cred ca sunt sub sechestru...
nu imi pot da sign out lol
de 4 ore ma chinui
Happy Monday, members! We know that you are very excited about the January restock--and we are too.
Our members have given us some great suggestions for some very cool new innovations that we will be testing in upcoming redemptions. We will be announcing more in the next few days. Here's what we can tell you right now:
1) It WILL happen in January.
2) It will be a general redemption for everyone.
3) We will NOT raise prices.
4) We have NOT yet released the rules.
5) It WILL be a surprise date and time.
6) All the newest details will appear in the hallway as we release them--stay tuned:-)
sper sa prind si eu ceva de data asta si sa imi confirme si sa ajunga acasa
Am 181.Daca nu luam Ipod-ul aveam 381.Ce ma enerveaza ca nu tine minte e-mail-ul si trebuie sa il scriu de fiecare data.
EDIT:Sau macar Uncharted 2 sau GOW Collectionlol.
Incerc sa iau ceva mare.Am 424 de PTZ-urii si sa vad ce pot lua.Ori un Wii ori un Joc de PS3 sau Guitar Hero 5-PS3.Poate de data asta gata inapoi skinurile de Iphone si sa poti face redeem la mai multe prod.
1) It WILL happen in January.
5) It WILL be a surprise date and time.
6) All the newest details will appear in the hallway as we release them--stay tuned:-)
Mai pe scurt stay tuned
pana la urma topicu asta se transforma in lifeclickz din lockerz
am reusit sa strang 697 PTZ :X:X:X dabia astept restocku :X dude //
sper sa reusesc sa prind ceva fain si bun ce ziceti sa imi iau la punctele astea ?
Me Me Me)
Vreau neaparatu un iMac sau un PSP Go sau un Scoter
pe viitor cine primeste vrun packet de la lockerz sa faca un video unboxing
Eu am facut dar nu am filmat cand l'am desfacut pentru ca pe cutie sunt zeci de prostii lipite si a durat.
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ce bine ii sta in tricoul LOCKERZ
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