Si iar nu am prins culmea ghinionului,mia dat si BSOD cu cateva min inainte sa fie redeem
Si iar nu am prins culmea ghinionului,mia dat si BSOD cu cateva min inainte sa fie redeem
Ma da nu e posibil ca eram pe pagina de reedem si dadeam dupa ma duc si era defapt pe,sa ma cac pe ea de treaba.
aaand . it`s over . n-am prins nimic .
now wasn't that fun ? ok in sfarsit ma pot reapuca de hit-uri pe mturk
dDar nici nu era posibil sa se termine tot in 8 minute ,credca astia fac in asa fel incat la 1000$(exemplu) dati sa se incheie reedemul,niste escroci.Sunt in soc,nu imi vine sa cred ca s-a terminat asa rpd.
Am inceput sa ma satur de toate redeemurile astea.Sa lanseze odata site-ul si sa fie redeem non-stop
ai de viata mea, asa sau dus toate
cand am intrat mai era Imac si jocuri, cand am dat pe un joc mia aparut frash out
Eu incerc sa iau aia 25$ dar nu merge...Nu lasa nici $25 Paypal. whatever.Whoops! Looks like something went wrong there.
If you're seeing this message, there's been some kind of technical error. We won't bore you with the details, but the error number was 2.
The first thing we recommend is trying again — whatever caused this could be temporary.
However, if you end up back here, please send a message to [email protected] and let us know what you were doing when this error happened, and the error number we mentioned before.
Finally, please accept our apologies for the problem!
The general redemption is now over. Thanks for your participation. If you redeemed, congratulations. If you didn't get a chance to redeem, please remember that we are constantly testing new ways to earn and use PTZ, and that PTZ are good for a year. Have a great weekend!
acum 5 minute sa incheiat redemption
eu intrai la nimereala si icnepuse deja de 15 minute,dar mai puteam sa iau tricouri de fete,carcase iphone, paypal25 de dolari si acel premiu garantat de 3500 de ptz si cumparai de 750-999 in total trebuai sa ia 4500
Acestea de sus le-am prins si eu si au stat 3-5 minute de voie pe pagina
PS: eu cand am intrat site-ul mergea perfect la click
Ba da sunt chiar r*ah*ti astia de la lockerz...inainte macar mai puteai sa prinzi aia 25$,dar acum,nimic...