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Thread: Detalii despre Fallout: New Vegas

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member erik95's Avatar

    Detalii despre Fallout: New Vegas

    Cred ca marea majoritate am jucat Fallout 3. La ceva timp de la lansarea Fallout 3 a fost anuntat un nou joc plasat in universul Fallout, produs de Obsidian ( Neverwinter Nights 2 si Star Wars: Kotor II) si numit Fallout: New Vegas. Cu siguranta toti sau aproape toti cei care au jucat Fallout 3 asteapta Fallout: New Vegas, chiar daca au fost dezamagiti de jocul precedent. Motivul? Echipa care se ocupa de noul joc este formata in mare parte din fosti angajati Black Isle, creatorii primelor 2 Fallout. Pana acum au fost dezvaluite foarte putine informatii. Se stie producatorul si faptul ca Fallout: New Vegas nu va fi o continuare. Astazi apar primele detalii, primele zvonuri. Bethesda nu a confirmat inca aceste zvonuri.

    - Similar to Dragon Age: Origins, at character creation the player can select from different background stories. The first few hours of the game are different depending on which background you choose, and you get some unique perks based on your background when the main game begins.

    - One background story is shown, Chinese Agent. The background story takes place before the bombs fell. The player is part of a team of Crimson Dragoons infilitrating Hoover Dam. You manage to sneak through the Americans' defenses, set explosives, and head to an extraction point, but your escape is cut off by American soldiers in Power Armor. The player and other survivors of the Crimson Dragoons take refuge in a cave in the canyons, where they commit hari kari with cyanide capsules. The player about to do the same when the bombs fall. The background story ends an indeterminate time later, when the player exits the cave, removes his helmet, and sees his ghoulish reflection in the waters of the Colorado River.

    - The background story segues into character creation. The player can customize the appearance of the ghoul, and you see you start the game with two unique perks. One, similar to the Ghoul Mask in Fallout 3, makes Feral Ghouls non-aggro. The other makes the player immune to radiation sickness and allows the player to discharge accumulated radiation in a blast similar to a Glowing Ghoul, healing the player and any mutants while damaging all non-mutants in range.

    - By default, the Chinese Agent has the skills Sneak, Small Arms, and Explosives tagged and SPECIAL stats set, although the player can modify their tagged skills and stats if they don't like the template.

    - One character background option is Lone Wanderer. This selection has no background story or template and is a complete blank slate for players.

    - The SPECIAL system used will be similar to Fallout 3, but skills will be harder to cap and one character will not be able to become a master of all skills. The article is not very specific because apparently it's something the developers are still tweaking.

    - Gambling will return, but not as a skill. Your Luck stat will effect gambling results. You can attempt to cheat at cards using your Sneak skill or hack slot machines using your Science skill.

    - There will be vehicles. The desert of New Vegas dwarfs the Capital Wasteland and you will need transportation to get around and explore it. You will acquire a vehicle several hours into the main quest. You can customize your vehicle with parts bought at shops or won through racing circuits and quests. Vehicles will not be common, but you will encounter road gangs, merchant caravans, and other vehicles in the wastes. The open desert is home to some very large mutant creatures, like giant radscorpions and sandworms, that will attack your vehicle.

    - New Vegas has a coliseum run by a slaver gang called the Caesar's Legion. You can gamble on and participate in arena fights.
    Attached Images Attached Images fallout_3_pa.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Member no_m3rcy's Avatar
    asta va fi adevaratul sequel al seriei ... Fallout 3 a fost un joc bun dar prea similar cu Elder Scrolls , ceea ce nu este rau deloc dar nu prea sunt asemanari legate de jocurile mai vechi ale seriei ...

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member SublimingSun's Avatar
    Da, suna ca un sequel mai aproape de Fallout-urile anterioare, cu norocul care afecteaza gambling-ul s.a.m.d.

    Desi, sa fiu sincer, mie mi-a placut si Fallout 3 (Bethesda), arata exact cum mi-am inchipuit Fallout in 3D si povestea (inclusiv quest-uri secundare) a fost chiar ok.

    Thx for the news.

    Dar ce sa confirme Bethesda, au cumparat Obsidian (habar n-am avut )?

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member Nariggar's Avatar
    Fallout 3 a fost succesorul spiritual al seriei, insa Fallout New Vegas se pare ca va fi succesorul real, din ce e scris mai sus reiese ca are cam toate elementele unui Fallout old-school si al unui joc de generatie noua de succes.

    Asteptam, gamerii si fanii, cu interes acest titlu, pina in prezent Obsidian nu ne-a dezamagit.

  5. #5 SP
    Member kside's Avatar
    Deci nu se stie nimic... Nici nu e sigur ca iese in 2010.

    ZeniMax owns Betseda, Obisidian, ID-Software...
    Poate fac cumva si le arata iD in Fallout NV (sau ma rog F3+) cum sa faca partea de FPS "credibila".

    Ce nu-mi place grafic la F3 este ca toata lumea "pluteshte" in log sa mearga/fuga, parca sunt pe gheatza.

  6. #6 SP
    Member weriwulf's Avatar
    Inca n-am pus mana pe Fallout 3 GOTY edition, l-am jucat fara expansionuri

  7. #7 SP
    Senior Member Bobby's Avatar
    Macar sa il faca ca atunci cand il joc sa nu am senzatia ca ma joc Oblivion transpus intr-un viitor post-nuclear. Si nu o spun in nume de rau, am vreo 60-70 ore in joc si imi place la nebunie, dar asta mi-e senzatia cand il joc.

  8. #8 SP
    Member kside's Avatar

    Preview + Interviu Feargus-Urquhart

    Preview : The Escapist : First Look at Fallout: New Vegas

    Hardcore Mode

    One of the new features in New Vegas about which Obsidian is most proud (and by which hardcore fans are most intrigued) is Hardcore Mode. Hardcore Mode does a number of things, not the least of which is that in it, ammunition has weight, forcing you to carefully consider how much ammo you carry and of what types.

    "Hardcore Mode is something you can enable at the beginning of the game," says Sawyer. "It's mostly for players that are more hardcore that have played through all of Fallout 3 and want something that's a little more challenging. Most noticeably, it changes how healing works. Healing happens over time. You cannot just rest to heal your broken limbs. You have to have a doctor's bag or go see a doctor."
    Interviul : The Escapist : Feargus Urquhart Comes Home

    TE: For people who know only Fallout 3, what would be the key difference that they would experience playing Fallout New Vegas?

    FU: It's just the vibe. Every studio has a different approach to things, a different vibe. When it comes to us, Fallout is always a little campy. We probably play that up a bit more - like with Dinky. Like you were saying, it's the Vegas thing. People are going to take that away. They're just going to have a different vibe playing it.

    If you take someone who played New Vegas, and didn't play Fallout 3, and someone who played Fallout 3 and didn't play New Vegas, and they talked about the general feeling of playing it, they would say very different [things]. "Oh, it's kind of a wasteland - it was very desaturated," and then the New Vegas player would say "oh, no it was blue skies, and there's a dinosaur," and things like that.

  9. #9 SP
    Member kside's Avatar


    fallout_nv_pc_02.jpg fallout_nv_pc_03.jpg fallout_nv_pc_04.jpg fallout_nv_pc_05.jpg

    fallout_nv_pc_06.jpg fallout_nv_pc_07.jpg fallout_nv_pc_08.jpg fallout_nv_pc_09.jpg

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  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member Bobby's Avatar
    De ce am senzatia ca ma uit tot la Fallout 3?

  11. #11 SP
    Senior Member nops66's Avatar
    Poate pentru ca e pe acelasi engine?

  12. #12 SP
    Senior Member Bobby's Avatar
    Tot raman de parere ca va fi la fel ca Fallout 3.

  13. #13 SP
    Member kside's Avatar
    Eu sunt ok cu Vegas = Fallout 3.
    Dar sa nu mai faca greseli de portare pe PS3 (sa arate ca pe XBox360).
    Sa repare "patinajul" personajelor
    ... sper sa fie totusi un Fallout 3+ nu doar o noua campanie / addon

  14. #14 SP
    Member MisterJuice's Avatar
    Sper sa nu mai fie probleme cu framerate-ul ca in Fallout 3. Cel putin la mine pe PS3 nu era sesiune de joc in care sa nu faca probleme.

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