Resistance 3 a fost anuntat GamesCon, iar de atunci au inceput sa apara informatii despre joc. In primul rand Hale nu mai este personajul principal, lucru perfect logic daca tinem cont de finalul Resistance 2. Locul sau va fi luat de Joseph Capelli, un personaj care ne este deja cunoscut. Acesta lupta insa dintr-un alt motiv, cauta sa-si salveze fata. Din singurul trailer lansat putem desprinde cateva informatii despre Resistance 3, lumea pare total schimbata, Chimera domina acum, iar oamenii se lupta pentru supravietuire. Jocul pare putin mai scarry, comparativ cu jocurile anterioare. Astazi au aparut alte detalii despre joc, pana acum pare sequel-ul pe care ni l-am dorit.
- Capelli will be willing to do anything to protect his wife and child in the game
- The development process is going steadily for the game however, the HUD is mostly empty right now and the design and modelling of weapons is not over.
- The team�s still not decided over whether the game offer you with health packs which will replenish your health or will go with the classic health bar.
- The aiming mechanics of the game will be easier
- Resistance 3 is not similar to Call of Duty games but it�s made in order to appeal to shooter lovers.
- New weapons will be available in the game which have not been announced yet.
- Carbine, Auger and Hedgehog grenades will be back.
- You cannot drive vehicles in the game but can be a passenger mounting the weapons and firing them while someone else drives.
- The final 6 months of development will be devoted to optimizing the graphics and visual style of the the game.
- The game will be designed in such a way that the player will always get the feeling that someone or something is following him and doesn�t feel safe anywhere.
- The NPC have seen some major upgrades and they will react in a much more interactive way to your actions
- Some survivors have settled in a school and are formed a group. They have turned into cannibals and can eat other quietly.