Pistol suport pentru PS3 MOVE = 40 ron
Cablu prelungitor pentru Xbox 360 Kinect Sensor = 50 ron
Sursa alimentare 220V pentru Xbox 360 Slim = 170 ron
Sursa alimentare Xbox 360 Kinect Sensor Europa = 80 ron
HDD Hard Drive Disk, 250 GB pentru Xbox 360 Slim = 250 Ron
New Classic Pro Controller pentru Wii = 50 ron
Wii mote cu motion plus incorporat = 100 ron
X-BOX 360 controler negru wireless = 140 ron
PSP slim component av cable (Iron) pentru TV = 60 lei
PSP slim av cable (Iron) pentru TV = 50 lei
PSP 2000 3600 mAh baterie pentru PSP fat = 60 lei
PSP 2000 2400 mAh baterie pentru PSP slim = 50 lei
New! - PSP ecran LCD pentru model fat si slim = 200 lei
New! - PSP GO ecran LCD = 200 lei
PSP carcasa Slim = 80 lei
PSP cutie de protectie = 30 lei
PSP incarcator = 50 ron
PSP analog 3D = 50 ron
PSP folie contacte = 60 ron
PS2 Memory card 8Mb originala Sony = 50 lei
PS2 Slim Cooler pe USB = 45 lei
PS2 cablu RGB = 45 lei
PS2 cablu component = 60 lei
PS2 slim sursa alimentare = 80 ron
PS2 Joypad adaptor pentru x-box, Wii si Game Cube = 50 lei
Bloc optic PVR si SPU cu tot cu sasiu pentru PS2 Slim = 140 lei
New - Wii mote cu motion plus incorporat = 100 ron
New! - Nintendo Wii bloc optic = 200 ron
Nintendo Wii cooler extern = 50 lei
New - Nintendo Wii clasic controller = 50 ron
Nintendo Wii mote = 80 lei
Nintendo Wii nunchuck = 60 ron
New - Nintendo Wii nunchuck wireless = 90 lei
New - Nintendo Wii motion plus = 90 ron
Nintendo Wii sursa alimentare 220V = 150 lei
Nintendo WII cablu component = 70 lei
Nintendo Wii cablu RGB = 60 lei
Nintendo Wii adaptor joypad PS2 = 45 lei
Nintendo Game cube memory card 16 Mb = 50 lei
Set protectii siliconice pentru Wii mote si nunchuck = 40 lei
New - Wii Drive mainboard DMS/D2A/D2B/D2C = 190 ron
New - Cablu VGA pentru Wii = 80 ron
New - Wii Lan adapter = 90 Ron
X-Box 360 controler wireless negru = 140 ron
X-BOX 360 cablu VGA = 80 lei
X-BOX 360 cablu component = 70 lei
X-BOX 360 network adapter = 150 ron
X-BOX 360 DVD-rom LiteOn Original = 250 lei
X-BOX 360 cablu play and charge = 50 lei
New! X-BOX 360 Hard Drive Transfer Cable = 60 Ron
New - Pistol suport pentru PS3 MOVE = 40 ron
New! - PS3 slim bloc optic cu tot cu sasiu = 400 ron
New! - PS3 bloc optic cu tot cu sasiu = 395 ron
PS3 cablu HDMI 2m lungime = 70 lei
PS3 cablu component = 60 lei
PS3 cablu RGB = 60 lei
PS3 cablu HDMI - DVI 2m lungime = 80 ron
New - PS3 DVD Drive Mainboard = 190 ron
New - PS3 Cablu VGA pentru PS3 = 80 ron
New - PS3 sursa alimentare = 180 ron
PS3 controler original = 140 ron
am un xbox360 slim fabricat 2011-09-14 12V...9.6A. se poate moda in vreun fel?unde pot gasi explicatii/diferente intre modare lt sau rgh/ avantaje/dezavantaje.La care modare nu trebuie sa scriu dvd-uri(am hard la consola) si pana la urma care e mai buna?
multumesc mult
Stick dongle JB-King cu update 2.51 pentru modare PS3 ce nu depaseste fw 3.55. Cu acest nou dongle, merg toate jocurile ce necesita fw mai mare de 3.55 - 3.6+ pe o consola modata.
Este compatibil cu toate EBOOT PATCH True Blue PS3-PARADOX cat si cu UNOFFICIAL_TB_EBOOT_PATCH
1. Supports all regions of consoles
2. Supports all regions of v3.6+ games
3. Rock solid crystal oscillator on board for flawless timing
4. Durable and high quality plastic case design
5. Tough and durable plastic packaging
6. Further features to be added as they are developed
7. On board 2 MBytes SPI flash
8. Does not require the power/eject trick
9. Custom v3.55 Dongle firmware behaves like OFW when JB-King is not inserted
10. Manufactured from highest grade components and Actel based
JB-King update 2.51
Download: http://www.jb-king.com/download.asp
(First upgrade console system:TrueBlue-3.55-v2-cfw) !!
JB-KING upgrade package V2.51
Pret =180 Ron
DOWNGRADE PS3 DE LA FW 4.11 SAU MAI MIC, LA FW 3.55 cu date code maxim 1A, pentru a suporta modare cu CFW si dongle JB-KING, cu care merg toate jocurile noi care necesita FW mai mare de 3.55 - 3.6+. Downgrade se face cu programator dedicat ProgSkeet v1.1 PCB [Limited Crystal Blue Edition]. Dupa downgrade, programatorul se scoate de pe placa de baza.
Pret = 290 ron
Pentru a vedea daca suporta downgrade sau nu consola voastra, puteti folosii PS3 Minimum Version Check, pentru a determina fw-ul de baza al consolei. Acesta nu trebuie sa depaseasca 3.55 chiar daca la consola a fost facut update la 4.11
1.Unrar and copy this MinVerChk PUP to your USB stick (/PS3/UPDATE/PS3UPDAT.PUP), the same way as if it was an firmware upgrade.
2. Insert the USB stick into the PS3.
3. Start a firmware update like normal from XMB (Don�t worry, it will not update!)
4. It will shortly fail and display the Firmware Base Value
Pachet downgrade fw 4.11 sau mai mic la fw 3.55 plus stick JB-King = 390 ron
Am modat si eu Xbox-ul (250 Gb hard) ieri la Donely.Cum era de asteptat,jucaria functioneaza excelent!Multumesc.
In curand disponibil modchip dual nand Xecuter Demon, pentru Xbox 360 Slim si Fat
Xecuter Demon Slim – First batch rolls off the production line
''After several months of development we have finally completed work on the base DemoN module. The first to roll off the production line is the Slim version, the Phat version will roll off on Monday.
Forget any other cheap dual nand device you see on the market, the DemoN blows them all out of the water. Some teams brag about NAND R/W speeds of just over a minute…..try 20 seconds
Our team of developers and beta testers include high ranking members of the 360 Linux scene to make sure that this is the defacto Dual Nand device.
These are being sent to our crew of beta testers who will put every fix, tweak, enhancement and new feature through it's final paces. We have so much planned for the DemoN in the future, the base unit is just the beginning, wait until you see all of the addons and software tools we have coming – we've worked REALLY hard to make this as solid and as future proof as possible, it really is a clean well crafted product and we are very proud of it, it's been an awesome team effort to get this done right – much more to come" !
Final features, prices & specifications will be announced very soon.
au aparut atatea la team.xecuter. dar eu am xbox cu corona ce trebuiesa mai apara k sa fie posibila modarea am vazut ca a aparut si coolrunner rev c. cred k mai e putin. am de fapt sa iti aduc 2 xboxuri de 250gb cu corona cand se va putea.moda...
ce face acest demon ?
si ce tip de hard driveuri se pot 'desface' si folosi ca hard diskuri interne de xbox? :/
The Xecuter DemoN is the most advanced Xbox 360 nand device ever created.
Giving you the ability to have dual NAND's is nothing new to the scene thanks to Team Cygnos and their dual NAND device for older generation Phat JTAG models. However since the advent of the Reset Glitch Hack (RGH) scene, there has been an insurgence of homebrew activity on all the newer models of Xbox 360, including all of the Phat consoles that could no longer be JTAG'd, giving a need for multiple NAND's yet again so you can run your own custom kernels and linux apps on all the latest models including the new Xbox 360 S (or Slim as its known).
Picking up where Cygnos left off, Xecuter has taken the Dual NAND design and basically fixed every known bug and flaw that existed with the Cygnos, improved features, increased r/w speeds, redesigned the layout and install methods, added new functions and basically took the dual NAND concept to the next level.
The built-in NAND R/W hardware is a stand out feature. Completely bypassing the need for any external device such as the Xecuter NAND-X or any other SPI tool, the DemoN has a USB port which offers a completely pass-thru solution giving you direct access to the Demon & On-board NAND's - and with the turbo mode, you can now achieve NAND r/w speeds that have never been seen before on the Xbox.
Xecuter hasn't forgotten JTAG fans either, there are thousands upon thousands of users out there who run a perfectly functioning JTAG machine - many of them using the Xecuter JTAG QSB Install Kits that have become so popular over the last couple of years. Not only does the DemoN support all of the latest RGH devices such as the Xecuter CoolRunner - but we have also designed the DemoN to make sure that it doesn't affect any current JTAG installs - which is ideal for those who have the QSB kits installed and working perfectly - fitting the Demon does not require that they have to remove their functioning JTAG feature. The DemoN will also work with your currently installed RGH Device especially the TX CoolRunner and it's QSB install kits. Xecuter thinks of the customer experience first and foremost !
As always with Team Xecuter you can trust that we make the absolute best quality devices paying attention to the tiniest details and making sure that the end user is completely confident in a premium product backed by our famous warranty.
Xecuter is the brand you can trust, don't accept poor imitations.
Main Features:
NextGen Dual NAND Device
Easy Switch Between Stock Onboard NAND and Custom NAND
Easy QSB Solution (Quick Solder Board)
Easy Wire Install Option Also Available
Both Phat & Slim Versions
Support 16MB & 256MB / 512MB (Big Block) NAND Versions
Original Brand NAND to Match Stock For Security & Compatibility
Built-In USB NAND Read/Write Hardware (NAND-X / Other SPI Hardware Not Required)
Turbo NAND R/W Mode (16MB Dump less than 20 seconds)
TX CoolRunner Options
Supports Phat JTAG Installs (Inc All TX QSB JTAG Kits)
Supports Phat & Slim RGH Installs (Inc TX CoolRunner QSB Kits)
No Lifting of CE Pin on Both Phat & Slim
No Trace Cuts on Both Phat & Slim
Custom Software & Drivers
100% J-Runner Support
Proven Xecuter Build Quality & Warranty
More Premium Features Will Be Announced Very Soon......
Dev versions of the DemoN will be shipped to all of Xecuter's newly created RGH Development Team as well as members of Freeboot, FreestyleDash and other prominent developers in order to enhance the abilities of the DemoN and to make sure it is as fine tuned as possible by the very guys who bring you all of your homebrew goodness.
Dupe ce il modezi RGH poti pune orice HDD de laptop intern pe sata.
sunt ceva vesti despre modare pentru xbox360 slim cu placa de baza Corona ...9.6A? cam in cat timp va fi posibile o modare?
multumesc !
Buna ziua.
As avea si eu o intrebare in legatura cu un ps3 slim caruia i-a fost "busita" bobina care face legatura curentului cu sursa de alimentare a acestuia. Totul s-a intamplat datorita faptului ca ps3-ul era conecatat prin cablu de retea la pc si era si pornit,iar cand am dat sa-l conectez la tv prin scart, acesta a facut "poc"!
Intrebarea mea ar fi, cat ar costa reparatiile acestuia (daca se poate repara)?