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Thread: Lego ca si hobby in Romania

  1. #81 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    @solaru tu ce postezi aici le ai si le si faci/le-ai facut? Pozele alea cu fundal alb sunt pozele tale?

    Eu nu am mai facut un Lego de cand eram copil si recent am achizitionat setul acesta ca un cadou pentru sotie si l-am facut in 2 reprize, impreuna si am ramas absolut uimit de cat de usor se face (mai ales cu aplicatia de iPad unde vezi mult mai clar totul, fata de cartea oferita in cutie), dar mai ales cat de multe componente diferite, ce mecanism interesant au introdus acolo dar si cat de usor se intrepatrund pieselea alea absolut perfect.
    Atasez si cateva poze din productie

    Acum astept cu interes urmatoarea achizitie (desi au un pret destul de piperat).
    Attached Images Attached Images img_8700.jpg img_8684.jpg img_8686.jpg img_8691.jpg img_8693.jpg img_8697.jpg img_8699.jpg

  2. #82 SP
    Mad Collector rodarkone's Avatar
    Nu cred ca sunt poze .. par render’urile oficiale

  3. #83 SP
    Member solaru's Avatar
    Tot ce am postat sunt seturi pe care le detin si construit cel putin o data. O buna parte din ele - seturile star wars ultimate collectors, cladirile modulare, corabiile si masinile din categoria expert - sunt construite si expuse.x
    Aici se poate vedea toata colectia mea Lego:

    Evident pozele nu sunt ale mele - sunt cele oficiale, pentru simplul motiv ca sunt la rezolutie buna si surprind detaliile foarte bine.
    @rodarkone - da, 4 mai a fost dezamagitor. speram la ceva reduceri la star destroyer . Deasemenea, astept cu nerabdare un 25% la batmobile

    ---------- Post added 11-05-2020 at 02:23 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by razvanrazy View Post

    Eu nu am mai facut un Lego de cand eram copil si recent am achizitionat setul acesta ca un cadou pentru sotie si l-am facut in 2 reprize, impreuna si am ramas absolut uimit de cat de usor se face (mai ales cu aplicatia de iPad unde vezi mult mai clar totul, fata de cartea oferita in cutie), dar mai ales cat de multe componente diferite, ce mecanism interesant au introdus acolo dar si cat de usor se intrepatrund pieselea alea absolut perfect.
    Ar trebui sa vezi modelele mari de peste 2000 piese, mai ales cele technic si creator expert... sunt o incantare si un deliciu. Angrenaje de 500 - 1000 piese cu multiple functii, posibilitati de motorizare, etc.
    Si nu in ultimul rand alternativele la seturile oficiale - asa numitele MOC (my own creation) - de ex.
    Exista chiar si un soft - detinut de Lego acum, dupa achizitia bricklink - in care poti construi tot ce-ti trece prin cap

    ---------- Post added 11-05-2020 at 02:37 ----------

    Si cum era normal, creatiile MOCerilor si AFOLilor din lume sterg pe joc cu seturile oficiale, mai jos cateva exemple:

    si multi altii. pe cei mai buni ii gasesti pe rebrickable.

  4. #84 SP
    Mad Collector rodarkone's Avatar
    Asta e ultimul set construit

  5. #85 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    LEGO Super Mario's adventures begin!

    Introducing LEGO Super Mario Adventures with Luigi Starter Course

  6. #86 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Kotaku
    Going on sale on June 1, “Everyone is Awesome” is a 346-piece Lego set meant to celebrate the diversity of Lego fans and the world around them. It features 11 faceless monochrome minifigures arranged in the colors of the LGBTQIA+ rainbow flag. It’s a bit on-the-nose, but I dig it.

    According to the video accompanying this morning’s announcement, the Everyone is Awesome set began as a personal project for Lego design VP Matthew Ashton, just something representing diversity and acceptance to keep on his desk. When The Lego Group decided to create an official set celebrating exactly those things, Mr. Ashton offered up his design, and the rest is a lovely $34.99 conversation piece for your home or office.
    Lego Celebrates Diversity With A Rainbow Of Minifigures
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  7. #87 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by LEGO
    Get ready for the first LEGO® CON | June 26, 2021

    Want to get closer to the LEGO world? We’re excited to let you in...

    That’s why we’re hosting our first ever LEGO CON, the online experience for LEGO fans everywhere!

    Join us for 90 minutes of live entertainment, world-first reveals, behind-the-scenes access and never-tried-before build attempts.

    It’s something new. It’s something fresh. And it’s all online.

    We’ll be going live from LEGO House (The Home of the Brick) in Billund, Denmark to bring you the latest news, world-first set reveals and some very special guests...

    Plus, you’ll be able to VOTE, share your own builds throughout the show and connect with an awesome community who share your passion for the brick.

    Livestream the event right here, for free...




    Our house is your house.

    Are you in?

  8. #88 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Nintendo NY
    Which Power-Up Pack is more adorable?

    Stop by #NintendoNYC and purchase the #LEGO #SuperMario Frog Mario Power-Up Pack and Bee Mario Power-Up Pack for $9.99 each!

  9. #89 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Recapture the magic of Super Mario 64 with this buildable LEGO ? Block:

  10. #90 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Azi s-a lansat setul: bak to the future GOT IT!
    Attached Images Attached Images img_6500.jpg img_6501.jpg lego-10300-bttf-delorean-time-machine-reveal-preview-3-27-screenshot.png img_6499.jpg

  11. #91 SP
    Junior Member alecutheman's Avatar
    Din “pacate” am descoperit light kits pentru LEGO, las si eu niste poze cu o parte din aftermath.

  12. #92 SP
    Mad Collector rodarkone's Avatar

    Lego ca si hobby in Romania

    Inainte sa fie retras

  13. #93 SP
    Junior Member alecutheman's Avatar
    S-a mai bagat cineva de pe forum la constructii de MOCs de pe Rebrickable? Unele mi se par mai faine decat seturile oficiale, mai ales din categoria de cladiri modulare.

  14. #94 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by LEGO Group
    The LEGO® Super Mario™: Mario Kart™ sets were officially revealed at gamescom, an annual trade show for gamers held in Cologne, alongside three new LEGO® Animal Crossing™ sets.
    LEGO Super Mario: Mario Kart Sets - About Us -

    PS: De 2 ani de cand nu s-a mai postat aici, au aparut multe seturi Nintendo.
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