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Thread: Fotbal

  1. #7181 SP
    Member ymess's Avatar
    Florentino Perez, mafiot el sau nu, e un mare maree om de afaceri. Nimeni nu poate nega asta. Cei de la UEFA sunt doar niste escroci, nu au făcut nimic notabil în viața lor. Problema cu retrogradarea e neimportanta, daca o echipa nu mai atrage interes, nu va lua bani, iar dacă vine Leicester sau Atalanta pe locul 1/2 in campionat, ghici cine vine sa ii invite, superliga. E interesul lor sa aduca echipe de tradiție și echipe în forma, înseamnă mai mulți bani pentru toată lumea. Suporterii sunt cei mai dezinformați, sa ia cașcaval de la UEFA le convine dar să împartă banii între ei nu?

  2. #7182 SP
    Member flaviud's Avatar
    Pai cum e mare om de afaceri daca clubul lui e pana peste cap bagat in datorii? Asa si eu pot fi mare om de afaceri, iau jucatori cu 500 mil, le dau salarii de 100 mil si bag clubul in datorii pt 500 de ani. Acum ceva ani a vandut primariei din Madrid un teren al clubului, la un pret supraevaluat ca sa bage toti banii in echipa cu figo, beckam etc. Acum au fost obligati de tribunal sa restituie banii, pt ca sunt considerati ajutor de stat. Si cum sa zici ca retrogadarea nu conteaza? Inseamna ca n-ai nici o treaba cu fotbalul...

  3. #7183 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar
    N-ai inteles. Legea data de UEFA e tembela. Le interzice cluburilor sa vina cu bani de acasa, la club. Adica bani privati, de la sponsori si investitori.

    Nici daca se trezeste din somn Hrusciov si toata gasca lui, nu reuseste sa dea legi si directive mai bolsevice decat astea ale UEFA.

  4. #7184 SP
    Member flaviud's Avatar
    Nu exista asa ceva, poti aduce bani de la sponsori cat doresti, nu te opreste nimeni. Legea data de uefa e ca nu ai voie sa cheltui mai mult decat produci. Si cum iti explici ca un club ca real, cu un buget de aproape 1 mld de dolari anual, se indatoreaza in fiecare an mai mult? Asta e solutia? Cluburile mari sa ramana mari si altele sa le vanda jucatori? Mai ajungea o echipa ca city sau xa psg in postura de a incerca sa ia ch league? Logic, daca superliga apare, toti sponsorii vor vrea sa se asocieze cu alea 1t echipe, jucatorii la fel vor dori sa joace la alea 15...

  5. #7185 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar
    Vorbesti un pic pe langa, fara suparare. Cluburile nu au voie sa faca infuzie de capital la club. Asta zice directiva UEFA.

  6. #7186 SP
    Member flaviud's Avatar
    Pai una e infuzie de capital si alta e bani de la sponsori. Legea e data cu un singur scop, cluburile sa nu depinda de un actionar care azi baga bani si maine pleaca si baga clubul in faliment. De ex in Germania cluburile sunt detinute 51% de suporteri, nimeni nu are voie sa detina 100% dintr-un club.

  7. #7187 SP
    Member KurtKnispel's Avatar
    Chiar aia e infuzia de capital, bani adusi la club de terte persoane/sponsori/finantatori privati.

    Iar harababura tot de la UEFA pleaca. Sponsorilor si finantatorilor le este interzis sa acopere datoriille clubului. De aici tot scandalul.

    Ok, am fost nechibzuit, am cheltuit mai mult decat trebuie, dar lasa-ma o data la 5 ani sa-mi acopar gaurile cu banii mei proprii, nu veni tu UEFA cu directive de-astea demne de partidul comunist chinez.

  8. #7188 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Benzema makes surprise return to French squad for European Championship after exile for blackmail

  9. #7189 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Inter and Antonio Conte will part ways after this season and the confirmation could come as soon as over the next 48 hours according to Italian media.

    This according to the online edition of Milan based newspaper Gazzetta dello Sport, who reports that what is left is to negotiate the terms of the mutual termination of the contract.

    This after Inter President Steven Zhang and club parent owners Suning have decided and informed the club’s directors that the club’s wage bill must be lowered by 15-20% and capital gains from player sales of of around €100 million must be achieved.

    According to the report, Conte was informed of this decision this last Saturday and took it very badly and reiterated his previous stance that he will not accept his work be undone.

    In fact, the report continues, the former Chelsea coach stated that investments must be made to help Inter compete in Europe, not to sell starting players.

    This, the report continues, situation is far from the pre-pandemic promises made and therefore the basis for which a separation will take place.

    The report continues that now talks will take place to decide on what terms the club and the coach will part ways, with sums of around €6 million being discussed.
    Antonio Conte To Leave Inter Within The Next 48 Hours, Italian Media Report

  10. #7190 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar

  11. #7191 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Football icon Zidane resigns as Real Madrid coach

  12. #7192 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by EU Court of Justice
    #ECJ : European Super League claims @UEFA / @FIFAcom in violation of #EU Competition rules in a reference from Madrid Court #football #EuropeanSuperLeague (C-333/21)

  13. #7193 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Turkey vs. Italy reaction: Alessandro Del Piero breaks down 3-0 Azzurri win | Euro 2020 | ESPN FC

    btw, a început EURO 2020

  14. #7194 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Clumsy France got what they deserved vs. Hungary! - Frank Leboeuf | Euro 2020 | ESPN FC
    Quote Originally Posted by ESPN UK
    Euro 2020 favourites France are held to a surprise draw by Hungary, blowing the race to win Group F wide open. ESPN FC’s Chris Coleman, Nedum Onuoha and Frank Leboeuf join Kelly Cates to break down the shock result, and wonder what it means for the French favourites.

    Germany flip Group F ON ITS HEAD! What did Germany get right vs. Portugal? | Euro 2020 | ESPN FC
    Quote Originally Posted by ESPN UK
    ESPN FC’s Steve McManaman and Alessandro Del Piero join Rece Davies to break down a crucial win for Germany over Portugal, that keeps their hopes of advancing from Group F at Euro 2020 very much alive.

  15. #7195 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Barca Blaugranes
    Barcelona president Joan Laporta has offered an update on Lionel Messi’s future after the captain’s contract at the Camp Nou expired at the end of June.

    The Argentina international is now, weirdly, a free agent but Laporta insists everything is “on going well” when it comes to keeping the 34-year-old at the Camp Nou.
    Laporta offers Messi update after Barcelona contract expires

  16. #7196 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Euro 2020: What would an England win mean for English identity?

    Why are England fans singing 'Sweet Caroline' at Euro 2020?

  17. #7197 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar

    Lionel Messi leads Argentina to glory for the first time claiming 2021 Copa America over Brazil

    Celebrations in Buenos Aires as Argentina claim Copa America title

    ---------- Post added 12-07-2021 at 01:33 ----------

    ITALY ARE EUROPEAN CHAMPIONS ������ After a nervy penalty shootout, the Azzurri have defeated England.

  18. #7198 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    In full: Lionel Messi holds press conference in Paris following transfer to PSG

  19. #7199 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    PlayStation x UEFA Champions League - Play Has No Limits

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