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Thread: Sony Santa Monica angajeaza oameni pentru un nou proiect "God of War"

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar

    Sony Santa Monica angajeaza oameni pentru un nou proiect "God of War"

    Se pare ca Sony Santa Monica nu doreste sa renunte complet la mult indragita serie God of War care a reusit sa ii puna pe harta gamingului mai bine decat orice alt joc facut de acestia. Fara sa fie deloc subtili acestia au postat ca doresc sa angajeze un Senior Staff Concept Artist pentru un proiect numit "God of War", iar descrierea oferita acestui loc de munca e urmatoarea:

    Join the GOW team! The Santa Monica Studio is an open and creative environment, where we strive to make the best games in the industry. Join us as we embark on our next project.
    Nimic prea detaliat dar prietenos ca de obicei (avand in vedere ca vorbim de creatorii seriei God of War).

    Deci ce am putea crede din stirea asta? Aventura lui Kratos va continua sau vor gasi un nou personaj care sa duca mai departe aceasta "mostenire"? Oare au fost asa de directi cu acest anunt cu intentia de a uimi fanii cand acestia vor vedea ca urmatorul lor joc nu e din seria God of War sau chiar nu se pot desparti de aceasta creatie a lor? Vreau sa aud pareri! Vreau sa aud speculatii! Ce vor defapt cei de la Sony Santa Monica?
    Attached Images Attached Images god-war.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    probabil pt ps vita, o sa fie strecurat un joc cu actiunea care se petrece inainte de gow 3 sau ceva de genu', daca vrei poti sa o lalai mult si bine.

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by DanTe23 View Post
    probabil pt ps vita, o sa fie strecurat un joc cu actiunea care se petrece inainte de gow 3 sau ceva de genu', daca vrei poti sa o lalai mult si bine.
    eh... la console portabile Sony Santa Monica niciodata nu s-a bagat. Cele doua Gow-uri pt psp nu au fost facute chiar de "studioul mama". De alea s-au ocupat cei de la Ready At Dawn studio. Cred ca daca ar fi sa lanseze ceva asemanator atunci ar merge tot pe mana acestor developeri avand in vedere ce munca buna au facut.

  4. #4 SP
    Banned cryyo's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Tudoran View Post
    Ce vor defapt cei de la Sony Santa Monica?

  5. #5 SP
    Member theSrN's Avatar
    Din moment ce angajeaza pentru un proiect God Of War, ar face bine ca actiunea sa nu se petreaca cu un alt protagonist Kratos, or nothing

  6. #6 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    eu chiar ma gandesc ca ar fi in stare sa lucreze la un nou IP da care sa semene cat de cat cu God of War. Adica de ce ai fi chiar asa de direct cand vine vorba de o mega serie ca asta? (e vorba de GoW nu de Postal sau ceva de genu). Sincer as pastra un asemenea anunt pentru E3 sau alt gaming event.... nu l-as "spulbera" postandu-l direct pe site-ul meu unde sa zic clar: urmatorul joc e un GoW, nimic nou, nimic special. Ia mai terminati cu speculatiile! . Si da, The ProfessoR, GoW fara Kratos e posibil sa nu fie GoW... poate doar daca nu apare fratele sau mai mic: Deimos . El ar fi un bun inlocuitor

  7. #7 SP
    manfurismojive kobayashi's Avatar
    Kratos pe PS4,din moment ce abia acum incepe proiecul asa imi place sa cred

  8. #8 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    Pe discul God of War Origins este un bonus video sub forma unui talkshow in care sunt invitati cei 5 regizori care s-au ocupat de jocurile din serie. Stig Asmusen afirma foarte clar la un moment dat ca avea o alta idee despre finalul God of War 3, dar din cauza timpului limitat nu au mai putut s-o puna in practica. Totodata, a spus ca exista posibilitatea de a include acea versiune intr-un viitor proiect. Cu alte cuvine ne transmite "yes, sons of Sparta, THERE WILL BE CHAOS again in God of War 4!!"

    PS: parere personala: probail vor incheia "the PS3 life cycle" cu acest titlu, cum au facut cu God of War 2 pe PS2.

  9. #9 SP
    Member cristi-dinu's Avatar
    Eu zic ca viitorul proiect pentru care angajeaza Senior Staff Concept Artist nu are nici o legatura cu GOW. Prin adaugarea "Join the GOW team!" au cautat sa atraga atentia candidatilor si au tulburat gandurile gamerilor. Acum gamerii au sa se gandeasca ceva timp la proiectul celor de la Santa Monica.

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member erik95's Avatar
    Nu e vorba de nici un GoW, cred ca se refera doar la faptul ca sunt echipa care au produs GoW. Avand in vedere zvonurile aparute in trecut, cred ca este un nou IP, desi mi-ar face placere sa joc un nou GoW.

    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk

  11. #11 SP
    Member Prototype93D's Avatar
    Daca va aparea un nou God of War(probabil pentru PS4)sigur personajul principal va fi tot Kratos,altfel nu ar mai fi God of War.

  12. #12 SP
    Senior Member Tudoran's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by erik95 View Post
    Nu e vorba de nici un GoW, cred ca se refera doar la faptul ca sunt echipa care au produs GoW. Avand in vedere zvonurile aparute in trecut, cred ca este un nou IP, desi mi-ar face placere sa joc un nou GoW.

    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
    e vorba de echipa FoW dar e vorba si de un proiect intitulat God of War...asa au zis developerii.

    Ma bucur ca sunt asa de multe pareri, care mai de care mai interesante. Acuma vedem anu viitor la E3 care a avut dreptate . Poate ar trebui sa punem lunar 5 lei fiecare si la sfarsit sa ia castigatorul banii

  13. #13 SP
    Member pufy's Avatar
    O sa fiu putin off topic si o sa ma rog lui Buddha ca urmatorul IP sa aibe ceva cultura Asiatica(DA stiu de Asura's Wrath dar vreau ceva cu samurai, ceva bun si fun ) ,un hack and slash la nivel de GOW .
    Sa speram ca fiecare din noi va primi ce isi doreste .

    Quote Originally Posted by beugen2001 View Post
    Dar ninja gaiden nu e destul de bun?

    Sincer nu prea mi-a placut

  14. #14 SP
    Senior Member OlBlueEyes's Avatar
    Dar ninja gaiden nu e destul de bun?

  15. #15 SP
    Senior Member axton's Avatar
    Va trebui sa asteptam ca sa aflam mai multe detalii ... personal cred ca tot Kratos va fi protagonistul seriei . Nu ca ar fi un lucru rau !

  16. #16 SP
    Member krOOm's Avatar

  17. #17 SP
    Senior Member darkpaul13's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Raskolnikov1944 View Post
    Pe discul God of War Origins este un bonus video sub forma unui talkshow in care sunt invitati cei 5 regizori care s-au ocupat de jocurile din serie. Stig Asmusen afirma foarte clar la un moment dat ca avea o alta idee despre finalul God of War 3, dar din cauza timpului limitat nu au mai putut s-o puna in practica. Totodata, a spus ca exista posibilitatea de a include acea versiune intr-un viitor proiect. Cu alte cuvine ne transmite "yes, sons of Sparta, THERE WILL BE CHAOS again in God of War 4!!"

    PS: parere personala: probail vor incheia "the PS3 life cycle" cu acest titlu, cum au facut cu God of War 2 pe PS2.
    da..exista si pe blu-ray-ul cu GoW3 un interviu in care spunea ca a trebuit sa scoata unele scene din aceasta cauza..insa fiecare dintre cei 3 producatori ai jocuriilor God of War au avut o alta idee pentru finalul partii a 3-a..David Jaffe vroia ca lupta lui Kratos cu Zeus sa aiba loc
    la inceputul GoW3(urmand ca spartanul nostru sa devina insasi Moartea) iar Cory Barlog(GoW2) vroia ca ,Kratos sa omoare zeii din toate mitologiile pentru a lasa loc crestinismului(bleah)

  18. #18 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Parca David Jaffe nu a făcut parte din echipa Gow 3,nu plecase?Stiu ca s-a ocupat de Gow 1 si 2.
    In 2007,*"God of War"*director*David Jaffe
    *stated that it would be "hell on earth" as the gods and the titans battle each other for domination and that ""God of War"*explains, or ultimately will explain, why there are no more Greek myths". Jaffe also envisaged a very different end for the series, with other mythological pantheons becoming involved once Kratos killed Zeus and the other Greek gods. The end result would have apparently been mankind no longer believing in the gods, which according to Jaffe is the only true way a deity can die.[9]
    *Although Jaffe and Barlog left Sony for other opportunities, they are still credited for the series.
    *On December 8, 2009, Stig Asmussen told*IGN
    *that Cory Barlog "was with the team as Game Director for the first eight months of development," and that "he has had a major impact on the game." Asmussen also mentioned that even though Cory left the team, they spoke several times and "bounced a few ideas off him," but there was no formal collaboration. He also mentioned that David Jaffe "has been around the studio a few times" and that they've spoken as well and "have gone over some high level stuff with him to get his observations and feedback" on a few occasions.
    *The finished game script was approximately 120 pages.
    "God of War III"*was first discussed by*Cory Barlog
    *at a*"God of War II
    "*launch event.
    *Barlog stated that the game would run at full*1080p
    *HD resolution, and the game would support*Sixaxis
    *tilt and vibration functions.
    *This was stated before the*DualShock 3
    *controller was announced; therefore causing confusion as the Sixaxis controller did not support rumble. Barlog also expressed an interest in adding a*cooperative
    mode "if we can do something unique with it".
    *In March 2009 during the Game Developers Conference, the developers stated that the Sixaxis capabilities have been removed, due to the fact that the developers "could not find a suitable situation to use Sixaxis in the game effectively", and have decided to scrap the idea altogether rather than put it in and have it working poorly.

    In November 2009, Stig Asmussen, Game Director for*"God of War III", advised*GamePro
    *that multi-player wouldn't work in*"God of War III", stating that there's a story we want to tell and an experience we want to deliver, and multiplayer doesn't fit into that." Asmussen, however, did mention that there were conversations about a multi-player option. When the game went gold on February 20, 2010, it was confirmed that multiplayer was not included.
    Asmussen also stated that one of the biggest challenges in developing*"God of War III"*on the PlayStation 3 was the "complexity of everything", and that individual tasks could take a year because the "level of detail that's expected is so high and intricate, it crosses multiple departments." Asmussen mentioned that the overall game length was between 10 to 20 hours, "depending on how good of a gamer you are."
    *John Hight, studio director at Santa Monica, reassured that*"God of War III"*lasts longer than 10 hours. "We've done a lot of play testing on it...We know, for a really hardcore player, it'll take them longer than it took them to play either of the previous*"God of War"*games."
    In December 2009, Asmussen advised IGN that the game was in the final stages of development. "The entire game is together from start to finish and we're working our butts off putting on the finishing touches."

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  19. #19 SP
    Senior Member darkpaul13's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by DanTe23 View Post
    Parca David Jaffe nu a făcut parte din echipa Gow 3,nu plecase?Stiu ca s-a ocupat de Gow 1 si 2.
    a plecat dupa GoW2 insa avea deja o idee despre cum ar fi vrut el sa se termine trilogia..

    PS.Da, fapt Jaffe dorea faza cu mitologiile..

  20. #20 SP
    Banned cryyo's Avatar
    Un renumit compozitor de muzica pt jcuri si filme isi va trece in portofoliu si cea a lui GOW IV, confirmand astfel ca acesta este in dezvoltare.
    God Of War IV Pops Up On DOTA2 Orchestrator's Resume | Siliconera
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