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Thread: PS5 vs Series X - perfomante in jocurile multiplatform

  1. #1 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    Cool PS5 vs Series X - perfomante in jocurile multiplatform

    Cum se desfasoara jocurile multiplatform pe noile console?

    Avem primul face-off, Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition, cu 4 moduri (Normal, High Frame Rate, Ray Tracing Performance, Ray Tracing Quality):
    Quote Originally Posted by Digital Foundry
    It's been a long time coming but here it is: the first frame-rate test between PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X running what we're pretty certain to be identical content with the same visual feature set... and running with an effectively unlocked frame-rate to boot, all the way up to 120fps. And with optional ray tracing too! It's only one game - and a launch game at that, with far from final developmental environments. But still, the results are fascinating - and some might say, somewhat unexpected...

    Pe scurt:
    - Normal - 4K native - arata la fel, in jurul 60fps sau mai mult, mic avantaj la FPS pentru Series X
    - High Frame Rate - 4K upscaled - diferente mici +/- FPS pentru ambele, dar sunt portiuni unde PS5 are avantaj de pana la 20-30 FPS, VRR pe Series X nu ajuta foarte mult pe cat s-ar fi asteptat. Medie de 100 FPS pentru ambele.
    - Ray Tracing Performance - 1080p native - mic avantaj pentru Series X
    - Ray Tracing Quality - 4K upscaled - scaderi sub 60fps, mic avantaj pentru Series X
    - loading times foarte mici pe ambele, cu mic avantaj pentru PS5
    *- dezavantaj PS5: locked la 120Hz cand e conectata la un display 120Hz. Series X are optiunea de 60Hz.

    Concluzia mea: e un joc Capcom in RE Engine din 2019, imbunatatit, care se descurca foarte bine pe ambele console, acum la lansare. Un patch si system updates ar mai scadea din diferente. Overall, e un bun start, dar e nevoie de mai multe comparisons. Le asteptam!

    Articolul: Devil May Cry 5: Special Edition - the first PS5 vs Xbox Series X platform comparison •

    *- new patch: pentru 120Hz pe PS5, alegi High Frame Rate mode, altfel e default 60Hz
    Attached Images Attached Images ps5-vs-xbox-series-x.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    Scuze ca postez aici dar în thread-ul dedicat nu am permisiunea sa postez. Avem și primul head to head intre cele doua console:

    Pe scurt :
    - So PS5 drops 1 frame and the XSX has tearing. Pick your poison ie_thinking:
    - Dynamic resolution on both machines. The average resolution varies between 1620p and 1800p. Have seen the XSX drop all the way down to 1440p and haven't seen that on the PS5 but he thinks it can drop that low too.
    - Most likely using a reconstruction technique to reach 2160p.
    - PS5 goes from the game's main menu to game in 11.42s and XSX does that in 12.98s, a whopping 12% difference, omg! (/s)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar
    o alta analiza serioasa dintre PS5 si XSX

    The versions tested were 1.002.000 on PS5 and on Xbox Series X|S. Xbox Series X|S and the Xbox One consoles have stuttering during cutscenes unrelated to the game's frame rate. PS5 and Xbox Series X use a dynamic resolution with the highest native resolution found being 3840x2160 and the lowest native resolution found being approximately 2432x1368.

    Both consoles rarely render at a native resolution of 3840x2160. The native resolution is usually between 2432x1368 and 2880x1620 on both consoles. PS5 and Xbox Series X use a form of temporal reconstruction to increase the resolution up to 3840x2160 when rendering natively below this resolution.

    Xbox Series S uses a dynamic resolution with the highest native resolution found being 2880x1620 and the lowest native resolution found being approximately 2048x1152. Native resolution pixel counts near 2560x1440 seem to be common on Xbox Series S. Xbox Series S uses a form of temporal reconstruction to increase the resolution up to 2880x1620 when rendering natively below this resolution. The Xbox Series S seems to transition between LOD levels closer to the camera which can be seen at 6:23.

    The stats is all you need. The PS5 version spends 97.52% of it's frames at 16.67ms compared to the XBOX Series X's 87.28 and even then PS5 still comes out on top with perf overall with significantly less tearing even....If the XSX tore as minimally as the PS5 it would drop even more frames...Resolution is on par. More analysis on the actual graphical makeup is necessary. PS5's lighting and textures seems to pop a bit more to me...
    Attached Images Attached Images toupb16.png nu9geio.png

  4. #4 SP
    Senior Member AndRewqp's Avatar

    Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

    O alta comparație. Cele doua versiuni sunt aproape indentice cu mici diferențe. Știu ca suntem la început de generație dar TFLoPs is not everything. Sa nu uitam ca diferența între ps5 și XSX este mai mica ca intre PS4P și XOX.

    The versions tested were 1.004.000 on PS5 and on Xbox Series X|S (both were using the latest version at the time of testing). The 120fps mode was captured at 1080p.

    Ray tracing was enabled in the 60fps mode tested on PS5 and Xbox Series X which uses a form of ray tracing for certain shadows.

    Xbox Series S doesn't have a 120fps mode or a ray tracing mode. 0:00 - PS5 120fps and Xbox Series X 120fps 7:30 - PS5 RT, Xbox Series X RT and Xbox Series S

    There was an issue on PS5 where the frame rate could randomly drop below 60fps during scenes that it previously ran at a solid 60fps. This issue wasn't encountered on Xbox Series X.

    Both PS5 and Series X in the ray tracing mode use a dynamic resolution with the highest resolution found being 3840x2160 and the lowest resolution found being 1920x1800. PS5 at 120fps, Series X at 120fps and Series S use a dynamic resolution with the highest resolution found being 2560x1440 and the lowest resolution found being 1280x1200. PS5 at 120fps, Series X at 120fps and Series S use a form of temporal reconstruction to reconstruct the horizontal resolution up to 2560 when the horizontal resolution is below this figure.

    Frames Pixel Counted:
    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. #5 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Assassin's Creed Valhalla:

    Series S:
    - 30fps
    - rezolutie dinamica - intre 1188p - 1656p - mai mult in 1296p
    - "reductions in shadow resolution, alongside pulled in level of detail settings for trees and terrain"

    PS5 - Series X:
    - vizual la fel
    - game targets 60fps
    - rezolutie dinamica - intre 1440p - 4K with temporal upsampling - never actually hit 4K
    - screen tearing pe ambele, dar mai mult pe Series X, cu PS5 care isi cam mentine cele 60fps, pe cand pe Series X scad si sub 50
    - FPS - PS5 - 15% performance over Series X overall
    - VRR enabled on an LG CX - no more tearing on Series X
    - frame-pacing on cutscenes (camera stutters) pe Series X

    Mic avantaj in loading times pentru PS5.

    Game bugs tipice Assassin's Creed.

    Articolul: Assassin's Creed Valhalla PS5 vs Xbox Series X - which copes best with 60fps? •

  6. #6 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    DiRT 5:

    Image Quality mode:
    - boosts overall world details - higher resolution shadows, ambient oclusion, draw distance, level of detail
    - PS5 & Series S & XSX - dynamic resolution scaling and temporal reprojection, 60fps
    - Series S: up to 1440p - more like 1080p or below
    - PS5 & XSX: 1440p - 4K - higher average resolution on PS5
    - PS5 & XSX: both tear, insignificant frame drops on XSX, XSX VRR fixes it
    - PS5: playing in SDR - tone mapping issue - darker, higher contrast - bug?
    - PS5: better texture filtering

    Resolution mode:
    - detail level is slightly paired back
    - Series S: 1080p range/60fps
    - Series S: additional detail cuts: grass, other track details
    - PS5 & XSX: 4K/60fps

    Performance mode:
    - PS5 & Series S & XSX - targets 120Hz
    - Series S: as low as 576p
    - PS5 & XSX: 900p - 1440p on average
    - Series S & XSX: level of detail significantly lower than PS5 - bug?
    - PS5: performance dips at start of certain tracks

    Se prezinta bine. Micile probleme pot fi rezolvate usor. Deja un patch e in certification. Daca va intereseaza, un interviu cu technical director in care vorbeste despre dezvoltarea jocului.

  7. #7 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War:

    Series S:
    - ray-tracing missing makes a big visual difference
    - cutbacks in details and motion blur
    - no 120Hz mode
    - targets 1440p/60fps
    - 1200p-1440p - dynamic resolution/60fps

    PS5 & XSX:
    - seem identical
    - PS5: DualSense features support
    Ray-tracing mode:
    - shadows only
    - targets 4K/60fps
    - 1800p-4K - dynamic resolution/60fps
    - PS5: a couple of frame drops during some scenes
    120Hz mode*:
    - 1080p-1200p/120fps overall in campaign - both drop a couple of frames in certain areas
    - both drop frames in the helicopter mission around 100fps
    - 120fps overall in multiplayer

    *pe PS5 activezi din setarile consolei, pe XSX din setarile jocului

    Concluzia mea: cat dai pe Series S, atat primesti. Cu toate problemele de development, au facut un joc bun, iar versiunile de PS5 si XSX sunt apropiate.

  8. #8 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Watch Dogs: Legion:

    Series S:
    - practic, cam totul e pe low/lower
    - RT - rendered internally at 720p - checkerboarding reconstruction
    - 900p-1080p/30fps - nu arata asa bine in 1080p din cauza RT cu lower resolution, fps e stabil, fara scaderi

    PS5 & XSX:
    - nearly the exact same visual settings
    - RT - redendered internally at 1080p - checkerboarding reconstruction
    - XSX: lower Anisotropic Filtering - bug? (in configuration file gasit la PC scrie ca sunt la fel)
    - PS5: puddles missing in reflections - bug? (in configuration file gasit la PC scrie ca sunt la fel)
    - PS5: better loading times
    - 1440p-4K/30fps - fps e stabil, fara scaderi

    Au facut treaba buna Ubisoft. Sunt la fel. Dar ramane o intrebare: cum s-ar prezenta la 60fps? (configuratie gasita in fisierul de pe PC). Poate inttr-un update.

    Articolul: Watch Dogs: Legion - essentially identical on PS5 and Xbox Series X •

  9. #9 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Comparatia la lansare o aveti mai sus.

    Update 1.0.4 pentru Assassin's Creed Valhalla:

    Performance mode:
    - nou pentru Series S: 720p/800p overall/60fps - aceleasi mici frame drops si tearing ca pe PS5 si XSX
    - PS5: la fel
    - XSX: 60fps, dar rezolutia scade pana la 1188p
    Quality mode:
    - nou pentru PS5 & XSX: 4K/30fps

    Articolul: Assassin's Creed Valhalla patch 1.0.4: Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5 re-tested •

  10. #10 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Borderlands 3:

    Series S:
    - only one mode: 2112x1188-1440p/60fps - dynamic resolution

    PS5 & XSX:
    Resolution mode:
    - 4K/60fps - dynamic resolution
    - PS5: foliage density
    - PS5: sharper high quality shadows
    - PS5: better loading times
    - both drop frames down to 50fps in isolated dynamic gameplay points

    Performance mode:
    - 1440x810-1080p/120fps - dynamic resolution
    - both drop frames down to 80fps in isolated dynamic gameplay points
    - XSX: VRR advantage

    Articolul: Borderlands 3 tested on PS5, Xbox Series X and Series S - can next-gen sustain 60fps? •

  11. #11 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    NBA 2K21:

    Series S:
    - native 1080p/60fps

    PS5 & XSX:
    - virtually identical from a visual perspective
    - native 4K/60fps

    XSS & XSX:
    - weird couple of frame drops when using the parametric camera with the lower angle (nu e de jucat in felul asta asa ca nu conteaza).

    Cinematics run in 30fps.

    Deci e de jucat pe next-gen unde se prezinta la fel.

    Articolul: NBA 2K21 brings a huge leap in realism for next-gen consoles •

  12. #12 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Call of Duty Warzone backwards compatible:

    Series S:
    - One S version - low settings overall
    - 1080p/60fps - dynamic resolution
    - 120fps mode: 960x1080, 80fps-120fps
    - VRR on: noticeably smoother presentation and lower input latency

    - locked PS4 Pro version
    - 2716x1528/60fps

    - enhanced One X version
    - 4K/60fps
    - 16x anisotropic filtering
    - grass draw distance also seems to get a boost
    - 120fps mode: 1920x2160, 80fps-120fps
    - VRR on: noticeably smoother presentation and lower input latency

    Din cauza limitarii la setarile de PS4 Pro pe PS5, varianta pe XSX e cea mai buna.

    Articol: Call of Duty: Warzone - what's really happening on PS5 and Xbox Series consoles? •

  13. #13 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Cyberpunk 2077 backwards compatible:

    - PS4 Pro version with unlocked frame-rate, no other benefits
    - 1188p/60fps - minor drops as low as 50-55fps

    - enhanced One X version
    - quality mode: 1512p-1800p/30fps - less grainy, less blurry, has ambient occlusion - best looking version on console
    - performance mode: 1080p/60fps - minor drops as low as 50-55fps, more often than on PS5, VRR helps
    - higher crowd density
    - higher traffic density

    Series S:
    - surpriza: nu e versiunea de One S locked ci XSX in quality mode ajustat
    - 1080p and lower-up to 1296p/30fps - somewhat blurry and grainy, has ambient occlusion
    - higher crowd density
    - higher traffic density

    - all have better load times due to SSDs

    Pentru cea mai buna imagine (la 30fps) XSX, pentru performanta (60fps mai consistent) PS5.

    Articolul: Cyberpunk 2077 on PS5/Xbox Series X|S: a night and day improvement over last-gen consoles? •

  14. #14 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    FIFA 21:

    Este la fel, 4K/60fps (30fps in cutscenes, replays, Be a Pro mode), pe cele 3 console next-gen.

  15. #15 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Astia iar vorbesc in necunostiinta de cauza si se intrec pe ei insisi cu fiecare video la cat de nestiutori sunt.
    Numai afirmatii eronate fac acolo - Ambient Occlussion eu nici nu cred ca au habar ce inseamna de fapt si care e, cum il vezi.

    Parul asta nou nu e pt ca "next gen consoles" ci doar e restrictionat artificial/intentionat pt ele, merge si pe cele vechi fara probleme. Ei tot videoul zic ca nu mai e stranded hair ca in ala vechi, ci ca acum sunt firele de par facute individual - dar asta e fals, e fix tot suvite, doar ca acum sunt mai multe.
    Sunt tot niste texturi care au desenate un grup de fire de par, dar acum au o fizica mai buna - dar nu e nimic simulat realtime, e doar bazat pe cateva preset-uri de la ei.
    Ei nici n-au vazut, dar suedezii de la Frostbite tocmai au avut luna asta un video pe youtube in care explicau fix cum functioneaza, in detaliu, the upgraded Frostbite hair (care e practic doar un upgrade al versiunii anterioare).
    Pentru cine intereseaza sa vada pe bune ce inseamna Frostbite, sa se uite aici.

    Also, se pare ca habar n-au ce inseamna sub Surface Scattering si tot il repeta de 10 ori cred, desi fifa 21 nu are asa ceva.
    Sub surface scattering e unde poti sa faci iluminare prin piele, prin spatele ei, deci gen e un pic transparent - se vede la urechi, nas si la degete cel mai usor (fifa 21 n-are absolut deloc) - RDR2 si TLOU2 au asa ceva.

  16. #16 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Destiny 2:

    Series S:
    - 1080p/60fps

    PS5 & XSX:
    - 4K/60fps
    - sunt la fel
    - Crucible only - 1520x1440-2560x1440/120Hz mode - some big drops to 80-100fps in Iron Banner matches only

    Field of view slider.
    Better load times.

    Articolul: Destiny 2 on next-gen delivers the upgrade that matters - performance •

  17. #17 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, via backward compatibility cu noul patch:

    Series S:
    - 720p-1080p/60fps

    - 1200p/60fps

    - Performance mode: 1080p-1440p/60fps
    - Quality mode: 1512p-2160p/30fps

    Hitching & stuttering on all platforms during traversals and occasionally in cut-scenes.

    De jucat pe Series X: are doua moduri disponibile si e inclus in Game Pass Ultimate.

    Articolul: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order - the 'surprise' next-gen patch tested •

  18. #18 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Hitman 3:

    Series S:
    - native 1080p/60fps
    - textures: high
    - shadows: low

    - native 1800p/60fps
    - textures: ultra
    - shadows: medium

    - native 4K/60fps
    - textures: ultra
    - shadows: high

    Articolul: Hitman 3 on Series X has a resolution advantage over PS5 •

  19. #19 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Control Ultimate Edition:

    Series S:
    - one mode: 900p - temporal upscale to 1080p/60fps

    PS5 & XSX:
    - 1440p - temporal upscale to 4K
    - Performance mode: 60fps
    - Quality mode: 30fps - RT reflections on opaque and glass surfaces; PS5 - crushed blacks and a generally darker presentation

    Series S & XSX:
    - exhibits some stutter - crops up with the arrival of UI elements on screen and in standard traversal

    60fps modes: the action is fast and smooth, marred only by screen-filling effects work that can cause drops to the mid-50fps.

    Articolul: Control Ultimate Edition - the next-gen experience compared on PS5 and Xbox Series consoles •

  20. #20 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    The Division 2 via backward compatibility cu next-gen update:

    Series S:
    - 900p-1080p/60fps

    - 1080p-1890p/60fps
    - most dramatic change - total omission of volumetric lighting and atmospheric rendering
    - screen-space reflections are also missing
    - worst loading times of the three

    - 1800p-4K/60fps

    De jucat pe XSX. Ubisoft trebuie sa vina cu alt update pentru treaba ce au facut-o pe PS5.

    Articolul: The Division 2's next-gen upgrade is impressive - but something's up with PS5 •

    UPDATE: Au rezolvat problemele pe PS5 cu exceptia loading times.

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