A fost updatat modulul de Tapatalk... ca de obicei, daca dati de probleme, va rog sa le postati pe forumul celor de la Tapatalk (puteti sa postati si aici, insa din pacate nu avem prea multe optiuni).

P.S. In caz ca va ajuta, acesta este changelog-ul:
Added features
Added support VBSEO URL rules for opening forums/thread/posts in app
Added support for temporary bans
Added support changing prefix when editing a thread through the app
Added support displaying redirects in a topic that has been moved or merged
Added support for the option to require new members to enter custom fields during registration
Added support for the "Force User to Read a Thread" mod.
Added ability to mark private messages as read
Removed Tapatalk Hosted Image links on shared images
More informative warning message when installations or upgrades are not completed.

Fixed vbseo enabling hook conflict issue
Fixed SSO network issue
Fixed path not found issue when using SSO
Fixed post editor information not shown issue
Fixed mobiquo interface version check failed issue
Fixed post count down time permission issue
Fixed edit reason encoding issue
Fixed error text not encoded issue
Fixed SSO compatibility issue with GlowHost_-_Spam-O-Matic mode
Fixed thanks/likes not working with Dragon bytes likes & thanks