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Thread: Clubul Nintendo Switch

  1. #1 SP
    Junior Member BigBibi's Avatar

    Lightbulb Clubul Nintendo Switch

    Noua consola a celor de la Nintendo, Nintendo NX, va fi lansata in 2016.

    Compania Square Enix a anuntat ca urmatoarele doua jocuri din seria Dragon Quest ar putea fi lansate pe noua platforma de gaming a celor de la Nintendo , desemnata cu numele de cod Nintendo Nx . Aceasta din urma ar urma sa fie lansata in 2016.
    Nu bag mana in foc pentru niste zvonuri . Nu ucideti mesagerul .
    Ce ati dori de la o noua consola Nintendo atat ca hardware cat si ca jocuri ?
    Nintendo NX: A closer look at the mystery console | TechRadar
    Attached Images Attached Images nintendo-nx-logo.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member sexbobomb91's Avatar
    Eh, mi se pare un pic cam devreme. Ma astept s-o anunte anul viitor la E3 si sa se lanseze prin 2017.

    Chiar daca imi place gamepad-ul de Wii U as vrea sa renunte la el cu urmatoarea consola si sa se concentreze mai mult pe performanta.
    Si asa multe din jocurile lor arata excelent in HD, daca NX ar avea o putere comparabila cu a PS4-ului jocurile ar putea sa arate incredibil.

  3. #3 SP
    VIP Member OEE's Avatar
    In primul rand sa renunte la gamepad-ul ala si la orice tine de motion. In al doilea rand sa aiba specificatii compatibile cu MS si Sony, nu strica niciodata un competitor serios pe piata.

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    Avand in vedere ca a intarziat putin fata de celelalte console, ar trebui sa aiba specificatii mai bune. Daca vad un articol de genul "Assassin's Creed 5 will run at 60FPS on the new Wii and 30FPS on PS4" o cumpar pe loc, iar daca nu, sa fie sanatosi. In fond, daca grafica nu conteaza, pentru gameplay am vechiul Wii.

  5. #5 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Word is out that Nintendo has started spreading around NX developer kits to developers.
    Eyes are all on the Kyoto based developer, who recently publicly announced Pokemon Go with the Pokemon Company and Niantic, and has yet to reveal their own in-house developed mobile games.
    Former CEO Satoru Iwata announced the NX at the same time when he announced Nintendo would be making a select number of mobile games. He admitted at the time that this was a key decision, to emphasize that Nintendo’s entry into mobile did not mean they planned to abandon hardware development.

  6. #6 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Nintendo’s successor to the Wii U, so far only dubbed the NX, is reportedly scheduled to enter mass production by the end of the first quarter of 2016. According to Digitimes, the upstream component suppliers for the console expects shipments to reach roughly 10-12 million units next year.
    It’s suspected that Foxconn Electronics has been picked to manufacture the console. According to the rumors, the console is beginning mass shipments in the second quarter of 2016, which would mark it sometime between Friday, April 1 and Thursday, June 30. This does not necessarily mean the console would launch during this time, as console launches are usually in the Fall.

  7. #7 SP
    Member n0madgamer's Avatar
    Inca ma mir ca unii cred ca va inlocui consola Wii U. Macar sursa scrie „Nintendo's new game console“, care probabil o sa fie un handheld

  8. #8 SP
    Junior Member codra's Avatar
    Pai chiar va inlocui wii u-ul. Ceea ce stim despre NX e ca va fi un sistem hardware, insa nu stim daca va fi un hibrid intre consola stand alone si handheld. Si daca va fi, cum va face acest lucru. E posibil ca handheld-ul sa fie asemanator cu gamepad-ul actual doar ca va putea fi folosit si fara consola ceea ce inseamna ca va avea procesor, placa video etc. proprii( ceea ce inseamna costuri foarte mari si stim ca nintendo este sensibil la costuri, mai ales avand in vedere experienta cu 3ds-ul), sau se va conecta prin intermediul internetului la consola(ceea ce ar insemna conexiune permanenta la internet). Din ce-mi amintesc, am citit mai demult un interviu cu unul dintre responsabilii cu tehnologia inglobata in gamepad si mai ales modul cum acesta interactioneaza cu consola si a spus ca exista tehnologia ca gamepad-ul sa se conecteze prin intermediul internetului de la distanta la consola fara probleme, dar nu au implementat-o, probabil din ratiuni de costuri. A doua varianta ar fi ca nx sa fie o consola portabila care se conecteaza la TV, insa ar trebui sa fie suficient de mica pentru portabilitate si in acelasi timp destul de performanta avand in vedere cu cine concureaza, mai ales daca vor sa aiba suport 3rd party, asa ca nu stiu ce sa zic. Nintendo a spus ca va veni cu ceva foarte original, iar prima varianta nu pare foarte originala.
    Se vorbea la un moment dat ca nu vor mai lansa noul joc zelda pe wii u, ci pe nx, ulterior s-a anuntat ca va aparea in 2016 pe wi u. Despre project cars, care a fost anuntat prima data pe wii u si a fost anulat din cauza ca nu avea un frame rate acceptabil s-a spus ca se va lua in considerare portarea lui pe nx. Se stie ca retro studios lucreaza din 2014 la un nou joc care cel mai probabil va aparea pe nx. E clar ca e succesor pentru wii u.

  9. #9 SP
    Senior Member BizZare's Avatar
    Oare daca au renuntat la numele de Wii asta inseamna ca au renuntat si la vechile obiceiuri?

  10. #10 SP
    Junior Member codra's Avatar
    Nu stim exact cum se va numi consola, NX e doar un nume de cod, dar cu siguranta nu va mai avea "wii" in denumire, mai ales dupa ce au constatat ca denumire wii u a creat confuzie mai ales in randul jucatorilor de ocazie, nestiind exact ca e vorba de o cu totul alta consola nintendo. NX-ul se vrea a fi cu totul ceva nou, original, inovator si nu va fi o continuare hardware a actualei console cum a fost cazul cu wii u-ul, ci va fi un hardware total nou. Cine e interesat poate citi un interviu cu presedintele nintendo: Nintendo President Tatsumi Kimishima on the Future

  11. #11 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Nomura Securities has made a bold prediction for the Nintendo NX; it’s launching this year, just in time for the holidays.
    This prediction comes mere days after Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima indicated the company was still taking its time developing the console, but that progress was going well.
    Nomura analyst Junko Yamamura claims Nintendo will reveal the console’s concept between March and May, reveal the actual console in June (probably alluding to E3), and launching it between October and November, safely in time for the holidays.
    Based on this time frame, Yamamura predicts the console will be profitable for Nintendo by the following year, but will eat into sales of the Wii U and 3DS first. Yamamura’s predictions were grave enough for Nintendo to slip 5 % in the Tokyo stock markets.
    However, it’s not quite clear why an analyst’s word was taken seriously over that of the president of the company. It’s also more common practice for Nintendo to launch new hardware a year after unveiling it.

  12. #12 SP
    Junior Member BajaCustom's Avatar
    This is veeeeeeeeeeeeeery interesting:

    Dupa cum spun si baietii astia, looks like the birth of Skynet! No spoilers, va las sa vizionati

  13. #13 SP
    Member n0madgamer's Avatar
    Breveturile nu se refera la NX, sunt generale si cam 90 % din ele raman teorie. Ele sunt inregistrate ca sa nu le foloseasca altcineva.

    Eu inca ma mir cat de bine tin cei de la Nintendo totul secret despre acest proiect. Stim absolut zero despre el si probabil nu o sa aflam nimic pana la E3.

  14. #14 SP
    Junior Member BajaCustom's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by 69wpm View Post
    Breveturile nu se refera la NX, sunt generale si cam 90 % din ele raman teorie. Ele sunt inregistrate ca sa nu le foloseasca altcineva.
    Asta nu as avea de unde sa stiu, dar bineinteles ca toate informatiile actuale sunt doar zvonuri si speculatii

  15. #15 SP
    Member Schatten's Avatar
    Bine ca apare alta consola Nintendo, ca Wii U nu a facut valuri din pacate

  16. #16 SP
    Senior Member Clopotarul's Avatar
    Are these leaked images of the Nintendo NX controller?


    Back in December of 2015, Destructoid reported on a Nintendo patent for a game console controller, which many assumed to be for the upcoming NX hardware Nintendo has been teasing.

    According to a post by Alexander Maier over at Dual Pixels, what follows is a leaked image of the NX controller, which matches the patent we previously reported on. The image was apparently provided to Maier by a new source, going by the name Idriss2Dev.

    It is important to note that if this is development hardware, it may vary from the retail version of the controller. There may still be time to remove what appears to be touch screen buttons on this design.

  17. #17 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Adica ala mare ar fi ecran si in ecran sa fie 2 gauri pt butoane ?

  18. #18 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    A source has come forward claiming Nintendo will be revealing the NX before this year’s E3.
    Orgen from NeoGAF has stepped forward to make this claim. He states that it will not be a tease sharing only a small element about the console, and will lean closer to a full reveal. He does not know if Nintendo will be making this reveal in a full Nintendo Direct, or if it will be an investor’s meeting. However, he vouches that fans will not have to wait until E3 this June. Orgen successfully predicted the reveal for Pokemon X and Y, so his word carries as an insider still carries some weight.

  19. #19 SP
    Member Bodolay Botond's Avatar
    Între timp "Nintendo has denied the Nikkei report". Lăudat fie Domnul!

    Trimis de pe Nexus 5

  20. #20 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Cam asa sta treaba:

    • Only the upper 'nubs' of the sticks move. The bottom part is static (kind of like the circle pad, but it moves along the bottom 'sphere'.
    • The rollers on the top feel and look pretty much identical to a mouse scroll-wheel. Though I do don't believe this will be the final design.
    • Haptic feedback is feels like Apples 'taptic' engine. Not like regular rumble.
    • 3.5mm headphone jack on the bottom
    Attached Images Attached Images 12443327_1144038598948163_1367918706_o.jpg 12596625_1144038592281497_2043020872_o.jpg

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