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Thread: Totul despre accesoriile consolei Sony PlayStation 5

  1. #101 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar

    Totul despre accesoriile consolei Sony PlayStation 5

    Quote Originally Posted by Encman View Post
    LE: Legat de charging station are curent la porturi tot timpul? Sau este dependent de setarile consolei pe rest mode de exemplu sau?
    Se alimenteaza la priza, deci e complet independent de consola.

  2. #102 SP
    Member gabridinu's Avatar
    Pentru cei ce nu vor cabluri si au doar un controller.

    Pentru mine nu are rost. Am charging station si 2 controllere. Deci mereu unul ready to use.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #103 SP
    Member Kratos666's Avatar
    Îmi zice cineva cum se simte căștile pulse 3d, după o sesiune mai lunga? Vreau sa merg în magazin la o probă. De exemplu am încercat alea platinum și nu sunt pentru mine. Niște păreri personale cei care-l deține? Mulțam

  4. #104 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Nu sunt cele mai confortabile, cel putin in cazul meu, fiind rotunde (iar urechea nu este rotunda), astfel ca te va durea urechea daca nu ai urechi de copil.

  5. #105 SP
    Member Kratos666's Avatar
    Păi sincer de asta imi este frică, am de vreo 2 ani jumate hyperx flight, astea sunt foarte bune la confort și nu numai....dar din păcate pielea de pe cască se uzează. Încerc astăzi sa le probez și revin cu păreri personale

  6. #106 SP
    Senior Member GabiCutlac's Avatar
    Mie mi se par foarte comode, sunt destul de moi. Am jucat si 3 ore încontinuu cu ele si nu m-au durut urechile (nu știu dacă am "urechi de copil" sau nu). De sunet nu pot sa zic mare lucru pt ca nu am altceva la același pret ca sa le compar. Bineînțeles ca față de Logitech-urile de 230 de lei dinainte, astea se aud mai bine, cumva parcă aud mai multe detalii. Bateria tine suficient, 10-12 ore. Cu butoanele de pe căști m-am obișnuit mai greu pana am învățat fiecare ce e fără sa ma uit.

  7. #107 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar
    Cand am zis de "urechi de copil" ma refeream ca buretele sa acopere perfect urechea, fara sa te apese deloc.
    La mine nu este cazul si nu inteleg de ce au mers pe forma asta. Urechile sunt ovale, nu rotunde

  8. #108 SP
    Member iliedobre's Avatar
    Eu nu am probleme nici dupa 4 ore, e clar un upgarde fata de vechile Sony Gold dpdv al confortului.

  9. #109 SP
    Member Kratos666's Avatar
    Mă așteptam la mai rău, pana acum sunt mulțumit de ele, ieri am stat cam 3 ore ,astăzi la fel și nici un deranj... Cu butoanele m-am obișnuit, sunet foarte ok la jocuri și chiar în muzică, au efecte sonore frumoase. La contra pot să adaug microfonul (ziceau prieteni că sunt auzi puțin înfundat)și poate bateria. Deci una peste alta, sunt căști foarte bune din punctul meu de vedere, o să revin cu detalii în timp.

  10. #110 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Se testeaza in beta update:
    Which M.2 SSDs can be used with a PS5 console?

    It’s important that you only use a supported M.2 SSD to expand your PS5 console storage. Make sure you’re using an M.2 SSD that meets the following requirements. As this is a beta, please note the final specifications may change ahead of the official system software release.

    M.2 SSD requirements for PS5 consoles

    Interface: PCIe Gen4 x4 M.2 NVMe SSD

    Capacity: 250GB – 4TB

    Cooling structure: Using an M.2 SSD with your PS5 console requires effective heat dissipation with a cooling structure, such as a heatsink. You can attach one to your M.2 SSD yourself, either in a single-sided format, or double-sided format. There are also M.2 SSDs that have cooling structures (such as heatsinks) built in.

    Sequential read speed: 5,500MB/s or faster is recommended

    Module width: 22mm width (25mm width is not supported)

    Form Factor: M.2 type 2230, 2242, 2260, 2280 and 22110.
    These numbers can be found on retail listings for M.2 SSD devices. The first two digits refer to the width, the remaining digits to the length.

    Socket type: Socket 3 (Key M)

    Total size including cooling structure:
    In millimeters: smaller than 110mm (L) x 25mm (W) x 11.25mm (H).
    In inches: smaller than 4.33in (L) x 0.984 in (W) x 0.442in (H).

    See below for full requirements.

    The following M.2 SSD lengths are compatible with PS5 consoles:
    30mm, 42mm, 60mm, 80mm, 110mm (corresponding to the form factor type, per above).

    A 22mm-wide M.2 SSD module is required.
    The total structure (including an added cooling structure) cannot exceed 25mm (0.984in).

    - The total height of the M.2 SSD and its cooling structure (such as a heatsink) – whether built-in or separate – must be less than 11.25mm (0.442in).
    - The height must also be in the right place, in relation to the M.2 SSD’s circuit board:

    The size below the board must be less than 2.45mm (0.096in). The total size above the board must be less than 8mm (0.314in).
    (Note: millimeter measurements are the technical standard and are more precise than inches. We recommend double-checking that the total dimensions of M.2 SSD and heatsink products you’re considering meet the millimeter requirements before purchasing)

    - Both single-sided and double-sided M.2 SSD devices are supported.
    - M.2 SATA SSDs aren’t supported.
    - You should carefully review drive specifications prior to purchase and contact the vendor or manufacturer if you need further information. SIE cannot guarantee that all M.2 SSD devices meeting the described specifications will work with your console and assumes no responsibility for the selection, performance or use of third-party products.
    - Not all games are necessarily playable with the exact same performance provided by the PS5 console’s internal Ultra-High Speed SSD, even where the M.2 SSD device’s sequential read speed is faster than 5500MB/s.
    - The majority of M.2 SSD devices with the above type numbers (M Key Type 2230, 2242, 2260, 2280 and 22110) and without a built-in cooling structure will fit the PS5 console’s SSD slot. However, sizes for cooling structures (like heatsinks) vary greatly. If you are not sure an M.2 SSD or cooling structure (such as a heatsink) you’re considering meets the size requirements outlined here, we recommend looking for another product option or contacting the vendor or manufacturer for more information.

    If you experience problems while playing a game installed on M.2 SSD storage, move the game to the internal Ultra-High Speed console storage.
    How to add an M.2 SSD to a PS5 console US
    Primul SSD compatibil anuntat este Seagate Firecuda 530:
    We have done some testing with Sony on the PlayStation 5 and today we can confirm that the FireCuda 530 with the heatsink has met all the PS5 requirements. With the PS5 design, the SSD card slot is very narrow, so there's not much room for the SSD to mount. However, with the FireCuda 530 – even with the heatsink on the top – the slim design allows for it to fit. Of course, the FireCuda 530 without the heatsink is slimmer, so both of them will fit into the PS5.”

    – Country Manager for Seagate Technology, ANZ, Jeff Park
    Seagate confirms FireCuda 530 is PlayStation 5 ready
    Preturi fara heatsink:
    500GB - $149.99
    1TB - $254.99
    2TB - $514.99
    4TB - $999.99

    Preturi cu heatsink:
    500GB - $169.99
    1TB - $274.99
    2TB - $569.99
    4TB - $1049.99
    FireCuda 530 Solid State Drive | Seagate US
    Attached Images Attached Images m2-heatsink-built-en.jpg m2-heatsink-double-sided-en.jpg m2-heatsink-single-sided-en.jpg seagate_firecuda_530_product-detail-product-image-1_l.png

  11. #111 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Western Digital confirma ca WD_BLACK SN850 respecta cerintele date de Sony (se asteptau la asta de cand l-au anuntat) si ca le testeaza:
    “Based on Sony’s published requirements, we can confirm our WD_BLACK SN850 NVMe SSD with Heatsink (500GB-2TB) meets the stated requirements to expand console storage on the PlayStation 5 for those with access to the PlayStation 5 Beta software. Compatibility testing is in progress.”
    Preturi without heatsink:
    - 500GB - $119.99 (redus de la $149.99)
    - 1TB - $199.99 (redus de la $229.99)
    - 2TB - $399.99 (redus de la $529.99)

    Preturi with heatsink:
    - 500GB - $139.99 (redus de la $169.99)
    - 1TB - $249.99
    - 2TB - $429.99 (redus de la $549.99)
    WD_BLACK™ SN850 NVMe™ SSD | Western Digital Store

  12. #112 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    Cerny a ales WD:

  13. #113 SP
    Senior Member Se7en Fury's Avatar
    Poți adaugă un al doilea SSD și în același timp să ai și 1 HDD extern?

  14. #114 SP
    Admin MonkY's Avatar
    Se7en Fury: cu siguranță.

    Meanwhile, poate vreți un monitor pentru PS5.
    Attached Images Attached Images playstation_5_portable_monitor_03.jpg playstation_5_portable_monitor_04.jpg playstation_5_portable_monitor_05.jpg playstation_5_portable_monitor_06.jpg playstation_5_portable_monitor_07.jpg playstation_5_portable_monitor_08.jpg playstation_5_portable_monitor_09.jpg playstation_5_portable_monitor_10.jpg playstation_5_portable_monitor_11.jpg playstation_5_portable_monitor_12.jpg playstation_5_portable_monitor_01.jpg playstation_5_portable_monitor_02.jpg

  15. #115 SP
    Senior Member Espiritus's Avatar
    But why? Îți iei și o baterie de mașină electrică și transformi PS5 în consola portabila?

  16. #116 SP
    Why so serious ? razvanrazy's Avatar

  17. #117 SP
    Manager paul's Avatar
    M.2 SSD Storage Upgrade vs. PS5 Internal Drive Loading Time Tests!:

    PS5 Firmware 2.0 tested: M.2 NVMe storage upgrades - can they match the stock drive? •
    Attached Images Attached Images ps5_ssd_eurogamer_test_01.jpeg ps5_ssd_eurogamer_test_02.jpeg ps5_ssd_eurogamer_test_03.jpeg

  18. #118 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    Upgrading The PS5 SSD (How To)

    ---------- Post added 09-08-2021 at 22:49 ----------

    PS5 - The Best SSDs To Consider For Expanding The Console's Storage Space

  19. #119 SP
    Senior Member dronology's Avatar
    PS5 SSD Upgrade: Installing 2TB SSD + Heatsink

    PS5 SSD 2TB UPGRADE INSTALL - I never want to do this ever again.

  20. #120 SP
    Junior Member Draqullla's Avatar
    Accesorii accesorii.... dar un internal fan de la Delta var A - gasim pe undeva de achizitionat?
    Am un Nidec fan cu 17blades in loc de cel silentios cu 23blades - si tare as vrea sa il schimb, sincer ma deranjeaza ca-l aud.
    Il vreau pe silent.Sunt dispus sa-mi fac acest moft si sa-l schimb.

    Un magazin ceva in Ro sau EU, ca n-as risca cu aliexpress ?

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