Cred ca mai toate companiile mari s-au prins deja ca streamingul produce bani multi. De la Twitch pana la Netflix, Apple Music, etc... Pana nu demult, nici eu nu concepeam ca muzica mea sa nu fie in format fizic, sau macar sa imi cumpar propriile albume. Dar am renuntat nu doar pentru ca ma dadeau afara din casa, ci pur si simplu datorita pretului. Ce rost avea sa mai dau 15-20$ pe un album, cand cu 10$ am acces la milioane de albume? Am fost reticent, pana am facut pasul. Cum zice Khufu... e posibil ca si Google sa ma convinga, dar doar daca totul merge ceas.

Comparativ totusi... muzica o pot descarca offline de pe serviciul de streaming, jocul nu. Prin urmare, depinzi 100% de conexiunea la net. Ceea ce nu prea imi convine.

---------- Post added 19-03-2019 at 23:17 ----------

Se pare ca isi deschid si studio de gaming cu ocazia asta:
Google isn’t just launching a new gaming platform with its just-announced streaming service Stadia: it’s also becoming a game developer. At its GDC 2019 keynote, Google announced Stadia Games and Entertainment, a new first-party games studio that will be creating exclusive games for the new platform. There are few details on the studio itself, such as its size, location, or what titles it’s working on. But it’s being led by Jade Raymond, a longtime producer and executive at both EA and Ubisoft. While it may be disappointing that we don’t know much about the studio, its sheer existence signals that Google is taking this new venture seriously.