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Thread: Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

  1. #1161 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    Cea de-a doua harta:


    Ready for some new #Uncharted3 multiplayer maps? Here's a preview of the Old Quarter map. DLC coming early April:
    Attached Images Attached Images 7018260987_e1a5fe4d1a_o.jpg 6872152520_d3ab333598_o.jpg 7018261091_a37fce9f80_o.jpg 6872152642_95f2c35197_o.jpg 7018261263_e669d0b455_o.jpg

  2. #1162 SP
    Member faxiu's Avatar
    Asta e ultimul DLC din FHC? Sau s-a terminat setul de hunters club?

  3. #1163 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by faxiu View Post
    Asta e ultimul DLC din FHC? Sau s-a terminat setul de hunters club?
    Asta e ultimul din FHC.

  4. #1164 SP
    Junior Member Rulpra's Avatar
    Sunt nou si eu pe aici si, si pe uncharted .Sunt interesat sa joc alaturi de voi PSN: RPaulC

  5. #1165 SP
    Junior Member mihalex's Avatar
    O sa mil dea un.coleg dupa ce il termina... Cam cat dureaza termini?i

  6. #1166 SP
    Senior Member FishyBon3's Avatar
    Dureaza acelasi timp cu cititul unei carti de Limba Romana

  7. #1167 SP
    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. FallouT's Avatar
    Mi-am luat si eu super jocul.
    Ma primiti si pe mine in clubul vostru?

    Psn: IoNutAdriaN

  8. #1168 SP
    Member 573ph4n's Avatar
    Saptamana asta cred ca il iau si eu..abia astept.

  9. #1169 SP
    Senior Member kragod's Avatar
    guys, l-ati incercat in 3D? este foarte bine facut..

  10. #1170 SP
    Senior Member boga's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by FallouT View Post
    Ma primiti si pe mine in clubul vostru?
    Vorbeste cu Rasko, el e seful departamentului de recrutare

  11. #1171 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    A treia harta, Oasis:
    Attached Images Attached Images 6893648150_f213dcff92_o.jpg 6893648030_b18b6e3735_o.jpg 6893648392_b44c4c24dc_o.jpg 7039744245_aed5248935_o.jpg 7039744523_34c31090bd_o.jpg

  12. #1172 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    ce borbesti ma?

  13. #1173 SP
    S.T.A.L.K.E.R. FallouT's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Raskolnikov1944 View Post
    ce borbesti ma?

    So i'm in or i'm out?

  14. #1174 SP
    Senior Member Florin85's Avatar
    Am primit si eu Uncharted 3 de la un prieten , inca nu am apucat sa il joc la sange , din cauza serviciului , am jucat cred doar 3 ore din campania singleplayer si e super bun , se simte o diferenta dintre precedentele ( 1si2 ) asupra controlului parca e mai bine facut , grafic arata foarte foarte frumos , voice actingul din nou e foarte bine facut , tie mai mare dragu sa il joci cred si peste vreo 4 ani .
    Per ansambu un joc ce nu trebuie ratat.

  15. #1175 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    Drake’s Deception Map Pack Available For Uncharted 3 Multiplayer – PlayStation.Blog.Europe

    Four brand new Uncharted 3 multiplayer maps will be available for download on Wednesday, April 11 2012, on the PS Store. The Graveyard map sets you in motion as you fight among ships and shipping crates on rolling waves. Old Quarter seems like a lovely scene on a cool Yemen night, but it’s full of dangerous alleys and delicately lit rooms. The bar, the back alleys and the broadways of the London Streets map offer some prime spots for a knockdown, drag-out turf war, so be sure to stop by the Pelican Inn for some more brawling. The Oasis map used to provide respite for a Bedouin camp, but now serves as a sun-drenched battlefield for your multiplayer matches.

    We put a lot of love and polish into each map and each map has a new dynamic event that occurs as the match progresses. A patrol boat will circle the border of Graveyard launching grenades over the map as it cruises along its path. In Oasis, a plane drops a shipping crate that can flatten you or your enemy if you don’t move out of its way in time. The crate contains a power weapon if you’re smart enough to stay out of the crate’s shadow. London Street and Old Quarter contain dynamic events as well but we want to leave you a couple big surprises now don’t we?

  16. #1176 SP
    manfurismojive kobayashi's Avatar
    E asa mai "borbim" cum zicea un coleg forumist mai sus , in sfarsit NEW maps,care sper sa si intre in rotatie de data asta nu cum s-a intamplat cu al 2-lea pack, I'm in

  17. #1177 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    In curand ar trebui sa avem informatii si despre patchul 1.08. Sper sa nu dezechilibreze jocul. Si cine stie, poate avem noroc si o sa primim si niste rankuri noi.

  18. #1178 SP
    Senior Member ReNeGaDe124's Avatar
    Cum spuneam.

    Uncharted 3 - Patches 1.08 and 1.09 Notes

    The Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception 1.09 patch will be deployed April 9th 2012. It will roll out across all regions globally over 24 hours once deployed. We were able to get both patch 1.08 and 1.09 through the testing and approval processes around the same time. Therefore we are releasing them together. Since the changes are cumulative you’ll only see an update for patch 1.09 when you download it.

    PATCH 1.08

    • Cloaked level 3 booster better masks the player’s sounds when equipped
    • Increased default Tau Sniper ammo total to 18
    • Fixed certain regions on Ruins and Facility maps where a thrown Plunder or Treasure Hunter idol would not respawn
    • Crushing difficulty on Plaza and Village for Shade Survival is now locked until properly unlocked via gameplay
    • Players can no longer infinitely hold a high-five pose to avoid being grabbed by a Choker in Co-Op modes

    • Players are now able to vote on the difficulty of Co-Op matches no matter where they are on the menu when the voting period begins
    • Players can no longer join the party of a player that is viewing a Cinema file

    User Interface
    • DLC Toggle added to the Options menu

    DLC TOGGLE NOTE: The DLC toggle places players into two distinct pools: players searching for DLC and players who are searching for default maps. When the switch is toggled “On” in order for you to be pooled in the DLC group you’ll have to make sure you have downloaded the latest DLC maps. All players with the latest DLC maps will be pooled into the DLC group once the toggle is in the “On” switch. If you want to play the default maps and occasionally get DLC maps leave the toggle in the off position.

    UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception - Patch 1.08 Notes Video

    PATCH 1.09

    • G-MAL stopping power reduced by 50%
    • Shield’s health increased by 18%
    • Auto aim while jumping reduced on double-barrel shotguns
    • Bullet spread for AK-47 tightened by ~10%

    • All cinema files captured pre patch 1.09 are no longer accessible

    • Updated the server-side to allow for live updates to weapon functionality

    UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception - Patch 1.09 Notes Video
    DLC Toggle si Stopping Power redus cu 50% pentru G-MAL sunt principalele noutati. Sa vedeti ca acum o sa existe plangeri in legatura cu M9 ca ar fi overpowered. Mark my words!

  19. #1179 SP
    Senior Member paunstefan's Avatar
    Vrea cineva beta rewards ? Am 1 in-game cash reward si 1 decal pack ? Daca e cineva interesat sa-mi trimita un PM si primul o sa primeasca cash reward-ul si al doilea decal pack-ul ( cei care cer sa aiba minim 100 de posturi pe forum).

    Si mai am inca un cod, dar nu zice ce, scrie doar Beta reward, asta ce contine ?

  20. #1180 SP
    Senior Member Rasko's Avatar
    In sfarsit: G-Mal phocked (bine ca nu m-am obisnuit deloc s joc cu el) si DLC toggle!!! Mult le-a trebuit!!

    Iau eu codurile alea de beta daca n-ai ce face cu ele. Ala cu cash nu ma intereseaza...

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