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Thread: Clubul Xbox Series X

  1. #201 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by fdkenzo View Post
    Ce e asta???
    Pe timp de pandemie, oameni se mai stricā la cap. Marile publicaţii de profil sunt precum televiziunile care transmiteau toatā ziua fotbal, iar acum șomeazā. Cerșesc și ei un pic de atenţie.

  2. #202 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Hai măi că e funny. Eu am făcut deja pre-order!

  3. #203 SP
    Member lukecelmare's Avatar
    Eu astept Series XXX

    Sent from my moto g(7) power using Tapatalk

  4. #204 SP
    Senior Member Clopotarul's Avatar
    Xbox rumor roundup: 'Xbox Series S' Lockhart, new Xbox headset, May event, and more

    Xbox Series X hype train is heating up. With all the specs out in the open, the attention has turned to games, features, and the long-rumored Xbox Lockhart, what will effectively be a less-powerful, more-affordable "Xbox Series S."
    As per some of our earlier information on Xbox "Lockhart" and the Xbox Series X, we're expecting Lockhart to be a 4TF "entry-point" to next-gen gaming, and it should effectively replace the Xbox One X. This system is designed to be affordable but will offer aspects of a next-gen experience currently unavailable to past-gen consoles, presumably in the form of NVME loading speeds and perhaps some limited ray-tracing. We have no idea about the capabilities of Lockhart outside that magical "4TF" GPU number, which came alongside more of our detailed Xbox Series X info that turned out to be accurate.
    Recently, we heard Lockhart is entering take home stages for Xbox employees to get their hands on the system and begin providing feedback and testing. The timing would indicate to me that rumors of upcoming showcases in early May are likely accurate. This is coupled with rumors from our Senior Editor Zac Bowden that Microsoft is gearing up to showcase new Surface hardware in May, as well.
    We've heard Microsoft may also be gearing up to show off a few upcoming games as part of its May press releases. Long-standing rumors of a Fable reboot under Playground Games make for an obvious candidate, but we've also barely seen anything about Halo Infinite, which is supposedly launching later this year presuming "work from home" delays are avoided.
    As always, take these rumors with a pinch of salt. Plans can change, more so than ever in our present era of flux and chaos, but we're confident that Xbox fans could have something to look forward to in early May.

  5. #205 SP
    Member vladthegamer's Avatar
    Ceva nu se leaga, de ce ai scoate Lockhart cu 4TF cand deja ai XoX cu 6 TF?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. #206 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Păi XOX 400$, asta o sa fie 300$, iar Series X cel mai probabil 500$. Pe scurt, după buget

  7. #207 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Eu cred ca Series S (acel Lockhart) chiar si cu 4TF, va avea RTX si atunci se va echilibra balanta si va fi o consola "next gen" pentru 1080p la un pret foarte mic (probabil cat este One S-u acum, adica ~1000 lei).

    LE: da si SSD-ul va fi nelipsit, deci diferenta va fi sesizabila.

  8. #208 SP
    Member fdkenzo's Avatar
    Pai oricum va fi pe noua arhitectura, va fi mai puternic decat XOX, care deja are o scădere de pret. Numărul de TF nu conteaza, 4TF RDNA2 produc mai multa performanta decat 6TF CGN.
    Lockhart nu va avea un pret mai mic decat XOX, mai mult ca sigur va veni si cu un SSD.

    Sincer sa ai o consola la vreo 300€ care sa iti redea 1080p-1440p, SSD de vreo 500gb, RTX si mai ai si pe acolo o opțiune de 30-60fps.... poate fi un sistem seller!

  9. #209 SP
    Member ymess's Avatar
    Exact. Ne-am batut ani de zile pentru care consola Xbox One sau PS4 e mai puternica si in final cu ce ne-au ajutat specificatiile? A avut cineva vreun avantaj grafic generatia asta la un joc multiplatform de nu se mai poate?

    Pentru developeri e simplu. Ai gaming PC de la Microsoft, gaming PC de la Sony, si dev PC. Daca ce ai pe dev iti ruleaza pe Xbox/PS gata, jocul e livrat. Nu se mai fac optimizari ca inainte la nivel de arhitectura, ba pe Xbox ai nu stiu cat ram dedicat, ba pe Playstation ai nu stiu de care procesor. In generatia 360/PS3 era nevoie de "cut the corners" si fiecare platforma se descurca cum putea. Acum nu mai e cazul.

    E exact ca dezvoltarea unui joc de PC acum. Doar ca fara suport pentru mii de configuratii diferite, ci doar 2 sau 3. Cam asa si cu seria S, va rula cel mai probabil toate jocurile din urmatorii minim 5 ani, doar ca vor fi mai putine efecte vizuale, ca diferenta dintre medium vs high settings de pe PC.

  10. #210 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    Ma indoiesc ca vor lansa si o versiune mai ieftina. Mare parte din costul consolei vine din RTX si SSD-ul ultra rapid, care sunt necesare pentru a pastra aceeasi arhitectura si deci a rula aceleasi jocuri. Poate scad costul cu vreo $100 pe GPU, dar nu stiu cati oameni ar alege consola mai ieftina cu $400 in loc de $500 (sa zicem) cand un joc costa oricum $70.

    Ceea ce vreau sa spun e ca diferenta de pret ar fi nesemnificativa. Daca vreti sunt dispus sa pariez 1 an de premium pe CG ca nu vor lansa model mai ieftin.

  11. #211 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Poți să depui banii in contul CG, Microsoft vine cu doua console 100%, XSX și XSS varianta de buget (aprox. 150 de $ diferența)

  12. #212 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ymess View Post
    ...A avut cineva vreun avantaj grafic generatia asta la un joc multiplatform de nu se mai poate?...
    Depinde cum privesti lucrurile. Pentru unii conteaza faptul ca pe Xbox One X un joc ruleaza in 4k iar pe PS4 Pro in 2k. Deci avantajul grafic este acolo.

    Desigur, RTX si SSD, chiar pt un hardware mai slab, nu inseamna pret la jumatate ci o diferenta mai mica de pret, deci nu se stie cat de rentabil o sa fie chiar si pentru ei, nu doar pt end user.

  13. #213 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    But... but... will it run Windows apps?
    Am mai zis-o... ar avea un avantaj major. Desigur, doar chestii din Microsoft Store... nu chiar orice. Ar fi, genial (as scapa si eu de HTPC-ul din living).

  14. #214 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Sincer, dupa fiasco-ul Xbox One in care au vrut sa unifice tot ce se putea si care a fost si consola de jocuri, cred ca acum vom avea doar o consola de jocuri.

  15. #215 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Tocmai, ca de data asta am un "feeling" ca nu vor sa mai piarda vremea cu cine stie ce custom OS. S-ar putea sa ne trezim cu un fel de Windows X, cu majoritatea chestiilor de desktop dezactivate, si cu aplicatia Xbox ca main shell. Ar fi mult mai simplu developmentul pentru ei... pentru noi, inca nu stiu. Oricum, e doar un zvon, luati ca atare.

    ---------- Post added 22-04-2020 at 13:42 ----------

    Iar Xbox One nu a fost un fiasco. Au facut-o cu buna stiinta, renuntand la exclusivitati Xbox in favoarea PC-ului... Probabil ce au pierdut pe Xbox au castigat pe PC, hell if I know...

  16. #216 SP
    Member ymess's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    But... but... will it run Windows apps?
    Am mai zis-o... ar avea un avantaj major. Desigur, doar chestii din Microsoft Store... nu chiar orice. Ar fi, genial (as scapa si eu de HTPC-ul din living).
    Asta ma intrebam si eu. Tehnic e 100% posibil pentru Microsoft fara un efort urias. Eu am vazut ca SDK-ul pentru Universal Apps, permite deploy instant si pe Xbox fara nicio modificare majora. Marea majoritatea aplicatiilor pot rula perfect.
    Era total posibil sa vina si cu Windows 10 full pe Xbox. Dar cred ca din motive de exploits / hacking nu fac asta.
    Ar putea sa lanseze un custom PC cu Windows care in mare sa fie hardware 90% un Xbox One/X, oricum majoritatea titlurilor sunt si pe PC si au si cross play. Intrebarea e daca ar da lumea navala pentru asta.

  17. #217 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Tehnic cu siguranta se poate, inclusiv la consolele actuale, inclusiv la Sony sau Nintendo, ce ar face-o?

    Eu sper sincer sa nu faca asa ceva si ok, sa dea acces la mai multe aplicatii care sa ne faca viata mai usoara (desi nu vad rostul nici acum la Spotify, Neflix, samd cand deja cu totii avem smart TV-uri), dar nimic mai mult.
    Eu sper doar sa ofere suport de mouse si tastatura pentru toate jocurile/aplicatiile, eliminand astfel gap-ul actual si facand mult mai usoara alegerea fiecaruia.
    Ma gandesc doar cat de usor ar fi sa editezi real time un video pe care abea l-ai capturat jucandu-te, direct pe Xbox.

    Plus de asta, cum zice si ymess mai sus, o sa fie atat de usor sa faca exploits pentru jocuri piratate sau hacking in jocuri (vezi thread CoD Warzone si cat ne plangem acolo), incat ar deveni mai mult o povara decat un feature.

  18. #218 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Pai, cum sa faci exploits / hacking cand singurele aplicatii pe care le poti rula sunt cele din Microsoft Store? Aaah, daca pun ei acolo ceva care sa faca asta, e vina lor Nu, eu ma gandeam la un store apropiat de Apple. Nu ai acces la fisiere de sistem, nu ai drepturi sa umbli prin alte parti decat in "My Documents" si alte d-astea. Ideea e ca la ce configuratie va avea, ar fi si pacat sa nu poata fi folosit, asa cum zice si razvanrazy, pentru o mica editare video, un mic editor, un browser... Ceva care sa iti faca viata mai usoara ca gamer/streamer/vlogger. Te joci, capturezi, editezi, urci pe site, scrii review-ul, editezi pozele si toate cele, direct de pe consola. Culmea e ca s-ar putea sa fie mai rapid totul decat de pe actualul tau calculator

  19. #219 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar

  20. #220 SP
    Member fdkenzo's Avatar
    Cateva păreri despre XSX (se pare ca aproape toti sunt incantați de ce aduce SSD-ul in noua generatie).

    ---------- Post added 23-04-2020 at 21:16 ----------

    Leak de pe Reedit

    Microsoft showcase
    Okay guys, Microsoft showcase is going to happen soon enough, and I think it's time to tell you about some things you can expect.

    I have couple of different from my co-op connections inside dev teams and I was able to build a picture of the showcase upon the info a got from those sources. I will not mention obvious things such as heavy focus on game pass, series X and S and xCloud(which btw will move on SeX hardware in 2020)

    First of all - AAAA game from Initiative. The game is a Perfect Dark reboot made with Coalition(black tusk games) games. Coalition worked on spy action before gears 4, but the project was cancelled. Now they use materials from that game to create next gen world of espionage. It is a story- driven game with MMO elements. For example, in the demo they will show you play as an agent, you get the mission to steal a document from the heavily guarded building. Player uses a car to drive to that building. While the trip they will show us beautiful next gen open world with tons of simulations. Inside the building, at the same time you sneak at the room with documents, you meet another agent controlled by another player that has the same mission. It means that you play in your shared world, where other agents can imperceptibly connect and start the same mission you have, or even steal it from you. It will create unique situations and interactions between players.

    Game will launch in 2021-2022 and will be one of the most expensive games MS ever created.

    Another game is a reboot of Forza Motorsport. The game will have new engine. One of the features of the engine is a new physics-based dirt and gravel. Game will feature a wide variety of off-road racing, starting from some rally stages, truck off road racing and etc. Forza always had a lot of suv's and trucks in car lineup, so now they will effectively use them. Also the great work will be done inside championship system. A lot of licensed racing leagues, championships, up to 54 cars on the track + pitstop and boxes simulations where players will setup their cars. Reworked multiplayer with championships and rules, they definitely target Gran Turismo Sport with new game. Single player will get more exciting scripted missions that will tell a lot of interesting stories about Motorsport.

    Last for today, but not least. Microsoft has two more studios in their pocket now. One is from Poland, second is from Japan. The Poland one is Techland.

    I am not sure about Japan studio, but I have some crazy idea based on info I got from creative assembly sources

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