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Thread: Xbox One primeste data de lansare

  1. #1 SP
    Senior Member erik95's Avatar

    Xbox One primeste data de lansare

    Noul Xbox a atras in mod cert atentia gamerilor din intreaga lume, atat prin lucruri pozitive cum ar fi controllerul si cele cateva exclusivitati, cat si prin cateva aspecte negative. In ultimele zile am avut tot felul de stiri legate de Xbox One, am aflat ca Microsoft a marit frecventa procesorului de la 1.6 Ghz la 1.75 Ghz si ca la noua consola vom putea conecta 8 controllere simultan. Cea mai importanta veste a venit abia astazi, 4 Septembrie 2013, data la care Microsoft a anuntat ca Xbox One va fi disponibil in 13 tari in data de 22 Noiembrie 2013, la exact 8 ani dupa lansarea Xbox 360. Tarile care vor primi noua consola Microsoft in 2013 sunt USA, Australia, Austria, Brazilia Canada, Franta, Germania, Irlanda, Italia, Mexic, Noua Zeelanda, Spania si UK. Desigur, consola va fi lansata oficial in mai multe tari, incepand cu anul 2014. Daca nu ma insel lista celor de la Sony este "putin" mai lunga si, asemenea listei Microsoft, nu include Romania.
    Attached Images Attached Images xbox_one.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    Dupa ce Sony a anuntat cand vom putea pune mana pe un PS4, a venit vremea ca si cei de la Microsoft sa anunte data de lansare a noii console. Potrivit anuntului oficial, X1 se va lansa in cele 13 tari concomitent pe data de 22 noiembrie 2013. Astfel consola va aparea inaintea lui PS4 in Europa, dar mai tarziu in SUA, probabil ca Microsoft incearca sa mai acapareze cativa clienti europeni, avand in vedere ca majoritatea fanilor sunt americani. Pentru prima oara atat Playstation cat si Xbox vor porni in acelasi timp de la linia de start si vom avea o adevarata "cursa" intre cei doi giganti. Nu uitati, 22 noiembrie in toate cele 13 tari la pretul de €499/$499, iar portofelul nostru va avea sigur de suferit avand in vedere ca luna noiembrie o sa fie una dintre cele mai importante din ultimul deceniu in materie de gaming. Mai jos aveti comunicatul oficial oferit de Yusuf Mehdi:
    We are humbled and gratified by the tremendous interest in Xbox One from game fans everywhere. We sold out of our pre-order supply faster than at any other time in our history and we are on path to have the biggest launch of an Xbox ever. We look forward to celebrating with millions and millions of gamers this holiday.

    As a result of this incredible consumer demand and the development progress on Xbox One, I am thrilled to share that today we are making available a limited number of additional Xbox One Day One consoles for pre-order. We have coordinated with our retail partners to make it easy for you to reserve your Xbox One today.

    November 22 is a special day in Xbox history - on this day, we first launched Xbox 360 in 2005. Our next chapter begins in 79 days, when Xbox One becomes available.
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  3. #3 SP
    Banned DeMons's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by AndRewqp View Post
    "intrei cei doi giganti"
    Un Gigant*,nu vad doi,sincer. If you want,edit: Intre*

    X se lanseaza mai rapid eh... not bad,but no chance.

  4. #4 SP
    Junior Member ilort's Avatar

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