In timpul unui interviu din New York despre monetizarea jocurilor free-to-play, Bjorn Book-Larsson de la studioul Reloaded Productions, creatorii MMO-ului "All Points Bulletin Reloaded", a anuntat ca pregatesc lansarea jocului pentru platformele Xbox One / Playstation 4 in cursul anului viitor. Pentru necunoscatori, APB este unul din jocurile care a abandonat plata pentru a devenii free-to-play, jucatorii avand optiunea de a achizitiona cu bani anumite arme speciale, bonusuri, etc si in felul acesta jocul a devenit unul foarte profitabil. Actiunea are loc intr-un oras ocupat de bande de criminali, jucatorul avand posibilitatea de a se alatura uneia din parti: politie sau raufacatori, sa ajute factiunea sa devina castigatore, sa indeplineasca anumite obiective rasplatite in experienta / bani, etc...
Una din problemele portarii jocului este ca Microsoft si Sony nu sunt de acord ca jucatorii de PC sa-si transfere progresul (impreuna cu banii castigati, trofee, experienta, etc) pe consola, considerand ca in felul acesta ei pierd niste bani care pot fi castigati daca jucatorii incep de la 0.
Reloaded Productions wants current PC players to be able to carry over their customized characters and purchased content to next-gen platforms, but they've seen "incredible resistance from platform owners," according to Book-Larsson. They are still negotiating with both companies over this issue to convince them that it's a smart business decision.
What are Microsoft and Sony concerned about? Mostly, it seems they're loathe to allow gamers to bring over their user-generated content and not have to pay again for anything they've purchased. After all, if players were allowed to play the new version of the game and download all their previously purchased content, Microsoft and Sony won't see a cut from it. They want them to buy it again.
For Reloaded Productions allowing players to both access their already-purchased content and play with players on other platforms is a no-brainer- it encourages PC players to continue playing their game on another platform as well as bring new players in. But Sony and Microsoft are notoriously reticent to allow cross-platform play.
During today's Digital Media Wire panel each of individuals discussed the games their company was involved with and their methods at enticing gamers to paying money for a free title. Reloaded's idea behind APB Reloaded has always been simple- customization. There's a massive amount of customization available for the game and it's kept the community involved and spending money in the game for years now. Make quality content, and gamers will show up, that's their philosophy.
Reloaded Productions wants to provide the same for the upcoming Xbox One and PS4 APB Reloaded ports, but we'll see if they can convince the plaform owners.