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Thread: Windows 11

  1. #1 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Windows 11

    Leak: Windows 11 leak reveals new UI, Start menu, and more - The Verge
    Attached Images Attached Images windows11.15.jpg taskbarleft_1.jpg windows11_4.png windows11_2.png yikaq16.jpeg windows11_3.jpeg windows11_xbox.png windows11_xbox2.jpeg win11snap.gif windows_11_default_wallpaper_01.jpg windows_11_default_wallpaper_02.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Pai nu ziceau astia ca nu vor mai scoate o noua versiune de windows cu un nou nume/numar, ci doar updates pentru Windows 10?

  3. #3 SP
    Member codpin's Avatar
    Trebuiau aduse la zi toate partile din UI ca multe erau cele vechi de la win xp aproape si cred ca le era mai usor sa creeze unul nou decat sa peticeasca la win 10.

    Arata bine 11. Daca se misca la fel de bine ca 10 si are support mai bun pt rezolutii mari, eu abia il astept.

  4. #4 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Windows 11 | Overview:

    - new Start menu and updated Start button that are both centered on the taskbar
    - There are apps, recent documents, and a separate search interface
    - snap layouts, which allow you to quickly snap apps into the various modes that Windows 11 supports
    - will remember where your apps are stored, thanks to something called Snap Group layouts
    - Windows updates are 40 percent smaller, and more efficient as they now happen in the background
    - Microsoft is also integrating Microsoft Teams directly into Windows 11
    - Widgets is a personalized feed, powered by AI, and builds on the widgets we’ve seen Microsoft introduce in Windows 10
    - It slides in from the left-hand side of Windows 11 and you can also make it fullscreen. Built-in widgets include a news feed, weather, and maps.
    - these widgets also include one that lets you tip local creators directly from within Windows 11
    - Instead of flipping into a tablet mode, Windows 11 simply adapts to allow you to touch the OS easily
    - With certain pens, Windows 11 will also support haptic feedback here
    - Auto HDR, a feature in Xbox Series X / S, will be part of Windows 11
    - DirectStorage will be part of Windows 11, a big new feature from Xbox Series X / S
    - Xbox Game Pass is also being integrated into Windows 11, thanks to a new Xbox app that the company has been testing for months
    - also includes xCloud integrated into this Xbox app
    - Finally, one of the biggest parts of Windows 11 is the new store
    - It’s redesigned and will support a whole host of apps that haven’t typically been available in the Windows app store
    - That includes apps from Adobe Creative Suite, and Android apps including TikTok and Instagram
    - Developers can use their own “commerce engines” and Microsoft won’t take a cut; devs can even use their own payment systems if they want to
    Microsoft announces Windows 11, with a new design, Start menu, and more - The Verge
    Minimum system requirements

    Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster with 2 or more cores on a compatible 64-bit processor or System on a Chip (SoC)
    Memory: 4 GB RAM
    Storage: 64 GB or larger storage device
    System firmware: UEFI, Secure Boot capable
    TPM: Trusted Platform Module (TPM) version 2.0
    Graphics card: DirectX 12 compatible graphics / WDDM 2.x
    Display: >9” with HD Resolution (720p)
    Internet connection: Microsoft account and internet connectivity required for setup for Windows 11 Home
    Coming later this year.
    Attached Images Attached Images windows_11_3.jpg windows_11_3.jpg windows_11_2.jpg windows115.jpg windows11_6.jpg windows11_7.jpg windows11_8.jpg teams_windows11.jpg notification_windows11.jpg lcimg_ce9d259d_1a6d_4307_9d88_f585bf4a5d40.jpeg windows11.jpg lcimg_307ed4e6_1f0f_46ad_97be_0dec320d5c7a.jpeg xbox.jpg windowsstore.jpg windows_sstore.jpg lcimg_9abbdc71_7b16_4ba0_b22a_2e6b359bcd82.jpeg

  5. #5 SP
    Banned galaxic's Avatar
    Pare un OS "estetic" de tranzitie cum au fost Win Vista si cu Win8/Win 8.1 . In 2025 vor lansa probabil Win12 care va aduce imbunatari considerabile

  6. #6 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Mvai, nu-i ajung 128GB RAM!
    Attached Images Attached Images 2021-06-24_211910.png

  7. #7 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Microsoft au actualizat Hardware Requirements si PC Health Check App, care spune explicit acum care este problema:
    Hardware Requirements

    There are new minimum hardware requirements for Windows 11. In order to run Windows 11, devices must meet the hardware specifications. Devices that do not meet the hardware requirements cannot be upgraded to Windows 11.

    - Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster with 2 or more cores on a compatible 64-bit processor or System on a Chip (SoC)
    - RAM: 4 gigabyte (GB)
    - Storage: 64 GB or larger storage device
    - System firmware: Trusted Platform Module (TPM) version 2.0
    - Graphics card: Compatible with DirectX 12 or later with WDDM 2.0 driver
    - S mode is only supported on Home edition of Windows 11. If you are running a different edition of Windows in S mode, you will need to first switch out of S mode prior to upgrading.
    Compatibility for Windows 11- Compatibility Cookbook | Microsoft Docs
    We just made updates to the Windows 11 PC Health Check App. It now provides more detailed info on requirements not met. This should help in cases where folks assumed CPU compat issues were TPM related
    DWIZZZLE on Twitter
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  8. #8 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Se pare ca aplicatiile Android nu doar ca vor rula prin Amazon Store, ba mai mult, vor folosi tehnologia Intel Bridge. Parca si vad ce bine vor merge pe AMD.

    Btw, un lucru bun la el: in sfarsit, nu va mai exista versiune pe 32bits!!!

  9. #9 SP
    Member smits's Avatar
    Mie nu vrea sa imi porneasca deloc pc health ala.

    raman la win 10 for now.

    Tot asa imi apare si nu se deschide.

    o las balta
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  10. #10 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar
    Să înțeleg că s-au sucit. Ieri era vorba de TPM 1.2, azi de 2.0.

    Până la urmă cui i se adresează sistemul ăsta, doar lui Bill Gates? Cândva, parcă sistemele de operare Windows erau accesibile până și ultimului sărac din Somalia.

  11. #11 SP
    Member iionut's Avatar
    Si mie mi-a facut la fel, l-am descarcat din nou: l-am reinstalat si apoi a pornit
    Dar tot nu trec testul, am un Ryzen 1600x, vad ca doar de la seria Ryzen 2000 in sus e ok.
    La Intel de la seria 8000 in sus, plus Atom si Celeron:
    Attached Images Attached Images imagine_2021-06-26_184223.png

  12. #12 SP
    Member MRC's Avatar
    Mega tragedie. Pe desktop nu o sa imi mearga, doar pe laptop. Cred ca arunc desktopul pe geam. . O sa fiu ultra deprimat ca nu am startul in mijloc si iconite noi.

  13. #13 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar

  14. #14 SP
    Member smits's Avatar
    Multumesc mult, acuma a functionat!

    Pe bune, laptop de 3 ani inca decent sa nu poate sa ruleze.

    Attached Images Attached Images aaaa.png

  15. #15 SP
    One Man Army Cristy's Avatar
    Se pare ca majoritatea procesoarelor mai vechi de Coffee Lake aka seria 8xxx (erau si cateva Kaby Lake pe acolo parca) si AMD Ryzen mai vechi de Ryzen 2xxx nu sunt compatibile cu W11. Mai jos lista:

    Am reusit sa-l fac sa mearga dupa ce am activat TPM 2.0 in UEFI/BIOS.
    Attached Images Attached Images capture.png

  16. #16 SP
    Member iionut's Avatar
    un tool neoficial "WhyNotWin11" care zice unde e 'buba' incompatibilității:

  17. #17 SP
    Member JohnnyUSA's Avatar

    Windows 11

    Eu l-am instalat ieri pe un Kaby Lake, nu a protestat.

    Nici de-al naibii nu schimb procesorul pentru Windows 11, cu atat mai mult cu cat i7-le meu 7700k, inca se tine bine.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  18. #18 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Erai deja inscris pe Dev Channel?
    While we recommend that all PCs meet the full hardware requirements for Windows 11, we are allowing some limited exceptions as we apply these new restrictions. All Windows Insiders who have already been installing builds from the Dev Channel on their PCs up through June 24, 2021 will be allowed to continue installing Windows 11 Insider Preview builds even if their PC does not meet the minimum hardware requirements.

  19. #19 SP
    Member JohnnyUSA's Avatar

    Windows 11

    Nu, nu eram inscris, paul.

    PS: a fost o instalare “pe curat”, nu suport upgrade-urile.
    PS2: noci nu am instalat vreodata un dev build, asta-i primul.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  20. #20 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Inseamna ca procesorul e in lista de procesoare eligibile.

    Cine doreste sa-l incerce, are aici pasii de inscriere in Windows Insider Program: Preparing for Insider Preview Builds of Windows 11 | Windows Insider Blog.

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