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Thread: Clubul Xbox Series X

  1. #21 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Nu e mult in sensul ala ci pentru o consola. Astea vor avea in continuare un pret "standard".

    Xbox va scoate 3 modele la anu. Xbox de streaming, 200$, Xbox Project Anaconda de 400$ (ma astept la ceva gen Xbox One X) si Xbox Project Scarlet la 600$.

    In niciun caz nu vor depasi 600$ sau sa ajunga la 1000$.

  2. #22 SP
    Member lukecelmare's Avatar
    One X a fost $499 si nu avea hardware de ultima generatie , $599 sau $649 nu mi se pare asa exagerat , a da si cel mai probabil prin 2023-2024 apare varianta upgraded .

  3. #23 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar

  4. #24 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    ^Vorbeste foarte mult despre cum vrea ca gamerii sa poata alege unde si cum se joaca. E o idee buna, dar nu cred ca sunt singurul care e mai interesat de CE se poate juca decat de CUM o face.

    Eu ma astept de la noua generatie de console sa aduca jocuri mai bune. Grafic deja stateam foarte bine, dar cand vine vorba de complexitatea gameplayului (in special AI care numai inteligent nu e) sper sa vad imbunatatiri majore. Sigur ca mi-ar placea sa ma pot juca Cyberpunk fara sa mai investesc in hardware, dar stiti ce mi-ar placea si mai mult? 10 jocuri de calibrul lui Cyberpunk chiar daca trebuie sa investesc in hardware. Din pacate nu am vazut asta la E3 anul acesta.

  5. #25 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Eu zic sa fim multumiti ca nu au luat-o razna complet... sa fi venit cu o consola cu "streaming only". Oricum pe mine ma bulverseaza in discutia asta ideea de "play on whatever you want, whenever you want". Tare sunt curios cum mama naibii poti juca un Gears of War pe un telefon, fara un gamepad...

  6. #26 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    ^Pai il joci pe telefon cu gamepad. Nu avem toti un gamepad la noi oriunde mergem?
    Attached Images Attached Images capture.jpg

  7. #27 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Da' cum sa nu... eu nu am cheile de la casa sau de la masina... eu am agatate 2 gamepad-uri!
    Also, la unele jocuri de console de-abia poti citi textul pe un "amarat" de 55"... should be fun on a 5"

    Anyway, asta imi aduce aminte de - unde eram considerat dus cu pluta (nu ca n-as fi)...

  8. #28 SP
    Member lukecelmare's Avatar

  9. #29 SP
    Member chris diaz's Avatar
    Iar pentru cei care vor sa treaca peste comentariiile celor de la Digital Foundry si vor sa vada doar trailerul Halo Infinite in rezolutie 4K :

  10. #30 SP
    Member lukecelmare's Avatar

  11. #31 SP
    Senior Member Teo's Avatar
    Se face multa valva in jurul backwards compatibility. Am facut update de la XboxOne la XboxOneX si patesc acelasi lucru. InputLag extrem de mare. Tocmai ce am terminat RDR2 si doresc sa ma apuc de RDR1 si este frustrant de jucat. Daca il joc pe 360 este controlul perfect insa grafica slaba, iar pe OneX este foarte sharp si frumos la grafica insa se misca execrabil.

    Toata lumea vorbeste de BC insa pe internet sunt foarte putini care se plang de aceasta chestiune, inclusiv pe YouTube, putine persoane. Daca va fi asa BC si la noul xbox, va fi cam fail daca nu se ia in seama aceasta problema.

  12. #32 SP
    Member chris diaz's Avatar
    Eu n-am input lag la niciun joc de xbox 360, pe care l-am jucat inițial pe xbox one s, apoi pe xbox one x.

  13. #33 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Teo: cred ca depinde foarte mult si de cum percepe fiecare, de TV-ul pe care-l folosesti, de jocul in cauza, etc. Hai sa incercam sa le luam pe rand:

    1. Perceptia: am intalnit oameni care nu pot face diferenta dintre 30fps, 60fps si 120fps, la fel cum am intalnit oameni care nu pot juca decat pe fir, pentru ca simt lag-ul dat de conexiunea wireless. Aici nu cred ca se poate face mare lucru... si de obicei gamerii "extra-sensibili" de cele mai multe ori ajung sa investeaza jde mii de euro in super calculatoare, super placi video, monitoare la 240Hz si alte nebunii.

    2. TV-ul: de cele mai multe ori m-am lovit de cazuri in care pe anumite TV-uri se simtea o latenta super enervanta. De obicei se rezolva dezactivand tonele de filtre si postprocesare (in special cele legate de Motion) sau trecut TV-ul in Game Mode. Dar chiar si asa, sa nu uitam ca sunt TV-uri care sar lejer de 50ms timp de raspuns (unele chiar de 100ms). Puteti arunca o privire aici.

    3. Jocul: aici tine clar de puterea consolei si de cat de bine au optimizat developerii. E de apreciat faptul ca la multe jocuri au introdus optiunea de a alege 60fps in detrimentul "higher res", dar sper ca pe viitor sa nu mai fim nevoiti sa alegem ori una ori alta. Avand in vedere ca ei au ca target 8K-ul, eu as impune ca limita minima 4K la 120fps. Dar poate cer prea mult... stim cu totii ca o consola se va limita la buget. Si e de apreciat totusi ca o consola inca reuseste sa se incadreze intr-un pret cu care de-abia iei o placa video decenta pentru PC.

    As mai mentiona aici, daca tot s-a facut referire la Xbox One si Xbox One X, faptul ca Microsoft din punctul meu de vedere a facut o greseala cu conexiunea WiFi a controllerului. In caz ca nu stiati, au trecut de la WiFi Direct la Bluetooth. Poate marea majoritate nu a observat diferenta, insa pentru mine s-a simtit enorm input lag-ul. Mai ales de cand am crescut distanta la care ma joc (deh, am upgradat si eu living room-ul).

  14. #34 SP
    Senior Member Teo's Avatar

    Stiu cum functioneaza aceste lucruri, eu eram cel care pe threadurile de TV tot specificam importanta acestor aspecte. Inainte sa imi iau TV umblam prin magazine cu un laptop conectat la HDMI pe inputlagtest.exe si facut foto la 1/4000 sa fac diferenta dintre ele.

    La XboxOne dpmdv BC este inutil, nu exista niciun motiv rational pentru care cineva care are deja un 360 sa joace jocurile pe One.
    Am dubluri la anumite jocuri de 360 pe care le-am testat simultan pe TV, televizorul dat pe GameMode, oprita orice fel de procesare. Diferenta enorma, am testat atat de amanuntit COD:BO si RDR, singurele jocuri unde am 2 exemplare.

    Si ca asta nu era indeajuns, mai este o problema la analog-stick-uri, deadzone-ul este diferit intre 360 si one, alt lucru care scade calitatea gameplay-ului. La BC este un deadzone considerabil!

    Sunt si pe google foarte multe cazuri in care se vorbeste despre treaba asta insa si pe youtube, sunt facute comparatii pertinente in legatura cu aceasta problema insa in continuare consider ca se discuta foarte putin despre aceasta problema si din aceasta cauza sunt sanse minime sa se rezolve.

    Problema clar nu se pune intre faptul daca pe BC exista sau nu inputlag, este clar ca exista insa aici conteaza cat de tare este afectat fiecare de acest lucru. Sunt persoane care nu baga de seama aceste lucruri si joaca anumite jocuri de 360 pe One, considera ca totul a fost ok insa nu iau in calcul ca daca ar fi jucat pe 360, experienta ar fi fost total superioara.

    Pentru mine si pentru alte X-mii de oameni pe care ii deranjeaza aceasta problema, BC pe One este mort. Sper totusi ca in generatia urmartoare sa se faca HardWare acest lucru, cum este de exemplu Wii cu WiiU, jocurile ruleaza IMPECABIL!

  15. #35 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    X360 si PS3 au avut un hardware mai ciudat, de asta nu s-a putut BC. Noua generatie nu schimba arhitectura procesorului (din cate stiu), deci va rula nativ jocurile de One si PS4.

  16. #36 SP
    Member lukecelmare's Avatar

  17. #37 SP
    Member lukecelmare's Avatar
    Vad ca reapar zvonurile despre 2 noi console , una budget friendly putin mai slaba ca One X despre care se vrea sa fie "it is being positioned as the most-affordable entry point to next-gen experiences" si Scarlett .

  18. #38 SP
    Member blondutzu's Avatar
    vor fi mai multe variante, cu/fara unitate blueray (sa mai scada la costuri). Nu stiu daca toate vor fi lansate de la inceput..

  19. #39 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by Xbox
    Power Your Dreams with Xbox Series X, Available Holiday 2020

    Xbox Game Studios unveils Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II, a new chapter in the award-winning Hellblade story from Ninja Theory

    For eighteen years and three console generations, the Xbox community has shown us the power both games and fun can have on all of us. As we enter a new generation of gaming, we see a future where you’re instantly absorbed in your games – where worlds are even more lifelike, immersive, responsive and surprising – and where you are at the center of your gaming experience. With the new Xbox Series X, we will realize that vision.

    Xbox Series X will be our fastest, most powerful console ever and set a new bar for performance, speed and compatibility, allowing you to bring your gaming legacy, thousands of games from three generations and more forward with you. Its industrial design enables us to deliver four times the processing power of Xbox One X in the most quiet and efficient way, something that is critically important in delivering truly immersive gameplay. We also designed Xbox Series X to support both vertical and horizontal orientation. It’s bold and unique, very much like our fans around the world and the team of collaborators and innovators who built it.

    The name Xbox is an expression of our deep history in gaming, our team’s unrelenting passion, and our commitment to both our fans and the future of gaming at Microsoft. It also signifies our belief that a gaming console should be for just that – gaming.

    Alongside Xbox Series X, we also unveiled the new Xbox Wireless Controller. Its size and shape have been refined to accommodate an even wider range of people, and it also features a new Share button to make capturing screenshots and game clips simple and an advanced d-pad derived from the Xbox Elite Series 2 Wireless Controller. The new Xbox Wireless Controller will be compatible with Xbox One and Windows 10 PCs, and will be included with every Xbox Series X.

    The possibilities of what Xbox Series X enables developers to achieve was also brought to life this evening with the unveiling of Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II. A sequel to the award-winning Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice from world-renowned developers Ninja Theory, the game is being built to leverage the full power of Xbox Series X. The footage shared tonight was captured in-engine and reflects the power of Xbox Series X available to developers to deliver new universes, experiences and games in ways you have never imagined.

    Bringing Developers’ Dreams to Life with Xbox Series X

    Games today deliver amazing visuals and tell an array of different and deep stories. That’s why, when we started work on Xbox Series X, it was vital we continue to advance state-of-the-art visual capabilities for developers, while also ensuring they could realize even greater feeling, emotion and empathy in their games. With Xbox Series X, we will elevate the way games look, play and feel. We will also remove the technical barriers faced in previous generations and enable developers to create more expansive, immersive gaming worlds that invite more players to play.

    From a technical standpoint, this will manifest as world-class visuals in 4K at 60FPS, with possibility of up to 120FPS, including support for Variable Refresh Rate (VRR), and 8K capability. Powered by our custom-designed processor leveraging the latest Zen 2 and next generation RDNA architecture from our partners at AMD, Xbox Series X will deliver hardware accelerated ray tracing and a new level of performance never before seen in a console. Additionally, our patented Variable Rate Shading (VRS) technology will allow developers to get even more out of the Xbox Series X GPU and our next-generation SSD will virtually eliminate load times and bring players into their gaming worlds faster than ever before.

    We are minimizing latency by leveraging technology such as Auto Low Latency Mode (ALLM) and giving developers new functionality like Dynamic Latency Input (DLI) to make Xbox Series X the most responsive console ever. Xbox Series X is also designed for a future in the cloud, with unique capabilities built into the hardware and software to make it as easy as possible to bring great games to both console and elsewhere. Xbox Series X will deliver a level of fidelity and immersion unlike anything that’s been achieved in previous console generations.

    One Console, Four Generations of Gaming

    One of the things we’re most proud of with Xbox Series X is the promise we’re delivering to our fans who have and continue to invest with Xbox. Thanks to backward compatibility, you can expect your gaming legacy, thousands of your favorite games across four generations of gaming, all your Xbox One gaming accessories, and industry-leading services like Xbox Game Pass to be available when you power on your Xbox Series X in Holiday 2020.

    Building on our compatibility promise, with Xbox Series X we’re also investing in consumer-friendly pathways to game ownership across generations. Leading the way with our first-party titles including Halo Infinite in 2020, we’re committed to ensuring that games from Xbox Game Studios support cross-generation entitlements and that your Achievements and game saves are shared across devices. As we branch out and extend gaming to more players around the world, console gaming will remain at the heart of our Xbox offering. Game creators around the globe are already hard at work building content for Xbox Series X and our 15 Xbox Game Studios are developing the largest and most creatively diverse lineup of Xbox exclusive games in our history. On behalf of Team Xbox, we’re excited to enter the future of console gaming with you and can’t wait to share more in 2020.
    Power Your Dreams with Xbox Series X, Available Holiday 2020 - Xbox Wire

    Goodbye, Project Scarlett, Hello Xbox Series X - Exclusive First Look And Interview - GameSpot

  20. #40 SP
    Member lukecelmare's Avatar

    Sent from my moto g(7) power using Tapatalk

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