am modat astazi un ps3 la donely si merge perfect multumes si chiar ESTI CEL MAI BUN in acest domeniu.
am modat astazi un ps3 la donely si merge perfect multumes si chiar ESTI CEL MAI BUN in acest domeniu.
buna am si eu 2 ps3 phat, si una are 4.21 sau ceva de genul..ce se poate face acum pt. o a moda..ce posibilitati exista ?
Am modat la Don xbox 360 slim cu 360 squirt si RGH2. Expert nimic mai mult. Multumesc!!
Am modat la Don xbox 360 slim cu 360 squirt si RGH2. Expert nimic mai mult. Multumesc!!
Salut Donely, am o intrebare, am un playstation 3 phat an fabricatie 2006, modat 3.55 CFW pana anul trecut era conectat la TV normal si mergea in rezolutia minima, de la inceputul anului am luat un LED TV si il tin in rezolutia maxima 1080p pe HDMI, totul bine si normal pana incep sa pornesc un joc, in primele 5 minute cooler-ul din interior merge normal, apoi dupa inca 2 minute incepe sa se tureze mai tare, iar dupa inca 2 minute de functionare cooler-ul ajunge credca la viteza maxima si face un zgomot foarte de tare!!! pana acum nu i-am facut nici o curatare interioara sau schimbare de pasta la procesor!!! asa trebuie sa mearga el sau poti sa imi dai o solutie (cat ar costa!)!!! astept raspunsul tau!!
Disponibila modare RGH2 cu noul CR3 Litle CoolRunner, de la team Xecuter pentru Xbox 360 slim, cel fara HDD numai cu 4Gb flash si 12v-9.6 revizie Corona V2
Pret = 269 ron cu noul CR3 Litle CoolRunner, de la team Xecuter.
Pret = 249 ron cu 360 Squirt.
Modare RGH2, facuta astazi la XBOX 360 SLim versiune 4Gb, cu placa de baza 12V......9,6A CORONA V2 si noul CR3 Litle CoolRunner, de la team Xecuter. Bootare intre 5 si 20 de secunde.
Brand new design from the all new CR3 Range !
Next-Gen RGH Circuit – Embedded All Current Fixes & Tweaks
Quality Assured – No Cheap Chinese Knocks-Offs
New RGH1 PLL_BYPASS Cleaner Switches (680pF, 150pF, 100nF, 68nF, 47nF Caps)
New RGH1 & RGH2 CPU_RESET Cleaner Switches (1k, 2k, 3.3k Resistors and 470pF, 560pF 680pF Caps)
New Corona Support – High Quality Branded 48.000Mhz Crystal (No cheap quality knock offs – gives higher performance)
New UF.L / UMCC Connector for CPU_RESET (Includes Ground – Plug In Adapter No Soldering to the CR3 Lite required)
New 50 Ohm Micro Double Shielded & Grounded CPU_RESET Cable (Only 1.53mm and up to 6Ghz passband)
New Built In ROL Option (Show Debug LED On Front Panel Ring Of Light)
Built-in Ribbon Cable Connector For DemoN (Includes CR_EN and XSVF Programming – no soldering or wires)
Enable/Disable C15 Jumper
Enable/Disable 10 Ohm Jumper
Unique design – do not confuse with other brands that have copied the public schematics
Optimized timing for each motherboard version
Easy programming via JTAG
JTAG CK3 Power Plug Included for LPT (JP4)
Power LED
Reset Cycle Debug LED
Easy Install (Includes All Wires)
Works perfectly with the world famous NANDX, J-R Programmer & DemoN
QSB Add-Ons Available
Trusted Team Xecuter Design & Warranty
DemoN can now directly connect using the ribbon cable that is included with the DemoN (Programming and Enable/Disable feature)
ROL can be wired directly to one of the front LED's without any diode as its included on the CR3
Disponibila modare RGH2 cu noul CR3 Litle CoolRunner, de la team Xecuter pentru Xbox 360 slim, cel fara HDD numai cu 4Gb flash si 12v-9.6 revizie Corona V2
Pret = 269 ron cu noul CR3 Litle CoolRunner, de la team Xecuter.
Pret = 249 ron cu 360 Squirt.
Modare RGH2, facuta astazi la XBOX 360 SLim versiune 4Gb, cu placa de baza 12V......9,6A CORONA V2 si noul CR3 Litle CoolRunner, de la team Xecuter. Bootare intre 5 si 20 de secunde.
Brand new design from the all new CR3 Range !
Next-Gen RGH Circuit – Embedded All Current Fixes & Tweaks
Quality Assured – No Cheap Chinese Knocks-Offs
New RGH1 PLL_BYPASS Cleaner Switches (680pF, 150pF, 100nF, 68nF, 47nF Caps)
New RGH1 & RGH2 CPU_RESET Cleaner Switches (1k, 2k, 3.3k Resistors and 470pF, 560pF 680pF Caps)
New Corona Support – High Quality Branded 48.000Mhz Crystal (No cheap quality knock offs – gives higher performance)
New UF.L / UMCC Connector for CPU_RESET (Includes Ground – Plug In Adapter No Soldering to the CR3 Lite required)
New 50 Ohm Micro Double Shielded & Grounded CPU_RESET Cable (Only 1.53mm and up to 6Ghz passband)
New Built In ROL Option (Show Debug LED On Front Panel Ring Of Light)
Built-in Ribbon Cable Connector For DemoN (Includes CR_EN and XSVF Programming – no soldering or wires)
Enable/Disable C15 Jumper
Enable/Disable 10 Ohm Jumper
Unique design – do not confuse with other brands that have copied the public schematics
Optimized timing for each motherboard version
Easy programming via JTAG
JTAG CK3 Power Plug Included for LPT (JP4)
Power LED
Reset Cycle Debug LED
Easy Install (Includes All Wires)
Works perfectly with the world famous NANDX, J-R Programmer & DemoN
QSB Add-Ons Available
Trusted Team Xecuter Design & Warranty
DemoN can now directly connect using the ribbon cable that is included with the DemoN (Programming and Enable/Disable feature)
ROL can be wired directly to one of the front LED's without any diode as its included on the CR3
Disponibila modare RGH2 cu noul CR3 Litle CoolRunner de la Team Xecuter pentru consolele xbox 360 Slim si Phat care nu depasesc dashboard 2.0.14719
Pret pentru Phat = 230 ron
Pret pentru Slim revizie Trinity alimentare 12V....10,83A = 230 ron
Pret pentru SLim revizie Corona cu HDD de 250 sau 320 GB si alimentare 12V....9,6A = 249 ron
Pret pentru Slim revizie noua Corona V2 cu 4Gb memorie si alimentare 12V...9,6A = 269 ron sau 249 ron cu 360 Squirt.
Brand new design from the all new CR3 Range !
Next-Gen RGH Circuit – Embedded All Current Fixes & Tweaks
Quality Assured – No Cheap Chinese Knocks-Offs
New RGH1 PLL_BYPASS Cleaner Switches (680pF, 150pF, 100nF, 68nF, 47nF Caps)
New RGH1 & RGH2 CPU_RESET Cleaner Switches (1k, 2k, 3.3k Resistors and 470pF, 560pF 680pF Caps)
New Corona Support – High Quality Branded 48.000Mhz Crystal (No cheap quality knock offs – gives higher performance)
New UF.L / UMCC Connector for CPU_RESET (Includes Ground – Plug In Adapter No Soldering to the CR3 Lite required)
New 50 Ohm Micro Double Shielded & Grounded CPU_RESET Cable (Only 1.53mm and up to 6Ghz passband)
New Built In ROL Option (Show Debug LED On Front Panel Ring Of Light)
Built-in Ribbon Cable Connector For DemoN (Includes CR_EN and XSVF Programming – no soldering or wires)
Enable/Disable C15 Jumper
Enable/Disable 10 Ohm Jumper
Unique design – do not confuse with other brands that have copied the public schematics
Optimized timing for each motherboard version
Easy programming via JTAG
JTAG CK3 Power Plug Included for LPT (JP4)
Power LED
Reset Cycle Debug LED
Easy Install (Includes All Wires)
Works perfectly with the world famous NANDX, J-R Programmer & DemoN
QSB Add-Ons Available
Trusted Team Xecuter Design & Warranty
DemoN can now directly connect using the ribbon cable that is included with the DemoN (Programming and Enable/Disable feature)
ROL can be wired directly to one of the front LED's without any diode as its included on the CR3
VIDEO RGH2 Slim Corona V2 - 4GB:
VIDEO RGH2 Slim Trinity:
Disponibila modare RGH2 cu noul CR3 Litle CoolRunner de la Team Xecuter pentru consolele xbox 360 Slim si Phat care nu depasesc dashboard 2.0.14719
Pret pentru Phat = 230 ron
Pret pentru Slim revizie Trinity specificatie 12V....10,83A = 230 ron
Pret pentru SLim revizie Corona cu HDD de 250 sau 320 GB si specificatie 12V....9,6A = 249 ron
Pret pentru Slim revizie noua Corona V2 cu 4Gb memorie si specificatie 12V...9,6A = 269 ron sau 249 ron cu 360 Squirt.
Brand new design from the all new CR3 Range !
Next-Gen RGH Circuit – Embedded All Current Fixes & Tweaks
Quality Assured – No Cheap Chinese Knocks-Offs
New RGH1 PLL_BYPASS Cleaner Switches (680pF, 150pF, 100nF, 68nF, 47nF Caps)
New RGH1 & RGH2 CPU_RESET Cleaner Switches (1k, 2k, 3.3k Resistors and 470pF, 560pF 680pF Caps)
New Corona Support – High Quality Branded 48.000Mhz Crystal (No cheap quality knock offs – gives higher performance)
New UF.L / UMCC Connector for CPU_RESET (Includes Ground – Plug In Adapter No Soldering to the CR3 Lite required)
New 50 Ohm Micro Double Shielded & Grounded CPU_RESET Cable (Only 1.53mm and up to 6Ghz passband)
New Built In ROL Option (Show Debug LED On Front Panel Ring Of Light)
Built-in Ribbon Cable Connector For DemoN (Includes CR_EN and XSVF Programming – no soldering or wires)
Enable/Disable C15 Jumper
Enable/Disable 10 Ohm Jumper
Unique design – do not confuse with other brands that have copied the public schematics
Optimized timing for each motherboard version
Easy programming via JTAG
JTAG CK3 Power Plug Included for LPT (JP4)
Power LED
Reset Cycle Debug LED
Easy Install (Includes All Wires)
Works perfectly with the world famous NANDX, J-R Programmer & DemoN
QSB Add-Ons Available
Trusted Team Xecuter Design & Warranty
DemoN can now directly connect using the ribbon cable that is included with the DemoN (Programming and Enable/Disable feature)
ROL can be wired directly to one of the front LED's without any diode as its included on the CR3
VIDEO RGH2 Slim Corona V2 - 4GB:
VIDEO RG2 Slim Trinity:
Salut Donely, am o intrebare, am un playstation 3 phat an fabricatie 2006, modat 3.55 CFW pana anul trecut era conectat la TV normal si mergea in rezolutia minima, de la inceputul anului am luat un LED TV si il tin in rezolutia maxima 1080p pe HDMI, totul bine si normal pana incep sa pornesc un joc, in primele 5 minute cooler-ul din interior merge normal, apoi dupa inca 2 minute incepe sa se tureze mai tare, iar dupa inca 2 minute de functionare cooler-ul ajunge credca la viteza maxima si face un zgomot foarte de tare!!! pana acum nu i-am facut nici o curatare interioara sau schimbare de pasta la procesor!!! asa trebuie sa mearga el sau poti sa imi dai o solutie (cat ar costa!)!!! astept raspunsul tau!!
Am modat astazi la Donely xbox 360 fat cu rgh2 si coolrunner revC, un adevarat profesionist! Recomand
Am modat astazi la Donely xbox 360 fat cu rgh2 si coolrunner revC, un adevarat profesionist! Recomand
Disponibila modare RGH2 cu noul CR3 Litle CoolRunner de la Team Xecuter pentru Xbox 360 Slim varianta 4GB Corona V2, 12V....9,6A si care nu are dashboard mai mare de 2.0.14719
Pret pentru SLim revizie Corona cu HDD de 250 sau 320 GB si alimentare 12V....9,6A = 249 ron
Pret pentru Slim revizie noua Corona V2 cu 4Gb memorie si alimentare 12V...9,6A = 269 ron sau 249 ron cu 360 Squirt.
Brand new design from the all new CR3 Range !
Next-Gen RGH Circuit – Embedded All Current Fixes & Tweaks
Quality Assured – No Cheap Chinese Knocks-Offs
New RGH1 PLL_BYPASS Cleaner Switches (680pF, 150pF, 100nF, 68nF, 47nF Caps)
New RGH1 & RGH2 CPU_RESET Cleaner Switches (1k, 2k, 3.3k Resistors and 470pF, 560pF 680pF Caps)
New Corona Support – High Quality Branded 48.000Mhz Crystal (No cheap quality knock offs – gives higher performance)
New UF.L / UMCC Connector for CPU_RESET (Includes Ground – Plug In Adapter No Soldering to the CR3 Lite required)
New 50 Ohm Micro Double Shielded & Grounded CPU_RESET Cable (Only 1.53mm and up to 6Ghz passband)
New Built In ROL Option (Show Debug LED On Front Panel Ring Of Light)
Built-in Ribbon Cable Connector For DemoN (Includes CR_EN and XSVF Programming – no soldering or wires)
Enable/Disable C15 Jumper
Enable/Disable 10 Ohm Jumper
Unique design – do not confuse with other brands that have copied the public schematics
Optimized timing for each motherboard version
Easy programming via JTAG
JTAG CK3 Power Plug Included for LPT (JP4)
Power LED
Reset Cycle Debug LED
Easy Install (Includes All Wires)
Works perfectly with the world famous NANDX, J-R Programmer & DemoN
QSB Add-Ons Available
Trusted Team Xecuter Design & Warranty
DemoN can now directly connect using the ribbon cable that is included with the DemoN (Programming and Enable/Disable feature)
ROL can be wired directly to one of the front LED's without any diode as its included on the CR3
VIDEO CR3 Litle RGH2 Slim Corona V2 - 4GB, 12V....9,6A:
Disponibila modare RGH2 cu 360 SQUIRT, pentru Xbox 360 Slim varianta 4GB Corona V2, 12V....9,6A si care nu are dashboard mai mare de 2.0.14719
Pret = 259 ron
VIDEO 360 SQUIRT RGH2 Slim Corona V2 - 4GB, 12V....9,6A:
Disponibila modare RGH2 cu noul CR3 Litle CoolRunner de la Team Xecuter pentru Xbox 360 Slim varianta 4GB Corona V2, 12V....9,6A si care nu are dashboard mai mare de 2.0.14719
Pret pentru SLim revizie Corona cu HDD de 250 sau 320 GB si alimentare 12V....9,6A = 249 ron
Pret pentru Slim revizie noua Corona V2 cu 4Gb memorie si alimentare 12V...9,6A = 269 ron sau 249 ron cu 360 Squirt.
Brand new design from the all new CR3 Range !
Next-Gen RGH Circuit – Embedded All Current Fixes & Tweaks
Quality Assured – No Cheap Chinese Knocks-Offs
New RGH1 PLL_BYPASS Cleaner Switches (680pF, 150pF, 100nF, 68nF, 47nF Caps)
New RGH1 & RGH2 CPU_RESET Cleaner Switches (1k, 2k, 3.3k Resistors and 470pF, 560pF 680pF Caps)
New Corona Support – High Quality Branded 48.000Mhz Crystal (No cheap quality knock offs – gives higher performance)
New UF.L / UMCC Connector for CPU_RESET (Includes Ground – Plug In Adapter No Soldering to the CR3 Lite required)
New 50 Ohm Micro Double Shielded & Grounded CPU_RESET Cable (Only 1.53mm and up to 6Ghz passband)
New Built In ROL Option (Show Debug LED On Front Panel Ring Of Light)
Built-in Ribbon Cable Connector For DemoN (Includes CR_EN and XSVF Programming – no soldering or wires)
Enable/Disable C15 Jumper
Enable/Disable 10 Ohm Jumper
Unique design – do not confuse with other brands that have copied the public schematics
Optimized timing for each motherboard version
Easy programming via JTAG
JTAG CK3 Power Plug Included for LPT (JP4)
Power LED
Reset Cycle Debug LED
Easy Install (Includes All Wires)
Works perfectly with the world famous NANDX, J-R Programmer & DemoN
QSB Add-Ons Available
Trusted Team Xecuter Design & Warranty
DemoN can now directly connect using the ribbon cable that is included with the DemoN (Programming and Enable/Disable feature)
ROL can be wired directly to one of the front LED's without any diode as its included on the CR3
VIDEO CR3 Litle RGH2 Slim Corona V2 - 4GB, 12V....9,6A:
Disponibila modare RGH2 cu 360 SQUIRT, pentru Xbox 360 Slim varianta 4GB Corona V2, 12V....9,6A si care nu are dashboard mai mare de 2.0.14719
Pret = 259 ron
VIDEO 360 SQUIRT RGH2 Slim Corona V2 - 4GB, 12V....9,6A:
As vrea sa cumpar o consola de la un prieten ps3 slim 120gb model CECH-2104A el spune ca dupa ce o arpinde se blocheaza imediat dupa ce apare imaginea sau cateodatata nu apare imaginea si numai poate fi stins ,el spune ca nu a mai fost umblata in ia are sigiliu ,as vrea sa stiu daca se mai poate repara si cat costa si as vrea sa stiu ce are .Mersi stima