Ok am notat. Luni pleaca catre tine
---------- Post added 02-10-2010 at 04:07 PM ----------
GUIDE FOR PS3 FTP SERVER Direct Hook Up PS3 To PC No Router
-You Most Have Your PS3 Jailbroke
-You Most Have PS3 FTP Server Insalled
After Hour I Got It Working With A Lan Cable/CrossOver Cable with my PS3 Directily Hooked Up To My PC.
I will Make a better guide but heres how a some simple steps
1. You Need To Bridge you PS3 To Your PC
If you dont know how to bridge here is video I found on youtube that shows you this is not my video, so all the credit goes to the maker :
YouTube - how to bridge connections in windows 7 2. After you make the bridge make sure you connect your PS3 To Your PC With The Lan Cable
3. You Need To Enter Your PS3 Network Setting Manually To Do This Go To You Network Settings On PS3 and select
-Internet Connection Settings
and set up
You Need To Enter Your IP, Subnet,Router,DNS Settings Manully (make sure you use you routers ip address is what you use for Router and DNS settings it is most likely ( linksys) or (
This Is How Mine Looked
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Default Router : (This will depend on you router: ezinearticles.com/?Default-Router-IP-Addresses&id=4341613)
Primary DNS: (Always the same as default router)
Everything else as is (make sure UPnP Is On)
4. After you do a test connection and pass both IP Address and Internet Test You are all setup to use PS3 FTP
5. Now You Need To Install FireZilla Client: filezilla-project.org
6. After you install firezilla make sure to Start The PS3 FTP Server on the PS3
7. Now Start FileZilla For The
Host: use your IP Address That Is Showing On The Screen Of The PS3
Username: FTPD12345
Password: 123 (or whatever you like)
Port: 21
and hit Quick Connect
That It You Can Now See Your PS3 On Your PC with it directly hooked up for faster transfer speeds.
Also real quick optional tutorial:
If you want to really avoid having you PS3 online you need to get your PS3 Block Your PS3 Mac Address From Your Router
To Get Your PS3 Mac Address On Your PS3 Go to:
- Network Settings
- Settings and Connection Status List
- Write down you PS3 MAC address (dont share this online)
- Go to you PC and get in to your router or
- Find You Access Resections section in your router each router is different, and restrict you PS3 Mac Address From Going Online (you have to use the mac address not IP) by downing this you do not have to worry about your PS3 updating while you online