Desi inca nu avem in mod palpabil (sau macar vizual) noua consola PlayStation 4 de la Sony, am zis ca ar fi totusi indicat sa deschidem un thread dedicat fix discutiilor bazate pe tema hardware-ului si a puterii acestuia. Prin urmare, daca gasiti un tech demo, aveti detalii de la un developer referitor la puterea unui PS4, va rog sa postati aici. Mai jos voi lista si comunicatul celor de la Sony referitor la configuratia hardware (dar tineti cont ca nu se stie daca aceasta va fi prezenta 100% in varianta retail).
Din ce stim pana acum, avem urmatoarea configuratie hardware:
PlayStation 4 Specs Main Processor Single-chip custom processor: CPU : x86-64 AMD “Jaguar”, 8 cores; GPU : 1.84 TFLOPS, AMD next-generation Radeon™ based graphics engine Memory GDDR5 8GB Hard Disk Drive Built-in Optical Drive(read only) BD 6xCAV; DVD 8xCAV I/O Super-Speed USB (USB 3.0), AUX Communication Ethernet (10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T); IEEE 802.11 b/g/n; Bluetooth® 2.1 (EDR) AV output HDMI; Analog-AV out; Digital Output (optical) Chiar sunt curios cum vi se pare configuratia, comparativ cu PS3-ul sau competitia. Va face oare fata cerintelor developerilor (mai ales ca acum nu mai au scuze pentru port-uri, noul PS4 fiind pe arhitectura clasica x86)?Gamer Focused, Developer Inspired
PS4 was designed from the ground up to ensure that the very best games and the most immersive experiences reach PlayStation gamers. PS4 accomplishes this by enabling the greatest game developers in the world to unlock their creativity and push the boundaries of play through a system that is tuned specifically to their needs.
PS4 also fluidly connects players to the larger world of experiences offered by PlayStation, across the console and mobile spaces, and PlayStation® Network (PSN).
The PS4 system architecture is distinguished by its high performance and ease of development. PS4 is centered around a powerful custom chip that contains eight x86-64 cores and a state of the art graphics processor.
The Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) has been enhanced in a number of ways, principally to allow for easier use of the GPU for general purpose computing (GPGPU) such as physics simulation. The GPU contains a unified array of 18 compute units, which collectively generate 1.84 Teraflops of processing power that can freely be applied to graphics, simulation tasks, or some mixture of the two.
PS4 is equipped with 8 GB of unified system memory, easing game creation and increasing the richness of content achievable on the platform. GDDR5 is used for this memory, giving the system 176 GB/second of bandwidth and providing a further boost to graphics performance.