Demourile la jocuri cu masini au in principiu un traseu si 2-3 masini. Nu cred ca am vazut mai mult de atat in vreun demo pentru jocuri cu masini. Driveclub PS Plus Edition are 11 trasee, 10 masini si ai acces la toate modurile inclusiv multiplayer. Nu e chiar demo.
PS4 July PS Plus Games Revealed? - NowGamer
Tare daca dau Strider asa repede.
Da, azi
LE: cam astea sunt
Leaving PS Plus:
2nd July: Pixeljunk Shooter Ultimate
2nd July: Trine 2: The Complete Story
2nd July: NBA 2K14
2nd July: Sly Cooper Thieves in Time
2nd July: Puppeteer
2nd July: Lone Survivor
2nd July: Dragon’s Crown
2nd July: Surge Deluxe
Entering PS Plus:
2nd July: TowerFall Ascension
2nd July: Strider
2nd July: Dead Space 3
2nd July: Vessel
2nd July: LEGO Batman 2: DC Superheroes
2nd July: Doki Doki Universe
PS Plus | Your monthly games for July 2014:
@OEE nu e vorba de lene , eu numai cheltui bani pe jocuri , am destul backloogSincer conteaza mult man?
LE: Cool cool , vad eu atunci
@OEE Merci de sfat , l-am găsit pe ebay la 12,73 ron Dead Space 2 Limited ma mai costă transportul uk-ro tot cam atât.
Destiny Beta to be Open to Everyone With PlayStation Plus - PlayStation LifeStyle
"Not only are we bringing you a great mix of games but there’s also the Destiny beta, which kicks off on 17th July exclusively on PlayStation. If you’re a PlayStation Plus member you will be able to fully experience Destiny and its incredible multiplayer. And if you’re not? Well, what are you waiting for, sign up now!"