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Thread: Noi detalii despre USB 3.0

  1. #1 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar

    Post Noi detalii despre USB 3.0

    Desi initial aparusera zvonuri cum ca USB 3.0 va fi de fapt wireless (asa numitul USB wireless), se pare ca nu este chiar asa. In sfarsit avem si noi parte de ceva detalii referitoare la specificatii. Ba mai mult, din generozitate ne-au oferit chiar si o poza. Din ce vad eu, totul pare ok. Backward compatible cu USB 2.0, much faster (4.8Gbps = 600MB/s, ceea ce eu inca nu cred), mai rapid la incarcare, mai eficient la consum, si poate cel mai important e faptul ca va folosi linii separate de bandwith pt. fiecare device in parte. Eu unul sper ca driverele si chipsetul care se ocupa de jucaria asta sa preia si load-ul de pe CPU (care la 2.0 "omora" unele PC-uri).

    Probabil ca in 2009 - 2010 veti incepe sa si vedeti produse ce folosesc/detin USB 3.0. Amen.
    Mai jos aveti mai multe detalii, "necenzurate":

    "No doubt you’re familiar with the Universal Serial Bus - we ranked it as our top PC innovation of all time. But what do you know about the next version of this ubiquitous interface? USB 2.0 (otherwise known as USB Hi-Speed) boosted the original 12Mbps data rate to 480Mmb/s over eight years ago, and now USB 3.0 (dubbed USB Superspeed) is set to multiply that bandwidth tenfold.

    The USB Implementers Forum (led by Intel) released the USB 3.0 spec to hardware partners last week after some reported disputes with AMD and Nvidia (who, afraid Intel would have a jump start in incorporating the tech in chipsets, threatened to develop their own USB standard). But how does this affect you? We dug up some new information about USB 3.0, got our hands on the new connectors, and even took a look inside the new cables.

    USB 3.0 will be backwards-compatible with USB 2.0

    Like the upgrade from USB 1.1 to 2.0, the new 3.0 connectors and cables will be physically and functionally compatible with hardware from the older specs. Of course, you won’t be able to maximize your bandwidth unless you’re using a USB 3.0 cable with Superspeed devices and ports, but at least plugging a 3.0 cable into a 2.0 port won’t blow up your PC. The spec’s compatibility lies in the design of the new connectors.

    USB 2.0 cables worked off of four lines - a pair for in/out data transfer, one line for power, and the last for grounding. USB 3.0 adds five new lines (the cable is noticeably thicker), but the new contacts sit parallel to the old ones on a different plane, as opposed to being adjacent to them. This means you’ll be able to differentiate between 2.0 and 3.0 cables just by looking at the ends.

    The maximum speed of USB 3.0 is 4.8Gbps

    It’s true: USB 3.0 SuperSpeed will be 10 times faster than the 480Mbps limit of the 2.0 spec. The example Intel likes to give out when talking about the new speed is that transferring a 27GB HD movie to your future media player will only take 70 seconds with USB 3.0, while it would take 15 minutes or more with 2.0.

    Keep in mind that you’re only going to be able to take advantage of this speed if your portable storage device can write data that quickly. Solid state devices will benefit most from the speed boost, while magnetic hard disks will be limited by their RPM and corresponding read/write speeds. Also, new Mass Storage Device drivers will have to be developed for Windows to take advantage of the spec.

    Uploads and downloads are kept on separate data lanes

    Remember those five new lanes we mentioned earlier? With USB 3.0, two new lanes will be dedicated to transmit data, while another pair will handle receiving data. This not only accounts for the significant speed boost, but also allows USB 3.0 to both read and write at the same time from your portable storage device.

    In the old spec, the pair of lanes used for data transfer weren’t split between send and receive - they only could handle traffic in one direction. Bi-directional data transfer will be very useful for syncing up information on PDAs and storage backup.

    USB 3.0 will charge more devices, quicker

    Not only will USB 3.0 cables facilitate faster transfer speeds, but they’ll carry more power, too. The USB-IF recognizes the growing number of portable devices that charge via USB (cellphones, MP3 players, digital cameras), and have bumped the power output from about 100miliamps to 900 milliamps. That means not only will you be able to power more than 4 devices from a single hub, but the increase current will let you charge up heftier hardware as well.

    USB 3.0 will be more power efficient

    One of the mandates of the new spec is more efficient power-usage protocols. USB 3.0 abandons device polling in favor of a new interrupt-driven protocol, which means non-active or idle devices (which aren’t being charged by the USB port) won’t have their power drained by the host controller as it looks for active data traffic. Instead, the devices will send the host a signal to begin data transfer. This feature will also be backward compatible with USB 2.0 certified devices.
    The spec that Intel released mid-last week is only 90% complete. Ravencraft says that they expect the spec to be finalized by Q4 of this year. Hardware partners are expected to have USB 3.0 controllers designed by mid 2009, and consumers won't see the first end products utilizing the spec until early 2010 (though a late Holiday 2009 push for new products isn't out of the question).

    What about Wireless USB?

    With the internet in a USB 3.0 frenzy (keep in mind we won’t see hardware for a year), the USB-IF’s other iniative - Certified Wireless USB - often gets lost in the shuffle. Wireless USB technology has largely stayed away from the spotlight since the 1.0 spec was first completed in 2005.
    It’s not surprising, since adoption from hardware markers has been slow - the Wireless USB promoter group has only certified 75 products, with only 45 of those actually consumer end products that you can find in stores. Belkin, Dell, IOGEAR, and Kensington are a few of the partners that have signed on board, releasing hubs that unfetter your existing USB devices.

    - Support for NFC. Near Field Communication technology is a short-range, high-frequency spec while allows for wireless data transfers between devices up to 20cm apart. The 400kbps data rate of this tech obviously won’t do any heavy lifting, but instead will be used for proximity-based device association and connection establishment. One of the big pitfalls of the existing Wireless USB spec is that syncing up devices to a hub or host takes too long. NFC will allow devices to "swipe to connect," similar to how new credit cards can register with cashiers just by brushing against a sensor.

    - Speed and power usage optimizations. Power is one of the big concerns for Wireless USB, since no one (not even Tesla!) has figured out a practical way to transmit power wirelessly. Wirelessly connected devices like speakers or monitors will still need an external power source, but battery-powered peripherals will be able to sit idle longer.

    - Ultra-wide band (UWB) support. Wireless USB already runs in the 3GHz frequency range, which allows it to theoretically transfer data at speeds of 480Mbps at 3 meters and 110Mbps at 10 meters. Bluetooth, in comparison, operates at 2.4Ghz. UWB support will boost the frequency of Wireless USB to the 6GHz and up range, which lays the groundwork for higher data rates and throughput in the future (though at the cost of range).

    We also got a demo of Wireless USB in action, running natively on a Thinkpad X300 laptop. The Thinkpad synced up with a nearby Belkin dock station, which had audio and video jacks that were connected to speakers and a LCD display. A WMV file streamed high definition video and five-channel audio to the hub and recipient devices, and playback was pretty smooth (though interference did cut in occasionally).

    Another dock station from Kensington demonstrated similar features, offered a DVI port for video in addition to Stereo audio and 5 USB 2.0 ports, and includes a transmitting dongle for non-wireless USB integrated systems. Video streaming took most of the bandwidth, and we noticed that wireless video was capped at 1680x1050 resolution.

    Still, the setup was impressive in that it gave the laptop more mobility. We could definitely imagine using our laptops in bed while streaming video and audio to devices across the room. The docking station is a little pricey at $230 - hopefully prices will drop as more products are released to market. "

    Extra: Intel USB 3.0 update resolves dispute with Nvidia, AMD | Nanotech: The Circuits Blog - CNET
    Attached Images Attached Images usb_3_0_pic01.jpg usb_3_0_pic02.jpg usb_3_0_pic03.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Banned Xtm's Avatar
    Cred ca o sa fie ca trecerea de la Pata la Sata, insesizabila.

  3. #3 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Xtm View Post
    Cred ca o sa fie ca trecerea de la Pata la Sata, insesizabila.
    Oooh nu
    Ia gandeste-te care e cea mai mare problema pe USB, in special la device-urile de stocare ?
    Iti spun eu: limitarea in USB. De-aceea cine vrea HDD rapid extern fie isi ia eSATA fie isi ia cu FireWire 800. Asta pt. ca in medie un HDD de 7200 RPM are 60-80MB/s la citire. Iar USB 2.0 momentan mai mult de 30-35MB/s nu poate. Chiar daca nu vor ajunge cu USB 3.0 la viteza aceea astronomica de care spun, si doar de 3-4 ori mai mare decat USB 2.0 daca ar fi, si ar fi indeajuns.

    In plus, datorita liniilor dedicate pt. fiecare device, parca vad ca o sa avem USB RAID

  4. #4 SP
    Member Q's Avatar
    teoria suna bine acum ramine sa vedem practica ce aduce

    oricum avantajele nu sint date numai de viteza, e buna treaba cu 900mA ca sa nu mai mentionam despre compatibiliate cu v2.0 si v1.0.

  5. #5 SP
    Junior Member and13gtc's Avatar
    600 mb /s ??

  6. #6 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by and13gtc View Post
    600 mb /s ??
    MB nu mb (adica MegaBytes si nu megabits). Da, teoretic ei vor sa fie peste SATA2 (care e la 300MB/s) si eSATA , si ce-ar fi sunat mai bine decat 2x ?

  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member Khan's Avatar
    pe mine ideea de wireless USB ma incanta mult mai mult decat viteze mai mari pe 3.0

  8. #8 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Gata, de azi e oficial USB 3.0. Probabil ca in a doua jumatate a lui 2009 vom vedea si placi de baza, notebook-uri si alte device-uri pe USB 3.0. E bine de stiut ca vechile cabluri sunt compatibile, insa nu vor depasi specificatiile USB 2.0. Pentru USB 3.0 va trebui sa aveti unul din cele 4 noi mufe (Standard A - care seamana cu cel de la USB 2.0, Standard B - patratos, mini B si micro).
    Attached Images Attached Images minib.jpg usb3.jpg

  9. #9 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Dupa cum se vede in primele reviews, USB 3.0 are aceeasi performanta cu SATA2 (si pare a fi inca limitat de viteza HDD-urilor actuale). Deja Asus scoate pe piata prima placa de baza cu USB 3.0 si SATA 6G (ASUS P7P55D) si arata monstruos de bine. Totodata au scos si o placa addon pt. PCIe (ASUS U3S6 Add-in card) care suporta atat USB 3.0 cat si SATA 6G via NEC 720200 si Marvell 9123. Sounds good to me

    PC Perspective - USB 3.0 and SATA 6G Performance Preview - ASUS brings the goods

  10. #10 SP
    Member Q's Avatar
    dap integrat pe MB = cool insa treaba asta cu placa de extensie ... doh ! totusi average read aprox. 100 - 113 MB/s si write 70 - 93MB/s ma fac sa si sa o consider ca pe o idee excelenta pentru cei care nu-si permit / nu vor sa schimbe MB-ul doar pentru USB3.0. Acum ramine de vazut ce o sa se intimple si cu beneficiari USB (device-urile atasabile) ma refer aici in principal la memorii (memory stick, card) ... as fi extrem de multumit cu un stick si la doar 50MB/s read/write

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