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Thread: Epic Games, Inc. v. Apple, Inc.

  1. #21 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    In Korea a trecut legislatie noua, dar nu a intrat in vigoare, conform careia sunt permise third-party payment processors in aplicatii.
    Epic a cerut Apple sa le fie redat contul de developer ca sa relanseze jocul in Korea:

  2. #22 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Avem verdict! E ceea ce se astepta: apple-epic-judgement - DocumentCloud.

    O problema a fost definirea pietei. S-au respins ambele definitii si s-a mers pe "digital mobile gaming transactions":
    The relevant market here is digital mobile gaming transactions, not gaming generally and not Apple’s own internal operating systems related to the App Store
    1. Epic a incalcat contractul si trebuie sa-i dea Apple comisionul de 30% pentru toate tranzactiile ce n-au trecut prin Apple IAP.
    2. Nu se poate pronunta daca Apple e monopol pentru ca Epic nu a oferit dovezile necesare pentru a demonstra acest lucru.
    3. Apple s-a comportat anti-concurential conform legislatiei din California.
    4. Apple trebuie sa lase developerii sa aiba buttons, links sau alte metode de directionare, spre alte metode de plata si sa poate comunica, prin datele de contact la inregistrarea conturilor in-app, cu utilizatorii despre aceste optiuni:
    permanently restrained and enjoined from prohibiting developers from including in their apps and their metadata buttons, external links, or other calls to action that direct customers to purchasing mechanisms, in addition to In-App Purchasing and communicating with customers through points of contact obtained voluntarily from customers through account registration within the app.
    Intra in vigoare peste 90 zile, pe 9 decembrie.

    Apple must allow other forms of in-app purchases, rules judge in Epic v. Apple - The Verge

    Epic "castiga" partial, pentru ca se aleg cu posibilitatea de implementare a propiului sistem de payment in-app.
    Edit: E o confuzie cu "metadata buttons": The future of the App Store depends on the difference between a ‘button’ and an ‘external link’ - The Verge.

    Insa Sweeney nu e multumit, el vroia ca App Store sa ajunga open:
    Attached Images Attached Images e-7xelvweaior8g.jpg e-7xgyxwyagkvnv.png

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