fifa Street pe Store.Pana acum din ce am jucat e frumuselAsta se pare a fi singurul joc fifa care-mi place de 3 ani incoace.

  13. #13 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    A aparut de 1-2 saptamani deja, daca nu ma insel. Din ce am jucat, pare chiar interesant. Abea astept sa apara sa-mi invit prietenii la mine si sa-i "fac" un FIFA

  14. #14 SP
    Banned SWTFU's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by razvanrazy View Post
    A aparut de 1-2 saptamani deja, daca nu ma insel. Din ce am jucat, pare chiar interesant. Abea astept sa apara sa-mi invit prietenii la mine si sa-i "fac" un FIFA
    Are si varianta futsal.

  15. #15 SP
    Banned SWTFU's Avatar

  16. #16 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar

  17. #17 SP
    Ω Pira's Avatar
    Acelasi Photoshop in toate screenshoturile de la EA. Ma ia cu greata deja! Gata cu preorderul pe anul asta... mai intai testam demo.

  18. #18 SP
    Senior Member calin_kalf's Avatar
    Eu tot FIFA 11 o sa joc.

  19. #19 SP
    Member stefipsy's Avatar
    eu abia il astept

  20. #20 SP
    Ω Pira's Avatar
    Ce astepti, noi bug-uri?

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