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Thread: Clubul Xbox One

  1. #1441 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar

  2. #1442 SP
    Senior Member Mihail's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Raskolnikov1944 View Post

    Uite-l ma cum face de la 2:10

  3. #1443 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    recomand articolul Xbox Live's Major Nelson � Xbox One Achievements :
    In addition to Gamerscore, which will remain as a critical part of the Xbox gaming experience (and yes, your Gamerscore from Xbox 360 will carry forward to Xbox One – there’s only ONE Gamerscore (see what I did there?)), consumers can now unlock digital artwork, new maps, unlockable characters, and temporary stat boosts via achievements. And this is not limited to games! Other Xbox One applications such as video and music apps can now use Achievements to bring you awesome sneak peek content, early access, or subscription extensions. Only games will give you Gamerscore

  4. #1444 SP
    Member eneea's Avatar
    "Challenges are time based. As just noted, challenges are only available for a certain period of time. Only your activity during that timeframe will count toward unlocking the challenge. Achievements do not expire, so you can unlock them at your leisure."

    mie mi-ar placea ca pe baza achivmenturilor sa primesc ceva titlu langa gamertag, de exemplu Eneea - Dragonslayer ca omor 100 de dragoni in skyrim, etc. ideea de challenge-uri e interesanta, dar fiindca sunt "time based" am impresia ca o sa fie valabile doar in primele luni de la lansarea jocului, deci nu-s pentru mine

  5. #1445 SP
    Senior Member darkpaul13's Avatar
    dar pana la urma treaba cu autentificarea la 24 ore cum este ?trebuie autentificare pentru fiecare joc in parte ?
    dar cea cu kinectul ?au zis ca e obligatoriu dar au zis ca poate fi si oprit...ce inseamna mai exact oprit ?oprit dpdv al software sau si hard ?il pot scoate din consola si pune in cutie la fel ca si cu actualul kinect ? sau trebuie tinut conectat la consola ?

  6. #1446 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    N-au vrut sa dea mai multe detalii la E3.
    Doar ce s-a anuntat prin 7 iunie parca:

    -24 hour DRM.
    -1 hour DRM if you bring your game to a friends house.
    -Mandatory Kinect.
    -No renting, no loaning. No private sales (unless selling to someone who has been on your friends list for 30 days)
    -Broadband Internet connection required.
    -Trade-ins are up to the publisher and only at “participating” retailers.
    +You can give a game to a friend only if they have been on your friends list for 30 days, and then only ONCE.
    +Up to 10 family members can play your games from any console at any time? You & one other at a time.

  7. #1447 SP
    Junior Member StevieG25's Avatar
    Nu poate fi orpit, Xboxul nu functioneaza fara el, au spus ca nu te asculta tot timpul, il poti inchide iar atunci intelege o singura comanda "Xbox ON".
    Daca intelege comanda aia inseamna ca nu e inchis si defapt chiar te asculta tot timpu', chestia asta cu Kinectu parca e scoasa din cartea 1984 a lui George Orwell.

  8. #1448 SP
    Senior Member darkpaul13's Avatar
    nu cred eu ca-i chiar asa de gri situatia cu kinect (the eye)...cauta scandalul Prism pe net

    da..deci acum e poti scoate din consola si baga in cutie...trebuie sa fie conectat la X1 chiar daca este inchis(dpdv al software-ului)..

    What's more: its watchful new Kinect sensor that must be plugged in for the console to run can be turned off.

  9. #1449 SP
    Member MSlv's Avatar
    si comanda aia pe care o asculta nu e trimisa cumva pe vreun server din SUA sau ceva? poate kinecțel sa descifreze singur limbajul uman?

    ---------- Post added 13-06-2013 at 01:09 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by darkpaul13 View Post
    insa ce inseamna acel "1 hour if you take it to a friends house" ?
    daca iei jocul si te duci la un prieten pe xbone, iti bagi contul tau la el pe consola, bagi jocul, te autentifici online, si daca se duce netul dupa 1 ora jocul se va opri pana cand vine iar net.

  10. #1450 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MSlv View Post
    poate kinecțel sa descifreze singur limbajul uman?
    Um, da...
    Voice recognition software nu e ceva SF. Exista de ani buni si pe Kinect 1.

    ---------- Post added 13-06-2013 at 12:06 PM ----------

  11. #1451 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Xbox One: “We believe the digital world is better” says Microsoft
    Xbox One’s online check-ins have proven to be a big talking point this morning, now it’s Microsoft exec Yusuf Mehdi’s turn to explain why the console’s authentication makes sense. “We believe the digital world is better,” he said in a new interview.
    Speaking with*Ars Technica, Mehdi said, “We’re trying to do something pretty big in terms of moving the industry forward for console gaming into the digital world. We believe the digital world is the future, and we believe digital is better.
    “This is a big change. Consumers don’t always love change, and there’s a lot of education we have to provide to make sure that people understand.”
    Mehdi spooled off some examples of why Xbox One’s approach is better, such as sharing entire game libraries with family members and more. He then added, “As you go into a digital world, what’s happening is publishers are choosing to have different business models, and consumers are saying ‘Hey, if I can’t resell the title, provide me a different way to get value to get into your game.’ And we think the market will be efficient in finding good models that work for consumers.”
    He then discussed the rationale behind Xbox One anti-used policies that publishers are free to adopt if they so wish. Mehdi continued, “Within that, we’ve tried to optimise, and I think we’ve found a great balance across all of those dimensions. But there are tradeoffs. We do want to support everyone in that system, beginning with the consumer.
    “But we want publishers to get paid for the great IP they work on. We want retailers to be able to drive and sell our products and make a profit. So we are trying to balance across all those.”

  12. #1452 SP
    Sunt Eco Dj Mo's Avatar
    Mehdi spooled off some examples of why Xbox One’s approach is better, such as sharing entire game libraries with family members and more. - e, uite asta este un mare plus pentru mine. Fi-mea ma vede ca ma joc forza de exemplu, in momentul ala vrea si ea sa joace. In momentul de fata, ori nu mai joc eu si joaca ea, ori ii dau una peste ochi si trimit la ea in camera. Daca acum jocurile vor merge simultan pe doua console aflate in casa, jos palaria.

  13. #1453 SP
    Senior Member h0stile's Avatar
    adica sa inteleg ca nu vei cumpara un singur Xbox One, ci 2? pai man, atunci tu ar trebui sa votezi de 2 ori in poll-ul de pe CG

    PS cum ar fi sa vedem la X timp dupa lansare... hackerii au reusit sa emuleze serverele MS, asa inca Xbox One poate fi modificata sa nu se mai conecteze o data la 24 de ore la MS. dezavantajul insa este ca emulatorul ruleaza numai pe hardware dedicat, astfel incat ai nevoie de inca o consola Xbox One. sa vezi atunci cum se dubleaza vanzarile si sare MS in fruntea Sony

  14. #1454 SP
    Sunt Eco Dj Mo's Avatar
    Cu timpul voi lua doua, la fel cum s-a intamplat si cu 360. Ne bateam pe o consola

    PS: Creste ea fi-ta si o sa te vad atunci cum o sa aiba ea si xbox si ps4 si wii si tu o amarata de consola de care nu o sa mai ai timp

  15. #1455 SP
    Junior Member StevieG25's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Dj Mo View Post
    Mehdi spooled off some examples of why Xbox One’s approach is better, such as sharing entire game libraries with family members and more. - e, uite asta este un mare plus pentru mine. Fi-mea ma vede ca ma joc forza de exemplu, in momentul ala vrea si ea sa joace. In momentul de fata, ori nu mai joc eu si joaca ea, ori ii dau una peste ochi si trimit la ea in camera. Daca acum jocurile vor merge simultan pe doua console aflate in casa, jos palaria.
    Nu reiese ce ai inteles tu din afirmatia aia, au spus clar ca nu pot juca doua persoane un joc in acelasi timp pe acelasi cont de LIVE.

  16. #1456 SP
    Senior Member h0stile's Avatar
    momentan Laura a pus stapanire pe iPad. abia abia daca il mai vad la fata

    ontopic - pai nici nu trebuie sa fii pe acelasi cont de live. se fac subconturi membrilor familiei din cate stiu. se numesc primary si secondary accounts.

  17. #1457 SP
    Sunt Eco Dj Mo's Avatar
    Pai nici nu vreau pe acelasi cont, Stevie. Eu pe al meu, ea pe al ei, fiind membru al familiei.

  18. #1458 SP
    Senior Member darkpaul13's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by StevieG25 View Post
    Nu reiese ce ai inteles tu din afirmatia aia, au spus clar ca nu pot juca doua persoane un joc in acelasi timp pe acelasi cont de LIVE.
    da..dar au adoptat si ei modelul concurentei...

    nu mai trebuie sa fi signed in pe contul de pe care ai cumparat respectivul joc ca si pana acum(au anuntat ca desfiinteaza abonamentele family pack)

    ai 1 cont cu Forza(spre ex) pe poti juca de pe orice alt cont pe dai la pui pe consola 2..downloadezi si acolo jocul si poti juca de pe orice alt cont..

  19. #1459 SP
    Junior Member StevieG25's Avatar
    Daca puteai juca un joc in acelasi timp cu altcineva ar fi spus clar si raspicat, poti sharui libraria de jocuri cu 10 persoane, cum poti si acuma, doar ca nu mai trebuie sa imprumuti copia fizica a jocului.

    Am citit in alta parte ca pot juca mai multe persoane din aceeasi librarie de jocuri in acelasi timp, dar nu acelasi joc, vorbim de Microsoft totusi.

  20. #1460 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    eu cred ca xbox one o sa fie primul hacarit, la scurt timp dupa aparitie, si se va cumpara de nu or sa aibe astia prin stocuri

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