Far Cry 3 continues the insanity in January with High Tides DLC – PlayStation.Blog.Europe

Hey, gamers! The studio that brought you Far Cry 3′s online experience is preparing something big to kick off the new year: the co-op DLC pack, High Tides, exclusively on PS3 for console gamers. This January, we’re releasing two entirely new co-op chapters, Jailbreak and Redemption. These new chapters feature the culmination of all the hard work we’ve put into the main co-op campaign. They’re truly the best of the best.

High Tides will take place where the original six co-op chapters left off. These are the gang’s final moments, and we’re really challenging ourselves to go all-out. We’ve got new missions, tougher fights, bigger competitions, some great up-close time with your favorite characters, and explosive moments unlike anything you’ve seen before. Can you tell we’re excited?