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Thread: WoW maniac: Are 36 conturi WoW si le joaca simultan

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member Bobby's Avatar

    WoW maniac: Are 36 conturi WoW si le joaca simultan

    Intotdeauna am avut pentru jucatorii World of Warcraft o oarecare "mila" deoarece usor usor incep sa piarda contactul ce realitatea si sa traiasca doar pana la urmatorul raid sau pana la urmatorul update aka Wrath of Leech King sau cum s-o numi ca putin m-a interesat. Nu neg ca exista si oameni care pot dupa 2 ore de World of Warcraft sa zica: "Gata, suficient, mai jucam si maine". Dar pun pariu ca sunt foarte putini asa. Asta este, trebuie sa recunoastem ca este un drog. Asa, acum ca am scapat de introducere hai sa trecem si la lucruri mai serioase; nu stiu daca merge cuvantul serioase pentru ca mai mult este de ras. Sau de plang. Nu stiu, imi spuneti voi dupa ce terminati de citit articolul. Veti citit poate unele lucruri pe care la inceput nu o sa le puteti crede. Nici eu nu le-am crezut la inceput. Dar dupa ce mai vad si poze si date exacte incep usor usor sa le cred. Si ma sperie.

    Exista 2 ciudati/freak of nature mai bine zis ca duc WoW la alt nivel. Cand spun la nivel spun ca se joaca simultan cu mai mult conturi. Nu e nimic rau in asta si in Eve Online ai "alt" si joci cu 2 conturi de odata; doar ca acolo minezi niste asteroizi. Asa, revenind la discutia noastra. Primul ciudat pe care vi-l prezint azi se joaca World of Warcraft cu 36 conturi in aceelasi timp. Da, ati citit bine, 36, treizecisisase conturi simultan. Il costa anual 5711 dolari abonamentul pentru WoW. Omul este fericit, spune ca exista hobby-uri si mai scumpe ca WoW-ul. NO **** ?! Cum orice WOW-ist ce se respecta isi cumpara toate expansion-urile si ciudatul nostrul si-l cumpara pentru doar 1500 dolari. Oare cate Editii Limitate mi-as putea cumpara cu banii acestia? Toate pentru 2 ani de acum in colo.

    A lot have asked me, why create so many? The main reason is to invade Stormwind and Ironforge when they reach top level. I'm sure the Alliance will put up a big fight when that happens. We'll see how it goes. If they don't make level 70 before Wrath of the Lich King, then it will be at level 80. That is my main goal. That will probably happen after I've got some PvP gear from the battlegrounds. I'm also planning to do some 25 and 10 man raid instances but that is secondary to my PvP goal. Of course I'll be doing arenas too to build up PvP gear but I'm not expecting to do that great there because I'm way behind in gear right now. I need to get to level 70 first, then level 80 and by then I will probably have all green gear while most others have been doing the battlegrounds and arenas.

    It costs me exactly $5711 in subscription costs per year with 36 accounts on the 6 month pay schedule. Not bad considering I'm looking at it like it's a hobby and there are more expensive hobbies out there than World of Warcraft. 32 of my shaman are level 61. One shaman that I had before I started the 32 is at level 70 along with 8 other level 70 classes that I had. My mage, priest and druid are in the center of the circle of shaman in the pictures but they are kind of hard to see. I've also got some mages and priests that I'm currently working on that are level 23. Once they are at level 31.9, I will stop working on them, get 16 of them to level 60 with the recruit-a-friend bonus levels and work on the shaman again.

    When Wrath of the Lich King is released, I plan to be at the store when it opens and will purchase 36 copies of it. With tax, it should be about $1500 for all of them. Then the shaman are on their way to level 80 along with the priest, druid and mage. By the way, I have 9 level 80 shaman created on the Murmur PvP realm in the Wrath of the Lich King beta. I mainly tried it out to see how well my computers would work as they are. With the exception of one my desktop computers, I should be fine with the hardware that I have.

    I use 3 addons in the game. CT_MapMod is used to give me locations for quests, etc. ClassIcons is another addon that I use to show the class of the target. It helps for PvP encounters. Then the last addon I use is SSPVP2 which is excellent for displaying timers and other things while in the battlegrounds. For my keys to send to all instances of WoW on my 11 computers, I use Octopus 1.3.2. Maximizer in Octopus allows me to start up all WoW instances at the same time or any individual instance such as if a WoW instance has crashed. It also allows me to shutdown all of the computers at the same time.
    Apoi vi-l prezint pe al doilea ciudat de al nostru, acesta ceva mai vechi. Nu se joaca decat pe 46 calculatoare World of Warcraft. El pe 23 si prietena lui pe 23. Eu cu prietena mea merg la film, suntem oare demodati?! Ciudat nr2 se pare ca intre timp a si renuntat sau avea de gand acum ceva timp sa renunte. Vorba unui coleg "daia scoate blizzu banii pe care ii scoate". Asadar, acum trebuie sa ne luam la revedere de la ciudatii nostrii cu speranta ca ii vom revedea cand vor ajunge, oricare dintre ei, la 100 conturi simultan in World of Warcraft.
    Attached Images Attached Images ciudatul_nr1_1.jpg ciudatul_nr1_2.jpg ciudatul_nr1_3.jpg ciudatul_nr1_4.jpg ciudatul_nr1_5.jpg ciudatul_nr2_1.jpg ciudatul_nr2_2.jpg ciudatul_nr2_3.jpg ciudatul_nr2_4.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member mentorica's Avatar
    Nu au viata sincer ..

  3. #3 SP
    Member Q's Avatar
    stii ce e mai enervant ? cind il vezi pe viu ... am avut ocazia in citeva rinduri sa dau peste multiboxing 5 in PvP, practic strica tot farmecul jocului ... te apuca damblaua cind vezi ca esti luat in tinta de 5 shamani simultant si in secunda doi te trimit la graveyard, practic nu ai nici o sansa.

  4. #4 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Q View Post
    stii ce e mai enervant ? cind il vezi pe viu ... am avut ocazia in citeva rinduri sa dau peste multiboxing 5 in PvP, practic strica tot farmecul jocului ... te apuca damblaua cind vezi ca esti luat in tinta de 5 samani simultant si in secunda doi te trimit la graveyard, practic nu ai nici o sansa.
    Sa inteleg ca el poate sa seteze la toti 5 odata tinta pe acelasi caracter ? Dintr-un singur calculator, sau trebuie sa faca lucrul asta pe fiecare PC in parte ? Pt. ca daca face de pe fiecare PC in parte, e meserias. Daca face de pe un singur PC, e cheat

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member Bobby's Avatar
    Da comanda la unu si aceea comanda ajunge si la celalalte X calculatoare.

  6. #6 SP
    Member obidan's Avatar
    By the way, I have 9 level 80 shaman created on the Murmur PvP realm in the Wrath of the Lich King beta.

    Wtf? Cica hobby...

  7. #7 SP
    Member collector's Avatar
    wow e deja manea

  8. #8 SP
    Member Q's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    Sa inteleg ca el poate sa seteze la toti 5 odata tinta pe acelasi caracter ? Dintr-un singur calculator, sau trebuie sa faca lucrul asta pe fiecare PC in parte ? Pt. ca daca face de pe fiecare PC in parte, e meserias. Daca face de pe un singur PC, e cheat
    Chief asa am spus si eu cind am vazut faza (o secunda ca in a doua eram la grave) insa se pare ca nu, desi e clar ca este cheat indiferent de modul in care comanda personajele. Nu faci fata la 2 in acelasi timp dar la 5 +. Dar deh, cum era aia ? pentru bani ce nu face omul ? asa si Blizzard ... $$$ rulz !

    Intr-un fel la faze de genul asta are dreptate collector chiar manea este, chiar una demna de top-ul vai de capul lor as adauga !

  9. #9 SP
    Junior Member Tuzgureanu's Avatar
    Foarte grav ce se intampla!

  10. #10 SP
    Member leggollas11's Avatar
    hahahahahaahaha.... funny... pe sistemu` : mare ti`e gradina Doamne

  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member Taw's Avatar
    Oare de ce au 100 mouse, exista un programel cu care poti controla oricate PC-uri cu un singur mouse si tst.

  12. #12 SP
    Senior Member zinodaur's Avatar
    Chestiile astea ma sperie mai tare ca filmele de groaza.

  13. #13 SP
    Senior Member sekhemet's Avatar

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by collector View Post
    wow e deja manea

  14. #14 SP
    Member Tavitzu's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by collector View Post
    wow e deja manea

    Oricum wow nu mai e ce era in 2005-2006

  15. #15 SP
    Senior Member mentorica's Avatar
    WoW e plin de idioti ....Nu imi vine sa mai iau lich kingu

  16. #16 SP
    Member weriwulf's Avatar
    Damn...daaaaaamn...inteleg sa le placa WoW...dar nici in halul asta...

  17. #17 SP
    Junior Member Nashicu's Avatar
    nu sunt sanatosi la cap

  18. #18 SP
    Member Wargasm's Avatar
    O alta stire de gen cancan, click, libertatea

  19. #19 SP
    Banned Pr3dator39's Avatar
    OMG ... these guys don't have a life ... astia cand mai au timp sa manance, sa doarma, sa se duca la Wc, si probabil u fac sex si au orgasme cand ajung la level 70 XD .... ahm... yeah weird never liked WoW neither Warcraft

  20. #20 SP
    Senior Member mentorica's Avatar
    Mie imi place am jucat wow pro la greu acum joc casual

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