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Thread: Totul despre Xbox Game Pass

  1. #261 SP
    Junior Member razday's Avatar
    Se pare ca am reusit am game pass pt 3 luni, am platit cu card ING de RO. Am cautat un hotel din Uk ca si adresa dar atentie cand am intrat pe cont pe microsoft ma baga automat pe US , abia dupa cateva incercari de a intra pe situ-ul xbox de uk am reusit sa platesc . Initial pe contul nou de microsoft fara sa intru pe contul de xbox am adaugat si modalitatea de plata insa cand vroiam sa activez ma obliga sa bag adresa de usa insa am rezolvat dupa ce am schimbat ip de uk si am dat sa intru pe site de uk, abia atunci m-a aparut si modalitatea de plata .

  2. #262 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Cand esti pe site, daca te baga pe US vezi sus in bara si schimba din en-US in en-GB

  3. #263 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Având în vedere că UK a ieşit din UE, de ce nu vă faceţi contul pe Irlanda? Limba este engleză şi moneda este euro. Sau altă ţară din UE.

  4. #264 SP
    Junior Member razday's Avatar
    Problema mea cea mai mare va fi dupa aceste 3 luni de game pass, poate ma indruma cineva ce ar trebui sa fac sa il pot achizitiona la un pret rezonabil. Multam!

  5. #265 SP
    Member ingerulol's Avatar
    Eu am pe US , a mers cu PAYPAL direct la ei . Platesti 3 luni si primesti 4 .

  6. #266 SP
    Junior Member dreamcatcher80's Avatar
    Mai merge treabă cu Xbox live pe 12 luni și apoi conversie cu Game Pass Ultimate pe o luna? Și dacă da, trebuie sa nu fi avut game Pass activat înainte pe cont sau nu are importanță?

  7. #267 SP
    Senior Member kragod's Avatar
    Da si da.

  8. #268 SP
    Junior Member dreamcatcher80's Avatar
    Presupun că trebuie să las subscripția actuala sa expire, altfel aplicandu_se rata de conversie din screenshot. E corect cum zic?
    Attached Images Attached Images screenshot_20210117-105432_chrome.jpg

  9. #269 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Da, lasa sa-ti expire Ultimate si dupa faci treaba cu conversia. Citeste si asta.

  10. #270 SP
    Member blackjack2150's Avatar
    Scuze ca poate intreb ceva ce s-a discutat deja. E multa informatie si nu-mi dau seama daca scenariul meu e inclus.
    Eu am facut conversia de Gold la Ultimate in vara, cand au lansat oferta, fara sa ma gandesc sa incarc cu Gold pt 3 ani, cum am vazut apoi ca faceau unii. Asadar, Ultimate-ul imi expira luna asta.

    Intrebare: Daca il las sa expire, si apoi incarc 12 luni gold de pe CD-Keys, mai pot face apoi conversie la Ultimate 1:1? Sau nu mai pot beneficia de oferta asta, pentru ca am facut-o deja odata? Mersi.

  11. #271 SP
    Member chios's Avatar
    Poți face conversia după ce expira. Doar ca nu mai poți activa varianta cu un 1$ ultimate,trebuie sa cumperi după cd-keys și o luna Ultimate.

  12. #272 SP
    Member blackjack2150's Avatar
    Super. Nu e o problema luna in plus. O ultima intrebare. Aici dau Cancel Subscriptions sau doar Turn off Recurring?

  13. #273 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Dai "Turn off recurring billing".

  14. #274 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Xbox Wire
    Coming Soon
    Control (PC) – January 21
    Desperados III (Android, Console, and PC) – January 21
    Donut County (Android, Console, and PC) ID@Xbox – January 21
    Outer Wilds (Android) ID@Xbox – January 21
    Cyber Shadow (Android, Console, and PC) ID@Xbox – January 26
    The Medium (Xbox Series X|S and PC) ID@Xbox – January 28
    Yakuza 3 Remastered (Android, Console, and PC) – January 28
    Yakuza 4 Remastered (Android, Console, and PC) – January 28
    Yakuza 5 Remastered (Android, Console, and PC) – January 28

    DLC / Game Updates
    Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition Lords of the West DLC – January 26
    Rainbow Six Siege Road to S.I. – January 21

    Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Perks
    Smite – January 26 (Not available in Japan)

    Leaving Soon

    Leaving January 29
    Death Squared (Console)
    Death’s Gambit (PC)
    Final Fantasy XV (Console and PC)
    Fishing Sim World: Pro Tour (Console and PC)
    Gris (PC)
    Indivisible (Console and PC)
    Reigns: Game of Thrones (PC)
    Sea Salt (Console and PC)
    Coming Soon to Xbox Game Pass: Yakuza Remastered Collection, The Medium, and More - Xbox Wire
    Attached Images Attached Images tw_available-today_coming-soon_templates_1.19.2021_update.jpg

  15. #275 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Update on Xbox Live Gold Pricing

    If you’re an existing online 12-month or 6-month Xbox Live Gold member, there’s no price change. If you choose to renew your membership, it will renew at the current price.

    The price of a 1-month Gold membership is increasing $1 USD and the price of a 3-month membership is increasing $5 USD or the equivalent amount in your local market.

    If you’d like to upgrade your Gold membership to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate your remaining Gold time will also convert directly to Ultimate (up to 36 months). For example, if you have 11 months of Xbox Live Gold now, and you upgrade to Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, those 11 months convert to 11 months of Ultimate at no additional cost.

    ---------- Post added 22-01-2021 at 18:50 ----------

    UPDATE: A Microsoft representative has confirmed to Eurogamer the UK Xbox Live Gold price hike:

    One month goes up from £6.99 to £7.99.

    Three months goes up from £17.99 to £21.99.

    And six months goes up from £29.99 to £42.99.

    This means 12 months of Xbox Live Gold now costs £86. It was £49.99.

  16. #276 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Se pare ca s-au razgandit, ba chiar au dat putin inapoi:

    Microsoft Not Changing Xbox Live Gold Pricing, Free-to-Play Games Unlocked
    We messed up today and you were right to let us know. Connecting and playing with friends is a vital part of gaming and we failed to meet the expectations of players who count on it every day. As a result, we have decided not to change Xbox Live Gold pricing.

    We’re turning this moment into an opportunity to bring Xbox Live more in line with how we see the player at the center of their experience. Free-to-play games will truly be free and you will no longer need an Xbox Live Gold membership to play those games on Xbox. We are working hard to deliver this change as soon as possible in the coming months.
    Have you played Xbox Series X?

    If you are an Xbox Live Gold member already, you stay at your current price for renewal. New and existing members can continue to enjoy Xbox Live Gold for the same prices they pay today. In the US, $9.99 for 1-month, $24.99 for 3-months, $39.99 for 6-months and $59.99 for retail 12-months.

  17. #277 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar
    În sfârșit. Jocurile online încep să nu mai aibă nevoie de Gold. Deocamdată astea:

    3on3 Freestyle
    APB Reloaded
    Apex Legends
    Armored Warfare
    Battle Ages
    Battle Islands
    Battle Islands: Commanders
    Bless Unleashed
    Call of Duty: Warzone
    CRSED: F.O.A.D.
    DC Universe Online
    Defiance 2050
    Destiny 2
    Dungeon Defenders II
    Eternal Card Game
    Fishing Planet
    Galaxy Control: Arena
    Gems of War
    Happy Wars
    Hyper Scape
    Minion Masters
    Rocket League
    Path of Exile
    Phantasy Star Online 2
    Phantom Dust
    Prominence Poker
    Realm Royale
    Rec Room
    Rocket League
    Rogue Company
    Star Trek Online
    Techwars Global Conflict
    The Four Kings Casino and Slots
    War Thunder
    World of Tanks
    World of Warships: Legends

  18. #278 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    Adica jocurile free to play, exact ca pe Playstation.

  19. #279 SP
    Member florent's Avatar
    Bine ca cineva de la Microsoft si-a scos morcovul din fund ca prea erau cu nasul pe sus, de parca ei erau lideri pe piata de console .

  20. #280 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar
    ^^ Când vine vorba de Xbox Live chiar erau lideri, calitativ vorbind.

    Nu cred că e o decizie atât de ușoară să oferi gratis cel mai bun serviciu live de pe piață.

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