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Thread: Clubul Xbox Series S

  1. #61 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Au actualizat siteul:
    Quote Originally Posted by Xbox

    - CPU. 8X Cores @ 3.6 GHz (3.4 GHz w/SMT) Custom Zen 2 CPU
    - GPU. 4 TFLOPS, 20 CUs @1.565 GHz
    - SOC Die Size. 197.05 mm2

    - Memory. 10GB GDDR6 128 bit-wide bus
    - Memory Bandwidth. 8GB @ 224 GB/s, 2GB @ 56 GB/s.
    - Internal Storage. 512GB Custom NVME SSD
    - I/O Throughput. 2.4 GB/s (Raw), 4.8 GB/s (Compressed, with custom hardware decompression block)
    - Expandable Storage. Support for 1TB Seagate Expansion Card for Xbox Series X|S matches internal storage exactly (sold separately). Support for USB 3.1 external HDD (sold separately).

    - Gaming Resolution. 1440p
    - Performance Target. Up to 120 FPS
    - HDMI Features. Auto Low Latency Mode. HDMI Variable Refresh Rate. AMD FreeSync.

    L-PCM, up to 7.1
    Dolby Digital 5.1
    DTS 5.1
    Dolby TrueHD with Atmos

    - HDMI. 1x HDMI 2.1 port
    - USB. 3x USB 3.1 Gen 1 ports
    - Wireless. 802.11ac dual band
    - Ethernet. 802.3 10/100/1000
    - Accessories radio. Dedicated dual band Xbox Wireless radio

    - Dimensions. 6.5cm x 15.1cm x 27.5cm
    - Weight. 4.25 lbs.
    The all-new Xbox Series S | Xbox
    Attached Images Attached Images cc2f3943-7d69-45e9-86eb-1a68268cee22.jpg

  2. #62 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Retail box.
    Attached Images Attached Images 20200915_115741.jpg

  3. #63 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Am un feeling ca nu au nici cel mai mic interes sa scoata un S negru... Poate dupa ce vor vedea cifrele de vanzari. Daca e cererea mica, hai sa le dam si negru. Because Black Matter, right?

  4. #64 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Nu cred ca vor scoate pe negru. Nici One S nu tin minte sa fi iesit pe negru, sau pe orice alta culoare.

  5. #65 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Doar daca prinzi vreo editie limitata si se aseamana cu black.

  6. #66 SP
    Member renatoman's Avatar
    eu nu inteleg, si S-ul are slotul ala pt ssd suplimentar?

  7. #67 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Da, este acolo.

  8. #68 SP
    Member TravisPastrana's Avatar
    Da, il are. Asa este si normal. Nu prea ai ce face cu doar 512GB

  9. #69 SP
    Member ymess's Avatar
    Mi se par okay 512 GB la pretul asta, mai mult decat rezonabil.
    Mai bine 512 de SSD decat 1 TB de storage obisnuit. Eu rareori am trebuit sa sterg rareori cateva jocuri pe One-ul de 1 TB multumita GamePass .
    Din 1TB ocupat sunt destul de cert ca unele jocuri nu le-am mai pornit de luni de zile.
    E un inconvenient, dar nu e party killer.
    Nu inteleg de ce ai pune un extra ssd pe seria S, cand poti mereu sa iti iei un seria X cu 200$ extra.

  10. #70 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Asta am zis și eu de când am văzut prețul pentru acel SSD extra.

  11. #71 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Mie mi se pare impresionant ca la 299 are si controller inclus. E mai ieftin decat switch, ca joy cons alea nu pot fi numite controllere, sunt o mizerie. Asa ca switch v2 + pro controller > xbox series s

    I'm impressed!

  12. #72 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by The Verge
    “We did a lot of analysis of what it would really mean to run a game at 4K with 60fps and then to scale that down to 1440p at 60fps,” says Jason Ronald, Microsoft’s director of Xbox program management, in an interview with The Verge. “The reality is you don’t need as much memory bandwidth because you’re not loading the highest level MIP levels into memory. You don’t need the same amount of memory as well.”

    Microsoft believes developers have a number of ways to build Xbox Series X games for 4K resolutions and then downscale them to 1440p for the Series S. “Developers have a whole host of different techniques, whether that’s changing the resolution of their title, things like dynamic resolution scaling frame to frame — that’s something we’ve seen a lot of adoption of, especially towards the end of this generation,” explains Ronald. “And obviously the ability to enable and display different visual effects, without actually implementing the fundamental gameplay.”

    “With RDNA 2 we get basically a 25 percent performance uplift over GCN with no work by developers at all,” claims Ronald. “There’s a significant amount of efficiency we’re getting out of RDNA2 relative to GCN. Then we look at other things like using float 16 or variable rate shading, and we’re seeing on the order of 10-20 percent performance benefits from there as well.”

    There’s no real big focus or guarantee of 8K for the Xbox Series S or Xbox Series X, which is a good thing. Consoles have promised 1080p or 4K performance before and failed to hit high framerates for smooth gameplay. “Historically, console generations have really been defined by how games look,” says Ronald. “This generation a lot of it is going to be how do they feel? How do they play? When you think about these large open worlds and keeping players immersed in it, I don’t want pop in, I don’t want load times.” Ronald says buttery smooth gameplay is going to be a priority for Microsoft over the generation of both of these consoles.
    Will the Xbox Series S hold back next-gen gaming? - The Verge

  13. #73 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Logic ca da - ce zice acolo e doar damage control.

    But then again, faptul ca inca 1-2 ani vom avea jocuri cross generation, va tine pe log next gen-ul.

  14. #74 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by IGN
    In an interview with IGN, Xbox director of program management Jason Ronald confirmed that game install sizes will be approximately 30% smaller on the Series S than on the Series X. This is due to the reduced resolution texture packages needed for games on the Series S, which will be targeting 1440p resolution instead of 4K on the Series X.

    “With a performance target of 1440p at 60 fps, our expectation is that developers will not ship their highest level mipmaps to Xbox Series S, which will reduce the size of the games,” Ronald said. “Ultimately the controls in the developer's hands. We've had this technology for a while that allows developers to intelligently choose which assets to install on which device they're playing on. So the flexibility is in the developers’ hands to make sure the right assets are there.”
    Xbox Series S Game Sizes Will Be Smaller Than on Series X - IGN

  15. #75 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Series S Quick resume trailer:

  16. #76 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Series S loading times trailer:

  17. #77 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar

  18. #78 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Xbox Series S e o minunatie pentru cei 299$, dar sa nu uitam ca totusi e un fel de replacement al generatiei actuale... Chiar daca vine cu hardware nou, chiar daca loading times-urile vor fi dramatic imbunatatite, eu as spune ca e o consola "old-gen". Practic, vor scoate de la vanzare Xbox One-ul actual si ii va lua locul Series S, iar pentru next-gen, Series X. Insa repet, la 299$, e geniala. Pacat ca nu exista si varianta neagra.

  19. #79 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Pe mine ma enerveaza la culme expresiile pe care au decis sa le arunce ei oamenilor - arunca efectiv niste nume de tehnologii si imbracate sa para ca ofera ceva in plus.
    In realitate cam toate sunt metode, "cheap tricks" care ajuta doar sa faci acelasi lucru la o calitate mai slaba, ca sa ai FPS mai bun. If any tocmai astea tre sa le ascunzi de user, ai vrea sa nu stie ca folosesti din astea.

    "Variable Rate Shading" pe care am vazut ca il tot promoveaza xbox - tehnologia asta iti permite sa ai o anumita zona pe ecran la full resolution, iar restul tot ce e pe ecran e randat la lower resolution (cam cum e in PS VR) - suuuuper cool - uite aici niste demo-uri.
    E foarte dubios sa folosesti asta pt ecran normal, pt ca vei observa lower resolution pe margini; in timp ce la VR nu observi lower resolution cu vederea periferica a ochiului.
    In jumatatea a doua a paginii arata Variable Rate Supersampling - pe care o poti folosi pt supersampling in centrul imaginii, deci randare la calitate mai buna.

    "Sampler Feedback Streaming" pentru care au avut un mic demo vizual destul de curand (ala cu globul pamantesc) e la fel doar o tehnologie care nu ofera nimic in plus, doar te ajuta sa te descurci cu mai putin GPU RAM (dar pt asta trebuie ca developerul sa lucreze mai mult - daca vrea sa suporte asta).
    Acest Sampler Feedback Streaming - nu ar face sens daca ai putea avea suficient RAM.

    "using techniques such as Dynamic Resolution Scaling" aici, la fel - am vrea, dimpotriva, sa NU existe acest resolution scaling in niciun joc, e cancer - dar pt ca e un termen fancy, ei au zis hai sa il promovam ca sa stie lumea ca e ceva in plus - tu practic joci 4k, sau cel putin stii ca joci 4k si in realitate jocul "suportand" dynamic resolution scaling ruleaza la o rezolutie variabila (dinamic, se ajusteaza mereu) intre 1080 si 1440.

    O alta chestie super enervanta la Series S - "Both are equipped with AMD's custom RDNA2 GPU" - well, nu e adevarat, tocmai, sunt cipuri complet diferite - exact precum ai avea geforce 3070 vs 3090 - sunt, da, facute pe generatia de arhitectura din seria 30xx, dar in rest sunt complet diferite la performanta (si pret)

    Toate astea sunt metode de a rezolva constrangerile de hardware limitat - pe console in general, inclusiv pe Series X sau PS5.

  20. #80 SP
    Member ymess's Avatar
    Eu consider Series S next gen. Daca inteleg bine ce am citit, developerii vor face jocuri pentru Series X. La final, Microsoft are un tool care face downsize la texturi si toate cele de la 4K la 2K. Si in mare asta e procesul de dezvoltare la Seria S. 99% din dezvoltarea jocurilor nu va fi impactata. Daca era un tradeoff pentru fps mai mic, atunci era nasol, dar de la 2K la 4K, e mai mult decat rezonabil atat timp cat e acelasi fps.
    Specificatiile ca specificatiile, dar daca Microsoft face un SDK pentru Series X, si tot procesul de dezvoltare il faci pentru Series X, si la final de tot dai export si pentru S, si totul merge struna dar pe 2K, atunci ar fi magic. In teorie suna minunat, sa vedem daca asa si va fi. Eu cred ca e cam pe acolo.

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