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Thread: Grand Theft Auto VI - GTA 6

  1. #101 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by RockstarINTEL
    Lazlow Jones, best known for his radio shows in the Grand Theft Auto Series has left Rockstar Games after almost 20 years with the company.

    Lazlow Jones was also a Writer and Producer for Rockstar Games, yes he did a whole lot more than just talk on Radio Shows in Grand Theft Auto. He first joined the company in April 2001 and made his first Radio appearance in Grand Theft Auto: III, in Grand Theft Auto V, Lazlow made an appearance as a character as the host of Fame Or Shame.

    His departure from the company has been due to personal reasons with Family Members becoming seriously ill he announced on Instagram, with the Pandemic making things even more difficult, this meant Lazlow left Rockstar Games in April 2020. (Also announced on Linkedin)

    We wish Lazlow and all his family all the best for the future, Lazlow has also announced that he has several other projects that he’s working on, including Shows for Netflix and Disney and projects with other Video Games companies.

    Lazlow has joined Dan Houser and Leslie Banzies as one of the main people at Rockstar to leave in recent times
    Lazlow Jones leaves Rockstar Games after 20 years - RockstarINTEL

  2. #102 SP
    Senior Member Khufu's Avatar
    Pacat, era unul dintre cele mai amuzante personaje din universul GTA. Ascultam Chattterbox si Integrity la greu tocmai pentru umorul ala care nu se lua in serios.

  3. #103 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Poate e de siguranta, poate e o componenta din Onlineul GTA VI, poate e chiar Onlineul GTA VI, poate refac Vice City cu Online:
    Quote Originally Posted by DualShockers
    [...] Recently, a reddit user has found something interesting related to the Grand Theft Auto series. Apparently, Take-Two Interactive owns a domain named, and as you may guess, the original GTA Vice City game has never featured an online section. [...]
    Take-Two Interactive Has Registered GTA Vice City Online Domain

  4. #104 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Ar merge GTA VIce City Online. Ar avea si 6 in nume, ar fi si online only (si se specula ca 6 ar veni doar ca online, fara SP), deci nu ar fi ceva complet iesit din carti.

  5. #105 SP
    Banned ignognito's Avatar
    A fost dezvaluita o schema a hartii din GTA VI.

    Cuprinde :

    - toata Florida , ce include Vice City= Miami , Vice Beach = Miami Beach New Rosa =Tallaheessee, Beacon= Jacksonville, Bradley = Tampa sau Orlando (orasul cu cele mai multe cluburi de gay) , Cape Cirque = Cape Canaveral (centrul spatial Kennedy si SpaceX de unde se lanseaza navele spatiale - deci am putea fura rachete si calatori in spatiu ), mai vad ceva care arata a parc tematic pe care scrie Walter World = adica Disneyland.

    -Lemoyne , adica Lousiana, si Saint Denis - New Orleans, oras care apare si in Red Dead Redemption 2

    -insula Del Castro - CUBA, cu capitala la Fidentia = Havana, Montano Bay = Guantánamo Bay unde se afla inchisoarea Guantanamo de maxima securitate

    -o tara numita Napalma = PANAMA
    Cu Napalma Canal = Canalul Panama.

    Daca e adevarat, va fi clar cel mai bun GTA, poate cel mai bun joc open-world din istorie.
    Parc Disneyland, rachete si calatorii spatiale, o gramada de orase de explorat, rezervatii naturale, mari , insule si plaje, cluburi, statiuni, corabii, fortarete, nave, iachturi , canale , plus linii de tren si aeroporturi, Guantanamo etc. - se anunta ceva epic!

    Las si hartile reale dupa care e inspirata harta jocului:

    Attached Images Attached Images gta-6-pensa-harta-scaled.jpg

  6. #106 SP
    Banned Alex Khan's Avatar
    Sper ca cei de la Rockstar sa fi vazut cat de deplorabila a fost lansarea lui Cyberpunk 2077 si sa nu se apuce si ei sa se culce pe ureche dupa culmile succesului dobandit in urma lansarii lui GTA V.

    ---------- Post added 29-12-2020 at 17:14 ----------

    Poate in 2021 aflam si ceva informatii....

  7. #107 SP
    Junior Member Sergiu26's Avatar
    Eu sper sa nu o mai tina pe trendul asta cu 3 protagonisti in joc ca in misiuni e cam haos si e cam aiurea sa schimbi intre personaje iese o mare ciorba, si masinile sa se conduca mai realistic ca in gta 4 nu asa arcade cum e in gat 5 sau macar sa aiba o setare ca in mafia la driving simulation/arcade....gta 5 e singurul joc pe care nu l-am terminat din pricina problemelor ss mentionate.

  8. #108 SP
    Banned Alex Khan's Avatar
    GTA 6 cica o sa fie la fel, tot cu trei personaje, posibil sa includa un gay sau o femeie feminista.

    Trendul cu "trei personaje jucabile" a pornit de la GTA 4, dar atunci erau separate.

  9. #109 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Femeie feminista? De unde stii ca vor fi tot la fel, 3 personaje? Daca vor fi 2 sau 4? Sau 7? Sau 1? Iar ala 1 sa fie chiar "femeie feminista"?
    Ce te faci? Nu mai joci?

  10. #110 SP
    Junior Member Sergiu26's Avatar
    La GTA 4 m-a fascinat fizica masinilor cat de realistic se conduceau si damage-ul pe care il aveau apoi majoritatea copiilor s-au plans ca nu pot controla masinile alea si la urmatorul GTA (GTA 5) si-au batut joc de fizica masinilor zici ca joci saints row, au scos multe elemente inovative pur si simplu l-au simplificat si l-au "dumb down" pentru "majoritatea".
    Eu mi-am cam pierdut speranta in jocurile open world, Mafia a inceput sa faca remake-uri, GTA s-a reintors cu 20 de ani in urma si face jocurile sa se simta ca gta 3/vice city, watch dogs e prea futuristic probabil GTA 6 va fi ceva gen familia Jetson si vom conduce masini zburatoare

  11. #111 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Eu consider ca nu e chiar asa. La GTAIV fizica a fost misto, dar a fost dusa la extrem, wow factor evident. In GTA V au facut-o mai realista din anumite puncte de vedere. Dar au fost nevoiti sa lase mai usor si dpdv procesare pentru a aloca resurse in alte parti. Tine cont ca dpdv content, cred ca GTA V a fost 2-3x mai mare decat GTA IV si facut sa mearga pe acelasi hardware initial.

  12. #112 SP
    Junior Member Sergiu26's Avatar
    Nu mi s-a parut asa de extrem fizica masinilor chiar se conduceau foarte usor, mai extrem a fost la Mafia 2 pe modul simulator sa conduci masinile, harta la GTA 5 este mai mare dar a taiat mult content ca sa ruleze mai bine pe console uita-te si la damage-ul masinilor care e net inferior comparativ cu gta 4 anyway consider ca GTA 4 a fost primul si ultimul joc mai realistic facut de rockstar si probabil si ultimul

  13. #113 SP
    Banned Alex Khan's Avatar
    GTA VI nu va fi setat pe anii 70-80'. Va fi in zilele noastre, posibil chiar in anul curent in care se va lansa jocul : 2023

  14. #114 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by GameRant
    A reputable leaker teases the possible release window for Grand Theft Auto 6, which is rumored to be in development at Rockstar Games.

    With Red Dead Redemption 2 having released nearly three years ago now, fans of Rockstar Games are wondering what's next from the studio. Rockstar Games has yet to reveal its next original project, but rumors are strongly pointing to its next game being none other than Grand Theft Auto 6. And while fans won't get to see the highly-anticipated game anytime soon, it seems as though they may have a better idea of when it will be available.

    Twitter user ViewerAnon, who is mostly known for accurately leaking news from the film industry, recently touched on Grand Theft Auto 6. According to them, Rockstar Games once had an internal release date set for Grand Theft Auto 6 for a late 2023 release. It's possible that those plans have changed, but that was the latest planned release window for Grand Theft Auto 6 according to ViewerAnon's information.

    With fans so hotly anticipating Grand Theft Auto 6, ViewerAnon's message understandably raised quite a few questions. In a follow-up tweet, ViewerAnon explained that Grand Theft Auto 6 is not going to be announced prior to the launch of Grand Theft Auto 5's next-gen upgrade. They also pointed out that Red Dead Redemption 2 was first revealed just one year before it was released, and so if GTA 6 follows suit, then fans should be able to expect a late 2022 reveal for the game.

    Of course, this is assuming that any of this information is accurate. While ViewerAnon is a far more reputable leaker than many others, it's always best to take unverified information like this with a grain of salt. Not only that, but it's also possible that these claims are based on outdated information. As ViewerAnon themselves have pointed out, situations like the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic could very well have delayed Rockstar's plans when it comes to Grand Theft Auto 6.

    The reason why Grand Theft Auto 6's possible release window got brought up in the first place is because Rockstar Games is hiring testers, which is usually a sign that something is in active development. This combined with a Bully trademark renewal fueled speculation that Rockstar Games could be nearing the end of production on Grand Theft Auto 6 or a Bully sequel, though it's also possible that the testers will merely be testing content related to Rockstar's live-service titles.
    Reputable Leaker Hints at Grand Theft Auto 6 Release Window

  15. #115 SP
    Banned Alex Khan's Avatar
    Ar fi bine sa nu faca tam-tam cu coronavirusul vietii si sa arate un Vice City plin de viata.

    Cred ca si daca nu izbucnea pandemia, jocul tot in 2023 era programat sa apara.
    In primul rand, jocurile Rockstar devin tot mai mari si ajung sa necesite mai multi ani de dezvoltare - inainte, ca sa dezvolte GTA III, Vice City si San Andreas, dura 2 ani fiecare joc, fiind pana la urma niste reskin-uri. Ca sa dezvolte GTA IV a durat 4 ani, pentru productia RDR 1 le-a luat 5 ani, dezvoltarea GTA V a durat 5 ani. RDR 2 a fost dezvoltat in 8 ANI, iar GTA VI e posibil sa fi fost in productie inca din 2013, deci va avea 10 ani de dezvoltare!
    Probabil ca urmatorul GTA/RDR va avea nevoie de 12 ani de productie si vom avea cate un GTA si un RDR la 10 ani!

    In al doilea rand, TRUMP.
    In 2019 citeam ca principala cauza pentru care nu prea s-au grabit sa dezvolte jocul era Trump, catalizatorul conflictelor culturale si politice dintre progresisti si conservatori. Nu era deloc ok sa lanseze un GTA in plin razboi politic. Daca jocul era prea misogin, prea bigot, prea rasist, prea homofob, prea conservator, pierdeau jucatori progresisti, iar daca jocul era prea multicultural, prea pro-gay, feminist, ecologist , exact ca Watch Dogs Legion, pierdeau jucatori conservatori. Si ar fi daunat financiar Rockstarului.
    In vremurile astea nu prea mai poti sa lansezi un joc ca GTA V in care sa impaci capra cu varza. Acum ca a plecat Trump si situatia politica s-a mai detensionat, feministele , BLM-istii, progresistii si homosexualii s-au mai calmat intre timp, conservatorii americani sunt insa in letargie. Si poate in 2023 vom avea vremuri mai "calme".

    ---------- Post added 05-05-2021 at 07:39 ----------

    Apropo, in 2001, GTA III cica a fost foarte cenzurat si amanat din cauza atentatelor de la 11 septembrie.
    Au scos mecanicile cu coliziunile dintre avioane si cladiri, au scos Turnurile Gemene, au scos dialogurile cu glumele si stereotipurile religioase si rasiale.

  16. #116 SP
    Banned Alex Khan's Avatar

    Besides a playable female protagonist and the ability to engage more with animals like dogs, one of the biggest things Grand Theft Auto fans have asked for in GTA 6 is more explorable interiors.

    Cred ca sunt mari sansele ca unul din protagonistii jucabili sa fie si o femeie.
    Poate chiar toate trei sa fie femei.

  17. #117 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar

  18. #118 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar

  19. #119 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Ma asteptam la 2025ish, dar nu am idee ce inseamna "Fortnite-Like Evolving Map"

  20. #120 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    O tornada care rade o anumita regiune? O regiune care se dezvolta dpdv economic si apar cladiri noi in timpul jocului? Poveste care se desfășoară pe o perioada mai lunga de timp și harta se schimba o data cu trecerea anilor? Zone afectate de poluare/exploatare unde dispare vegetația? Pot face multe cu chestia asta.

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