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Thread: BioWare lucreaza la ceva nou

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member erik95's Avatar

    BioWare lucreaza la ceva nou

    Intr-un interviu acordat Eurogamer, Ray Muzyka a precizat ca BioWare lucreaza la cateva jocuri pentru PS3. Intrebat daca unul dintre acestea este Mass Effect, acesta a refuzat sa comenteze. Cateva dintre noile jocuri ar putea fi anuntate la E3 2010, iar unul dintre acestea ar putea fi Mass Effect 3, titlu aflat in pre-productie. Mass Effect 2 va fi lansat pe 29 Ianuarie pentru Xbox 360 si PC. Jocul a primit pana acum note foarte bune de la presa de specialitate, avand media 96 pe Metacritic.
    Attached Images Attached Images screenshot-068-o.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member eXist's Avatar
    Mass Effect 3 89% ?!

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member DevilBringer's Avatar
    sau un alt dragon age

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    un lucru ii sigur / Nu o sa fie Mass Effect 2 (si cred ca putem spune ca nu o sa fie nici 3 )
    Sursa :BioWare is Swift to Deny Mass Effect 2 For PS3 on
    Well, this didn't take long, now did it? Today, BioWare's Chris Priestly shot down yet another rumor for Mass Effect 2 being released on the PS3, saying that "The Unreal Engine is cross platform, hence the PS3 code," and that "This was brought up back in Mass Effect 1 days as well.", closing the debate with "Mass Effect is for the PC and Xbox 360," and topping it off with a "LOCKDOWN!" shout (well, it was on BioWare's forums, after all).

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