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Thread: Steam Deck

  1. #21 SP
    Member Antiohh's Avatar
    Eu doar nu ii inteleg locul in piata f bine. Mi se pare ceva intre consola portabila, telefon si laptop de gaming. Multi au un laptop, asa ca dc si ar lua cineva asa ceva in loc sa investeasca dif. de pret intr-un laptop sa l faca de gaming. Sa ma joc in masina sau metrou? Da, sa spunem. Merita atatia bani acest beneficiu? Pt mine, nu. Dar na, eu mereu imi gasesc ceva de facut in conditii de genul - mai pe fb, insta, un videoclip, citesc ceva de scoala. Eu vobesc strict pt piata din ro. Pt straini, nu e asa scump. Am avut PsP, l-am zapacit de cat m am jucat, dar ala era cu adevarat portabil si mult mai ieftin. Vom vedea ce va fi

  2. #22 SP
    Senior Member Mayhem's Avatar
    Eu vad steam deck ca pe un indie machine portabil, versiunea cu 256GB de stocare il face foarte atragator.
    Rezolutia ecranului va fi meh daca nu gasesc o solutie sa scaleze textul pt. ecranul respectiv, sunt de acord se vrea a rula jocuri AAA cu grafica high end dar pot gasi solutii de a rula jocurile nativ 720p si upscale la un 1080p. Mai degraba vad compromisul la ecran incadrarea dispozitivului intr-o categorie de pret foarte competitiva.
    Cred ca Valve vrea sa concureze cu Nintendo pe titlurile AAA multiplatform care nu ruleaza prea bine pe switch si sa le faca sa ruleze cu un fps locked 30 si detalii mai bune sau un oscilant de pana la 60. Asta ar fi trebuit sa aiba nintendo in vedere de la inceput.

  3. #23 SP
    Member MRC's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mayhem View Post
    Cred ca Valve vrea sa concureze cu Nintendo pe titlurile AAA multiplatform care nu ruleaza prea bine pe switch si sa le faca sa ruleze cu un fps locked 30 si detalii mai bune sau un oscilant de pana la 60. Asta ar fi trebuit sa aiba nintendo in vedere de la inceput.

    Valve nu poate sa faca absolut nimic in sensul stabilirii unor limite de genul. Asta trebuie inteles. E un pc nu consola. Pe pc nu iti blocheaza nimeni nimic. Vrei grafica slaba si framerate rapid?Setezi calitatea din setari. Vrei grafica buna, o dai la maxim...dar iti trebuie hardware bun sa merga totul ca uns. Singurele limitari pe pc sunt date de hardware. Si aici eu zic ca au procedat foarte bine cu ecran hd. E suficient pt dimensiunea lui. Tocmai am vazut o tableta de 10 inch cu aceeasi rezolutie. Se vede foarte bine. Si ei au ecran de 7 deci se va vedea si mai bine. Pana la urma aparatul isi va gasi piata lui de consumatori si nu va juca nimeni jocuri de strategie sau rpg cu text pe un ecran de 7. Dar seria Dead space, seria Evil Within, seria Tomb Raider, seria Darksiders, seria Assasins Creed, Fifele, portarile de pe PS4 , side scrollerele, etc etc se vor juca excelent pe el.

  4. #24 SP
    Senior Member Mayhem's Avatar
    “ Tocmai am vazut o tableta de 10 inch cu aceeasi rezolutie se vede foarte bine”
    Te cred ca si eu mai mint.

  5. #25 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by NME
    Valve‘s new Steam Deck has been designed to let players access their PC gaming library on the go, just like any PC.

    However, as reported in The Verge, as the Linux-based SteamOS also powers this new handheld, this impacts what games are compatible on the system.

    Less than 15 per cent of all games on Steam officially support Linux and SteamOS. As a workaround, Valve had developed a feature called Proton that allows users to run Windows natively on the platform.

    This would not only get around most compatibility issues but should also mean it’s possible to access other platforms like the Windows Store (and Xbox Game Pass) or the Epic Games Store.

    Valve confirmed: “Steam Deck is a PC so you can install third-party software and operating systems.”

    The remaining issue, however, is that games that use anti-cheat software are still incompatible with Linux.

    As reported in PC Gamer, with data taken from ProtonDB, almost half of Steam’s 10 most popular games – Destiny 2, Apex Legends, PUBG and Rainbow Six Siege – would currently not be compatible on SteamOS.

    Although the games may start up, anti-cheat software would prevent players from logging into multiplayer servers.

    Valve has, however, noted that it is using a new version of SteamOS built in mind for Steam Deck with Proton built-in. In an FAQ, it has also said, “We’re working with BattlEye and EAC to get support for Proton ahead of launch”. BattlEye and Easy Anti-Cheat are two of the most common anti-cheat systems used by developers.

    While PC players will appreciate being able to customise and tinker with Steam Deck like any other PC, the important thing for new users is ensuring that any game from the library can be accessed and works as intended, just like consoles.

    Elsewhere, hackers have started leaking stolen EA data after EA ignored their ransom. Stolen files have reportedly included source code for FIFA 21 and the Frostbite Engine.

    Half of Steam’s most popular games may not run on Steam Deck

  6. #26 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    ^Un articol inutil, e un PC portabil. Poti instala windows in loc de Steam OS si te joci ce vrei.

  7. #27 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by SteamDeck
    On Steam Deck, your games run on a different operating system than the one on your desktop PC. It's a new version of SteamOS, built with Steam Deck in mind and optimized for a handheld gaming experience. It comes with Proton, a compatibility layer that makes it possible to run your games without any porting work needed from developers. For Deck, we're vastly improving Proton's game compatibility and support for anti-cheat solutions by working directly with the vendors. “Hold on to your butts!”

    The new version of SteamOS is optimized for handheld gaming, and it won't get in your way with other stuff. But if you want to get your hands dirty, head on out to the desktop.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steamworks Documentation
    Will people be able to install Windows, or other 3rd party content?
    Yes. Steam Deck is a PC, and players will be able to install whatever they like, including other OSes.

    Așa este. Poți instala Windows 10 în loc de SteamOS. Dar de ce să faci asta dacă SteamOs vine cu Proton? Cât spațiu de stocare ocupă W10? Cât costă o licență de W10? Ai nevoie de moduri în W10? Optimizare? Rămâne de văzut cum rulează cu W10, drivere, latență, touchscreen etc.

  8. #28 SP
    Member MRC's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Mayhem View Post
    Te cred ca si eu mai mint.
    Tinere calmeaza-te....

  9. #29 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by IGN
    Speaking to Valve as part of a Steam Deck hardware deep-dive, we made sure to ask about drift, and if it had been part of the thought process when designing the machine.

    "We've done a ton of testing on reliability, on all fronts really – and all inputs and different environmental factors and all that kind of stuff," replied hardware engineer Yazan Aldehayyat. "I think we feel that this will perform really well. And I think people will be super happy with it. I think that it's going to be a great buy. I mean, obviously every part will fail at some point, but we think people will be very satisfied and happy with this."

    Steam Deck designer John Ikeda added that the parts involved were part of that thought process: "We purposely picked something that we knew the performance of, right? We didn't want to take a risk on that, right? As I'm sure our customers don't want us to take a risk on that either."
    Steam Deck: Valve Is Doing its Best to Avoid Thumbstick Drift - IGN

  10. #30 SP
    Member Papillon_'s Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by MonkY View Post
    Cei care exagerati pe-aici ca nu conteaza rezolutia pe un portabil cand vine vorba de jocuri de PC, este foarte clar pentru mine ca nici nu ati incercat vreodata. Dupa ce veti testa, veniti aici si laudati jucaria... pana atunci, sunt doar vorbe in vant. Eu vorbesc in cunostinta de cauza (ce-i drept, nu am testat pe Steam Deck, dar principiul e acelasi). Majoritatea jocurilor sunt imposibil de jucat in 7" (nu au fost gandite pentru ceva asa mic) si unele chiar si pe 11", la unele nu poti citi textul nici cu lupa (succes la RPG-uri!), la altele datorita rezolutiei poti sa joci si cu mama calitatii setata la maxim, ca tot o varza iese (jocurile de Switch o sa vi se para super misto prin comparatie). Nu mai vorbim ca o foarte mare parte din jocurile de pe Steam nici macar nu au suport pt. gamepad. Deci la acelea stiti ca veti da skip din start, da? Sau sa vedeti ce fun e cand in mijlocul jocului vi se cere sa apasati F5 sau mai stiu eu ce tasta... ca nah, nu s-a chinuit nimeni sa patchuiasca pentru control pe gamepad. And so on... dar oricum nu are rost, am inteles ca e "godly pc console in 720p", so it is what it is.

    @MRC: Asta cu "nici nu mai imi trebuie PS5" a fost chiar funny. E ca si cand ai compara mere cu... cozonaci.

    @Papillon: Nu am testat jucaria aceea, e doar ultima aparuta pe piata (de-abia a fost crowdfunded). Chinezaria pe care o aveam eu tinea cam 5-6 ore bateria in jocuri, in 1080p. Dar asta era acum vreo 3 ani, se presupunea ca am mai evoluat de-atunci. E bine ca am "evoluat" spre 720p.

    Ce mi se pare mie funny, ca majoritatea celor care acum lauda Steam Deck-ul cu al sau 720p, pana acum faceau misto de Switch. Oh, the irony!
    Ai dreptate dar printr-o rezolutie marita o sa scadă foarte mult autonomia și performanțele grafice, detalii, FPS-uri.
    Pe o consola portabila tot timpul o sa sacrifici partea grafica foarte mult.

    Eu nu sunt atras de console portabile pentru ca nu vreau sa sacrific partea grafica și nu am nevoie de jocuri “on te go” pentru asta pot sa ma joc un puzzle pe telefon dacă vreau ceva dar prefer calitatea și imersiunea de acasă PC sau console.

  11. #31 SP
    Junior Member OveMan's Avatar
    Salut , voi ati reusit sa faceti precomanda? Eu nu reusesc folosind cardul de Revolut.

  12. #32 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    Nu merge sa faci daca adaugi 5 euro in wallet pentru precomanda, sau trebuie neaparat facut cu un card? Eu n-am facut, dar ma gandesc ca poate merge cu banii din steam wallet.

  13. #33 SP
    Junior Member OveMan's Avatar
    Am reusit cu PayPal. Multumesc.

  14. #34 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Gabe Newell Talks Steam Deck's Origin, Goals, and Future:

    Gabe Newell Pushes Back Against Closed Platforms, Says Openness is 'PC's Superpower' - IGN

  15. #35 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    The Verge:

    Linus Tech Tips:

    PC Gamer:

    Giant Bomb:

  16. #36 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Ma mananca degetele sa comand si eu unul da imi e ca o sa sfarseasca precum switch, uitat pe birou si folosit de 2-3 ori pe an...

  17. #37 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Mie mi se pare horror cum arata jocurile "pe bune" pe el. Cel putin in video de la The Verge (doar pe ala l-am vazut) e oribil de mica rezolutia la Witcher si Control, chiar daca au medium details. Zici ca e ceva 8bit

    Oricum consola e facuta mostly pentru indie games. Altfel cu primele 2 modele, de 64 si 256GB nu prea ai ce face, cand un joc mai nou/bun are ~100GB.
    Si da, poti extinde cu micro SD, dar la ce viteza? Cred ca max 100 MB/sec si asta oricum e greu sa atingi in real life.

  18. #38 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Pai pentru indies, doar nu-s masochist sa ma joc AAA pe un ecran atat de mic. Pt asta am PS5 sau PC. Dar ideea de a avea libraria steam "on the go" e interesanta. Nu m-am mai jucat de mult pe PC, dar sunt atatea indies faine si la preturi derizorii incat mi se pare f atractiva propunerea lor.

    Cred ca astept totusi sa iasa, sa vad review-uri pe bune si abia apoi sa iau o hotarare. Incerc sa reduc impulse buying cat de mult pot.

  19. #39 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Valve's Steam Deck - First Impressions

    Quote Originally Posted by GameSpot
    Valve's hand-held Steam Deck has been announced with plans for a December 2021 release. Tune in as Jan from discusses his hands-on impressions with Tamoor and talks about everything from the portable console's look and feel, to its functions and features.

    Valve's portable PC console, the Steam Deck, is set to release in December 2021. Until then, GameSpot and Giant Bomb have teamed up to discuss a recent hands-on event in which Jan Ochoa was able to playtest the console for himself. Joined by Tamoor Hussain, Jan discusses his impressions including how it feels in-hand and how well it runs a selection of Steam titles including DOOM Eternal, Hades, and Control.

    On top of its performance, Jan discusses his first impressions such as size, button layout and build quality. He compares it closely to the Wii-U gamepad as a light console with similar thumb sticks. Jan also put the console through its paces with some game-swap testing, changing of video settings and maxing out brightness to test battery strength.

    The Steam Deck will launch in December of 2021. Valve is offering three models starting at $399 with a higher model costing $649. Stick with GameSpot and Giant Bomb for more coverage of the Steam Deck when it launches later this year.

  20. #40 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by GameRant
    Nintendo has dominated the handheld gaming space for a long time, but if the Steam Deck is successful it could impact the space for a long time.
    Steam Deck May Have One Unexpected Upside and Downside

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