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Thread: Clubul Xbox One

  1. #1561 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Pai in primul rand nu stai grozav cu engleza. In al doilea rand, cred si eu ca nu ti-a spus de fapt nimic pentru ca ai aburit cu 360 si prietenu' lu peste care ba vrea una, ba vrea alta si tot intrebi prostii. Daca tu crezi ca "Laura" nu s-a prins, te inseli.

    Toata smecheria ta a dat gres. It backfired.

    Oricum, stai linistit, ei oricum nu raspund la intrebari despre Xbox One. O iau mereu pe langa.

  2. #1562 SP
    Member j0hnnyReaper's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by tudyniuz View Post
    Pai in primul rand nu stai grozav cu engleza. In al doilea rand, cred si eu ca nu ti-a spus de fapt nimic pentru ca ai aburit cu 360 si prietenu' lu peste care ba vrea una, ba vrea alta si tot intrebi prostii. Daca tu crezi ca "Laura" nu s-a prins, te inseli.

    Toata smecheria ta a dat gres. It backfired.

    Oricum, stai linistit, ei oricum nu raspund la intrebari despre Xbox One. O iau mereu pe langa.
    Normal ca s-a prins... Nu-i cred asa prosti, credeam ca va avea macar o mica "scapare".

  3. #1563 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Nu au ce scapare sa aiba. Nici ei nu stiu ce se intampla

  4. #1564 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Mai, eu am o intrebare legata de Xbox One... Unde Dzeu este "One mirion trups"? Adica se putea pe Xbox 360 si nu se mai poate pe Xbox One? Nu de alta, dar as fi vrut sa vad un N33 (sau cum s-ar putea numi)

  5. #1565 SP
    Member AkF's Avatar
    Nu inteleg ce smecherie ai inteles tu ca a facut. Omul a incercat sa o intrebe pe ocolite, sperand sa obtina un raspuns. Nu raspunde nimeni probabil pentru ca inca nu au fost instruiti in legatura cu Xbox One. Ma indoiesc ca este o conspiratie impotriva celor care nu au Live la ei in tara.

  6. #1566 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Nu au fost instruiti pentru nimic, asta e si motivul pentru care evita sa dea vreun raspuns, pentru ca nici ei nu stiu. Cei care vorbesc cu noi, cu publicul, nu au indeajuns de multe informatii despre consola. In cazul asta mi se pare o greseala majora sa ii lasi sa comunice cu publicul cand ei nu stiu sa raspunda la intrebarile cele mai importante.

  7. #1567 SP
    Senior Member naz's Avatar
    Desi cred ca e fake, ce as mai rade sa-i blocheze si pe americani haha
    Microsoft Confirms Xbox One Will Only Work in 21 States in the US at Launch | Play4Real

  8. #1568 SP
    Senior Member mark's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by j0hnnyReaper View Post
    Uitati discutia pe care am avut-o cu o tipa de la Xbox Live Support legata de chestia ca 'Xbox One nu va putea fi accesat decat in regiuni inregistrate in XBL'.
    Prima data am facut pe prostul si am incercan sa intreb de Xbox 360.

    Dati-va si voi cu parerea... ce ziceti?
    No more xbox for romania, simple.

  9. #1569 SP
    Member razu's Avatar
    “You can relocate to a state that has Xbox One support, you can purchase an Xbox 360 which has no location restrictions, or you can wait patiently until support arrives at your state by 2015 or later.”

    sigur e fake, dar cine a formulat raspunsul e fantastic!

  10. #1570 SP
    __The Game__ GreyhounD's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by mark View Post
    No more xbox for romania, simple.
    Ar fi tragic sa se intample asa o magarie, inca sper sa nu fie asa.
    Eu unul simt ca as pierde o parte importanta din jocuri daca nu m-as putea juca si pe Xbox One, nu vad treaba asta ca un lucru de bucurie.

  11. #1571 SP
    Senior Member mark's Avatar
    Ganditi-va ca si daca ar fi vre-un artificiu prin care sa putem juca pe x1 gen cum e acum pe x360 sigur va fi complicat. Pt noi nu, dar pt 90% din taticii si mamicile din Romania va fi. Vor intreba simplu la alegerea consolei: - Ce face una mai bine ca alta? Raspuns vanzator (onest): - Pai pe PS4 va puteti juca, iar pe X1 va uitati doar la TV si filme. - Ok. vreau un PS4 pt baiatul nostru.
    PS4 win! End of story!

  12. #1572 SP
    Turbo Killer RonanN1's Avatar
    Every piece of news following the Xbox One reveal unfortunately comes lined with a notion of negativity. The foggy future of used games, internet connection requirement and mandatory Kinect overwhelmed the fact they we will see another next generation console this year. With the Xbox One, Microsoft even presented their ambitious promise of 15 exclusive games.
    Since many features and details still remain unclear, why not instead enjoy the new Xbox One announcement and get a closer look at the hardware from different angles. Until many more of the Xbox One's details reach a final state, rotate, zoom and analyze the hardware of the Xbox One.
    Like VCRs, which the Xbox One reminds me of; Microsoft's new console will not eject a tray to place your media. The Xbox One's disc tray stays inside of the console where you can slip in a Blu Ray disc through the open slot.
    To get a better sense of the size, you can compare the Kinect and console to the now improved controller. The controller's new rumbling triggers won't provide any resistance, but they will at least provide different levels of individually controlled feedback.
    A lot of the consoles functions still remains limited to the available information, but with the Kinect's inclusion in every console, expect more games to feature Kinect functionality like voice commands in Call of Duty: Ghosts.

  13. #1573 SP
    Cons. Mercedes-Benz djleo666's Avatar
    unarticol foarte interesat despre CPU-urile din Ps4 si Xbox One, precum si despre cum s-a ajuns la alegerea AMD in favoarea celorlalti producatori de procesoare : AnandTech | AMD’s Jaguar Architecture: The CPU Powering Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Kabini & Temash

  14. #1574 SP
    CG Editor Dant3's Avatar
    Începând cu 1:58

  15. #1575 SP
    Senior Member Scofield91's Avatar
    S-a mai postat o dată. No offense!

  16. #1576 SP
    Senior Member poiuyt's Avatar
    incepe sa aibe logica denumirea de Xbox ONE !

    pai este prima consola de genul acesteia, asa ca merita sa fie The ONE sunt curios ce se va intampla daca nu o sa aibe vanzari

    Scot alta consola Slim fara restrictii ? sau pur si simplu MS renunta la capitolul console..

  17. #1577 SP
    Senior Member iPaul's Avatar
    Translated from one of the main general papers in Spain:

    We unveiled 20 titles for Xbox One, of which 17 are exclusive to this console. I do not think Sony can say the same. What I hear is that before launching we are better positioned, with a complete value proposition. With the installed Skype voice service and Kinect motion sensor included. No point in winning a show, because the test will be the consumer. In the long run our console will win.

    In answer to the question:
    Is not it excessive to have to connect at least every 24 hours for it to work?

    No. It is a mere connection to check who the user is and what is in your account. It doesn´t require a powerful connection. Just use a mobile for the check.

    In answer to the question:
    Are we witnessing the last generation with physical based support?

    I understand that there are moments when you want to have the physical product, as with children at Christmas, you do not have patience to download. Each country is different, with their customs, and other connections, so we decided to leave.

  18. #1578 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Eu cred ca singurul mod in care Microsoft isi mai poate spala din pacate (si doar partial), ar fi ca in launch day sa includa Romania pe lista tarilor cu Live. Daca fac asta, eu sunt dispus sa le iert multe dintre aberatii si probleme. Daca nu... si baga iar faze de genul "incercam sa ne extindem si in alte tari precum Romania", atunci... sa fie sanatosi.

  19. #1579 SP
    Banned Venom's Avatar
    Asa, si daca telefonul meu nu poate sa dea wireless la consola? Adica sa zic ca folosesc un android sau un apple. Ce fac? Imi iau ceva cu windows ca sa fac tethering?

  20. #1580 SP
    \ tudyniuz's Avatar
    Si iPhone-urile dar si Android-ele au tethering. Dar nu asta e problema.

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