Buna Donely. De curand cand am scos cablul av de la xbox mi s-a rupt bucata de plastic care tinea pinii si s-au indoit cativa. Ai putea repara asa ceva?
Buna Donely. De curand cand am scos cablul av de la xbox mi s-a rupt bucata de plastic care tinea pinii si s-au indoit cativa. Ai putea repara asa ceva?
Donely, ce știi despre FreePSX?
Uite un clip
...mă interesează dacă se mai continuă proiectul sau dacă s-a renunțat.
donely! am un PSP fat 1001 modat cu versiunea 4.01 M33-2, ai o versiune mai noua?Ai timp maine.Daca da, in jur de ce ore?Si cat mai face?
Salut! Am un PSP 2004 modat (Pandora) cu 5.00 M33-6 care nu mai porneste. Se aprinde beculetul verde iar apoi nu mai pot face nimic. Ecranul ramane negru, Psp-ul se inchide doar cand scot bateria. Am mai incercat si cu alte baterii, cabluri, dar nimic. Se mai poate face ceva?
L-am primit de la cineva cardul ( un fel de bonus ) , la cutie / sigilat , scrie peste tot Sony. In fine , iar unul de 8Mb il da cu 30 lei.
Homebrew - Hermes Brings Hexen + Heretic to PS3
Today Hermes has relased a port of the classic PC games Heretic & Hexen for PS3 JailBreak homebrew users. The included .pkg file is the front end of both the games, but due to copyrights the game files are not included.
In order to celebrate that PSL1GHT already beginning to have a good foundation and with the addition of the PS3 Soundlib that allows it to reproduce up to 16 voices of sound, I have ported two classic games from the PC to PS3 that make use of multiple effects: The games Heretic and Hexen.
There are two ways for install:
1) By PKG. On this occasion, copy the folder content "pkg" on the root�s directory of the USB device and "Install Package Files" on the PS3
2) By SELF. On this occasion, copy "homebrew" on the root�s directory of the USB device and load the applications with the "Open Manager" or another homebrew loader.
Heretic requires the file HERETIC.WAD that can be copied to the same folder as the EBOOT.BIN (/dev_hdd0/game/HERETIC01/USRDIR or /dev_usbX/homebrew/Heretic) or on a USB device after making the folder called "heretic" and copying HERETIC.WAD (/dev_usb/heretic/HERETIC.WAD)
The filename MUST be ONLY uppercase letters.
For quick copying of the files, there is an utility when starting the game: on the license’s screen you can press Circle button if you want to copy the content from dev_usb/heretic to the location of the game in the hard disk (/dev_hdd0/game/HERETIC01/USRDIR)
You can use a FTP program for copy HERETIC.WAD too.
For the HEXEN files its similar to the previous method, but this time, its required HEXEN.WAD that must be copied to /dev_usb/hexen (for all the installations) or /dev_usb/homebrew/Hexen (Open Manager) or to /dev_hdd0/game/HEXEN0001/USRDIR (HDD).
And you can copy on the license�s screen the content of /dev_usb/hexen to /dev_hdd0/game/HEXEN0001/USRDIR pressing CIRCLE button
Hexen + Heretic WADS: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
Heretic + Hexen for PS3 PKG: Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!
Man, sorry dar am incurcat strazile..... lasa-mi un p.m cu adresa completa si ne vedem maine la 13.45 asa cum stabilisem la tel. K?
salut, am si eu un xbox cu rrod daca il repar ce trebuie sa ii fac sa nu mai dea niciodata,sau nu se poate...
Exclusive - PS3SX PSX Emulator Released
An anonymous source has contacted us with some exciting, exclusive news. He has released a PSX emulator for PS3, entitled PS3SX. The emu is a port of PCSX to the PS3. It runs at full speed, full screen, and supports CDDA and XA audio. This pre-release also features 2 player support, saving, and iso formats *.iso *.bin *.mds *.img.
Currently the source code has not been released, but it will be once the emu is completely ported using just the PSL1GHT SDK. PS3SX will run on all retail 3.41 units (fat and slim). Currently it is untested on older firmwares and does not work on debug units (PS3 Test units).
Instructions: Install PKG file on PS3. Either use the folders from the rar file, or make "bios" "MC" and "psxrom" folders in the root of a USB drive. Download PSX bios file below, and place it in "bios" folder. Place legally owned PSX backup ISO's in the "psxrom" folder. Run emulator and play!
Please note there is currently a bug with this pre-release. You can only quit the emulator when running a game. If you attempt to exit to XMB at the rom menu, the emulator will freeze.
PS3SX PCSX port on PS3 using PS3 SDK and psl1ght it's a hybrid for the pre-release.
No source code will be available only when i completely port the emulator to psl1ght.
Before xmas i will update it with a new GUI, save state, and cheat code .
this emulator can only work on 3.41 retail not tried yet on older version.
Support in this pre-release version :
2 Players
All iso formats *.iso *.bin *.mds *.img
psx homebrew *.psx and *.exe
Save works for player 1 & 2
Sound support CDDA and XA
Full screen
Full Speed
PS3SX PSX Emulator Pre-Release:
Am si eu o mica intrebare. A inceput sa imi "inghete" ps3-ul in timpul jocurilor. Am versiunea de 80Gb, phat putin mai veche. Ultima data a inghetat acum 5 minute si a trebuit sa o opresc de la buton.
Se duce blocul optic cumva?
Merci si numai bine!