Intotdeauna celor de la Naughty Dog le-a luat cam 3 ani pentru un joc, iar din cate stiu, pentru Uncharted 4 s-au apucat de lucru prin toamna lui 2013, imediat ce au lansat The Last Of Us. Daca presupunem ca o echipa s-ar fi apucat de lucru acum (desi nu cred, au spus ca toate eforturile lor sunt pentru realizarea lui Uncharted 4), o estimare optimista ar fi aparitia lui The Last Of Us 2 cel mai devreme prin 2018.
Revenind la scenariul viitorului joc, consider ca sunt inca multe de spus vis-a-vis de Joel si Ellie, cum ar fi :

“We all heard the stories over the years. Tales of a girl being out there, immune to all this madness. And we knew that those stories were nothing but wishful thinking, fairy tales passed along by the campfire. Believing those stories was a good measure of my desperation. I needed to find that girl. You, who followed me on this hopeless journey choose to do so. Some of you paid the ultimate price for that. For my belief… But here we are, we found the girl. We found the hope. Be careful and don’t let her bite you.”


Cu alte cuvinte, Ellie a crescut iar zvonurile despre imunitatea ei la virus s-au raspandit pe tot continentul american, ajungand la urechile mai multor factiuni de mercenari, ce pornesc in cautarea fetei.