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Thread: The Callisto Protocol

  1. #1 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

    The Callisto Protocol

    The Callisto Protocol - Cinematic Trailer Reveal:

    A New Story-Driven, Single-Player Survival Horror Game from the Creators of Dead Space. Coming 2022 to PC and Consoles.
    Set on Jupiter’s moon Callisto in the year 2320, The Callisto Protocol is a next-generation take on survival horror. The game challenges players to escape the maximum security Black Iron Prison and uncover its terrifying secrets. A blend of horror, action, and immersive storytelling, the game aims to set a new bar for horror in interactive entertainment.
    The Callisto Protocol
    Attached Images Attached Images the_callisto_protocol_screenshot-01.jpg the_callisto_protocol_screenshot-02.jpg the_callisto_protocol_screenshot-03.jpg the_callisto_protocol_screenshot-04.jpg the_callisto_protocol_screenshot-05.jpg the_callisto_protocol_screenshot-06.jpg the_callisto_protocol_screenshot-07.jpg the_callisto_protocol_screenshot-08.jpg

  2. #2 SP
    Banned Alex Khan's Avatar
    Un Dead Space reboot ca sa zic asa!
    Il astept!

  3. #3 SP
    Member toto's Avatar

  4. #4 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    “I’m looking forward to really trying to make the scariest game on next-gen platforms [and PC],” says Schofield. “From what I hear — it’s hard to be the creative and talk nicely about it — but from what I hear… [Dead Space] was one of the scarier games of [its generation] and I want to do the same on next-gen, or what’s considered now the current-gen.”

    Striking Distance has a peculiar origin. Founded in 2019 by Schofield after he co-directed several Call of Duty games, including Black Ops, Modern Warfare 3, and Advanced Warfare. Striking Distance was built under the PUBG Corp, best known for the battle royale hit PlayerUnknown’s Battleground. Striking Distance then set out to expand the PUBG universe by creating a new narrative experience within it.

    And The Callisto Protocol is just that. According to Schofield, there is a big combined effort to flesh out the narrative universe of PUBG, and The Callisto Protocol is set within that universe, but 300 years after whenever PUBG is set.

    “The funny thing is, I came in with this story when I went and met with the PUBG people for the first time and started talking about [The Callisto Protocol] and building a studio. I presented this game to them, and so what we did was we made it fit within the PUBG storyline.”

    But don’t let the PUBG connection mislead you. Schofield says The Callisto Protocol is not a battle royale game, but a full-on, third-person survival horror game.

    “You want to see your character and you want to see you going into danger,” Schofield explains when asked about the appeal of the third-person horror genre. “You want to see yourself and what happens to you during the course of this... as you get blood on your suit.”

    Schofield is particularly passionate about next-gen, or rather current-gen, technology and how The Callisto Protocol will take full advantage of the latest tech and development innovations.

    He highlights innovations in lighting and sound, and how the developers can take advantage of all kinds of new lighting techniques and 3D audio to create a new level of immersion.

    "When the player is walking, your clothes make a sound when your arm is going across the cloth on your chest and things like that. And so we're getting all those sounds. The sound of the wind just so slightly blowing through your hair. It's crazy."

    The Striking Distance team is also working on integrating haptics, presumably for controllers like the DualSense. But Schofield lights up when he talks about the visuals. “You got to see the graphics, the graphics are just freaking amazing now,” Schofield tells IGN.

    “We’re getting so detailed, it slows us down on production, you know what I mean?... We can get so detailed now and fit those graphics on the screen and it’s taking a lot of time to build it.”

    Schofield still couldn’t share too much about the project, but immersion is the main pillar of its development.

    “We’re trying to make you really feel like you’re in this world. Even though it’s you escaping from this prison and you’ve got to survive these unthinkable horrors.”

    “The more you are immersed, the more you want to know about that story, the more you want to know about those little hints that we put around. You’re like, ‘What the heck is that about? What is this mystery?’”

    If immersion comes through the advancements in visuals and audio, the other draw for players in The Callisto Protocol will be the story, one that’s being handled by a dedicated writing team working to create a deep story.

    “All I can say is... that my goal and the goal of the team is to make the scariest game on next-gen platforms. So if that’s what you want to play, that’s what we’re bringing.”
    The Callisto Protocol Wants to be The Scariest Next-Gen Horror Game Ever - IGN

  5. #5 SP
    Senior Member Srachi's Avatar
    Am văzut interviuri mai demult cu Schofield, omu pare sa puna suflet mult in munca lui, Dead Space au fost unice, mi-au placut mult!! Astept cu nerăbdare nou lor joc!!

  6. #6 SP
    Member Phi's Avatar

    L.E. Am incercat sa pun videoul cum puneti voi de pe YT... nu mi-a prea iesit

    And... fake news. Aparent, partea a 2a de video e din Scorn. Still looks pretty interesting, but it ain't CP

  7. #7 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    02 Decembrie 2022 pe PS, Xbox si PC.
    Nu stiam nimic despre joc pana la acest trailer dar mi-a dat instant vibe de Dead Space. Arata foarte bine si pare foarte intens.

  8. #8 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    Probabil de asta e vibe-ul de Dead Space:

    The game is being developed by Striking Distance Studios, founded by Glen Schofield, who had previously co-created the Dead Space series

  9. #9 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Foarte ciudat - nu e doar inspirat si realizat de cine a facut Dead Space. Mie mi se pare ca este chiar Dead Space... nu inteleg cum nu se activeaza nimeni de la EA sau cine detine IP-ul Dead Space.
    Acelasi costum, aceleasi animatii, acelasi sistem de dezmembrare, atmosfera, tot

  10. #10 SP
    Senior Member Srachi's Avatar
    Super, sa vina!

  11. #11 SP
    Member rzv31's Avatar
    Sper sa nu fie ca in trailer doar melee si pistol)... sunt fan seria Dead Space, asa ca e numai binevenit, arata bestial; sper sa aiba destule jumpscare-uri.

  12. #12 SP
    Senior Member Srachi's Avatar
    Precis o sa ai si alte arme, ne-au dat doar un teaser. Si la un corridor game de asta sper ca noile console pot duce si un ray tracing si ceva efecte ambientale misto.

  13. #13 SP
    Member Cristache07's Avatar
    Ma bucur ca jocul iese inainte de Dead Space Remake. Sunt curios discutiile din interiorul EA acum. Este ceva similar cu Dead Space dar totodata diferit. Il asteptam cu interes. Pentru mine Dead Space a fost cel mai bun survival horror ( prima parte).

  14. #14 SP
    Member lucicleric's Avatar
    Btw...pretul va fi de 70 de really?

  15. #15 SP
    Senior Member Srachi's Avatar
    Pai nu atata costa toate jocurile noi? 69.99 dolari in USA si la noi in Europa 79.99 euro ca suntem mai bogati ca saracii de americani

  16. #16 SP
    Senior Member Xander RO's Avatar
    Mi-a placut mult prezentarea, am iubit Dead Space, un alt 'Dead Space' cu RTX si iluminarea aia interioara nu poate da gres .

    Sper ca armele sa se simta heavy a in Dead Space, momentan pistolul ala pe care l-au aratat nu m-a convins.

  17. #17 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Srachi View Post
    Pai nu atata costa toate jocurile noi? 69.99 dolari in USA si la noi in Europa 79.99 euro ca suntem mai bogati ca saracii de americani
    Nope. Doar alea PS5 exclusives. In rest pretul a ramas la fel. 60 euro.

  18. #18 SP
    Member Papillon_'s Avatar
    Dacă ai GamePass nu mai plătești 60 de euro pe joc.

  19. #19 SP
    Member lucicleric's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Papillon_ View Post
    Dacă ai GamePass nu mai plătești 60 de euro pe joc.
    Ghinion...pentru un moment nu il vei vedea pe gamepass Oricum mi se pare nesimtit pretul, avand in vedere ca nu e vreun exclusive.
    Sincer sper sa sara internetul in sus iar pentru diferenta de pret intre ps si restul, pentru ca nu e normal

  20. #20 SP
    Member Papillon_'s Avatar
    Cum adică nu îl vom vedea pe GamePass? Apare ca o sa fie lansat pe GamePass anul asta, iar jocul iese in Decembrie.

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